
Super Moderator
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that would be the fuckin day you put me in a quarantine camp w/o a fight,,, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you



Pro Bowler
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Commiefornia at its finest can just fuck right off!



Pro Bowler
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Trevor Lawrence tested positive for COVID and will isolate and miss at least the next game


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I shoot, eat, piss, and write with my left hand

Everything else I do with my right hand

Ha! Me too except I shoot with my right hand. But I eat, write left-handed, throw, bat, golf right-handed. My brother is the exact opposite of me. I can bowl and with either arm and kick with either leg.


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Yesterday, the US reported 91,530 new cases of COVID-19, the highest daily total since the beginning of the pandemic. Bad, you say? Well, Europe is more than 2 months into a second wave and yesterday France, Italy, UK and Spain reported 121,000 new cases despite having only only about 2/3 of the US population. France's 47,637 new cases is equivalent to 242,000 new cases in the US.

The lessons I hope everyone is learning are you cannot stop a virus from spreading without Draconian measures that would crush other parts of our society, and before judging how effective we were in responding to a virus it is best to wait until it is all over and behind us. While Andrew Cuomo has been prancing around like a peacock over the fact his states has been largely unaffected since the initial outbreak and deaths, it appears NY is beginning a second wave of its own. We will have to wait and see how severe the second wave is but judging from what we are seeing in Europe, the 2nd wave will be worse than the first, in terms of spread.

This was predicted by some way back when lockdowns were announced. We were supposed to 'flatten the curve" not stop the virus. The fact is, we did that. But the virus has not gone away so when states re-open, the virus spreads again. The only way to stop the virus is herd immunity which can be from infections or a combination of infections, antibodies, and a vaccine. The vaccine is 2 months away, at least. Be prepared, but please do not hoard toilet paper again. That was stupid back in March and it will be equally stupid now.


Pro Bowler
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so anybody wanna give up your guns yet ?

Shiver me timbers!

wonder if that was shot during lockdown while the streets and roads were empty. I couldn't help but think, as I watched the videos from around the world of empty cities, what a great canvas it made for movies, art, photography


High Plains Drifter
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what if that never happens and it becomes like the cold where there is no cure/vaccine?

How long does it take us to realize we're going to have to learn to live with it?
Yeah they act like it'll go away magically once bad orange man is gone. They should know.


Practice Squad
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Yeah they act like it'll go away magically once bad orange man is gone. They should know.
the price of division

some things need cool minded deliberate thinking - orange hair is sort of entertaining but don't solve problems


High Plains Drifter
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the price of division
View attachment 7460

some things need cool minded deliberate thinking - orange hair is sort of entertaining but don't solve problems
"Division" doesn't explain the map. In fact the map itself doesn't explain anything and isn't even to the point being addressed. Looks like the Johns-Hopkins map from March actually. It's not relevant to the point I was addressing.

Here's the point I was addressing:
"what if that never happens and it becomes like the cold where there is no cure/vaccine?
How long does it take us to realize we're going to have to learn to live with it?"

My reply is commenting on the thinking that seems to be out there, that somehow just by regime change, we're going to "eradicate" this virus. Like we did with the flu, any other SARS of which this is one, etc and so on. Hell, even polio was never "eradicated."

At some point Big Boy pants have to go on and we have to accept it's always going to be here, just like the flu.


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the price of division
View attachment 7460

some things need cool minded deliberate thinking - orange hair is sort of entertaining but don't solve problems

Yesterday , Belgium, a country of 11.6 million people, reported just under 24,000 new cases of Coronavirus. That is the equivalent of 680,000 new cases in the US. France reported almost 50,000 new cases, or the equivalent of 250,000 in the US. The entire world is dealing with this virus and learning it cannot be stopped with lock downs unless we are willing to lock down until there is an effective vaccine. Locking down only delays the inevitable, masks or no masks. If we don't get a vaccine we are going to have to reach herd immunity. The US is the #1 economy in the world. If we shut the entire country down for 6 months, the world economy will collapse. Even WHO has come around to thinking that is a very bad idea and the consequences would be worse than the disease.

The good news is the fatality rate is getting lower as we find new and better ways to treat the ill. We need to break through the fear. CV-19 is not like stage 4 cancer. For young people it is not even as bad as the flu.

Al Uminium

Big Al comin' at ya!
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Looks like the Johns-Hopkins map from March actually
It's become a trope for trolls actually. Map is indeed from JH but it's cumulative cases by COUNTY, and Canada and Mexico don't break it down that way. So you get those stray red dots away from metropolitan areas making it look to the uninformed like places such as Toronto, Vancouver and Mexico City remain covid free. Only an idiot would believe something that stupid. Trolls like to use this map either out of ignorance of what it really is, or dishonestly and with this particular troll I reason for the latter. Hard to be sure though, since the troll who posted the image has shown himself to be both ignorant and dishonest.

It does also appear to be from very early in the tracking, possibly even as early as March. Today on the same map live at JH website, the US part of it is much more dense with red but Canada and Mexico appear unchanged other than just bigger red dots - because of the way cumulative cases are reported. Not because Mexico and Canada's big cities are covid free. It's no coincidence there are only 10 dots on the map for Canada, that's how many provinces it has. The one big dot for Mexico means they are only reporting nationally, not by state.

At the JH site you can load the live maps any time you want, and even have the graphic representations just about any way you want them.

Al Uminium

Big Al comin' at ya!
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"lean neither to right hand nor the left ..."
You keep quoting that bible line from Proverbs like it has some meaning at all. Is it your retarded way of trying to claim you're not a partisan leftist hack? You're just a troll. Never answer factual posts, never engage in honest discussion, you just take a shit in threads then run. Your usefulness on the web is a negative number.


Practice Squad
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You keep quoting that bible line from Proverbs like it has some meaning at all.
it wouldn't have meaning for you

I keep quoting the DOI (Ben Franklin et al) and Solomon because these are great matters we are discussing.
Their logic will always stand the test of time. And these are great matters we are discussing.

You, on the other hand, keep promoting the most infamous liar and whore chaser (i. e. fool) in all human history.


High Plains Drifter
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You, on the other hand, keep promoting the most infamous liar and whore chaser (i. e. fool) in all human history.
Where are you seeing Al do anything like that? Quote his posts where he has promoted anyone.


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Yesterday, France reported 854 deaths from COVID-19 in 1 day. That is the equivalent of more than 4200 in one day in the US. The pandemic is getting worse and any who says they have a plan to stop it is a liar. Be prepared for more lock downs.
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