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  1. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  2. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  3. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  4. cml750

    World War III ??? Maybe

  5. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  6. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  7. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  8. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  9. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    We are living in a Romans 1 society. People have been given over to a reprobate mind. Pay close attention to the scripture below Romans 1 KJV 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power...
  10. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

    lol, Next thing you know they will be demanding that robots need work breaks.
  11. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

    OJ's hearse
  12. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

  13. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  14. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  15. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  16. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  17. cml750

    The Disease of Leftism

    This is why they will not let Trump win at ANY cost. It is going to be a wild ride the closer the election gets.
  18. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

  19. cml750

    Like Fun, Only Different...

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