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Its shocking to me that the Cowboys still attract so many young fans!!
Not really, they dont know any better, to them the 2017 season is ancient history. Kids today are happy to wear a jersey and sit around playing Madden, and fuck around on their phones. It is really weird but it dawned on me today that the most important day in Cowboys history was the day Clint Murchison decided he WASNT a football guy. If he was like Jerry there never would have been an Americas team.
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Not really, they dont know any better, to them the 2017 season is ancient history. Kids today are happy to wear a jersey and sit around playing Madden, and fuck around on their phones. It is really weird but it dawned on me today that the most important day in Cowboys history was the day Clint Murchison decided he WASNT a football guy. If he was like Jerry there never would have been an Americas team.

There's truth in that.


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I can tolerate even homers as long as they don't have that condescending view that somehow they are a superior human being to you because they will drink the kool-aid no matter how much it has been pissed in by the management.
Very true. Homer all you want, but come with facts, problem is they never do. Call em out, and they vanish like a fart in the wind.


High Plains Drifter
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Most of the homers are completely disconnected from reality.
It's like we all used to be when we were in our teens - the team can do no wrong and we're not at all objective. Some of us grew up.


Pro Bowler
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as long as they don't have that condescending view that somehow they are a superior human being to you because they will drink the kool-aid no matter how much it has been pissed in by the management

That shit drives me NUTS

The notion that one is somehow morally superior because of how they support the team makes my head explode, not just because of the lunacy of this view but more importantly because the mass of minions that think this way allow jeri to get away with his gross incompetence


High Plains Drifter
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i got no problem with the three superbowls. I don't like all of Jerry's decisions but i also don't blame him for every single misfortune like some..
I'll put this as succinctly as I can.

The mother fucker takes all credit for the 3 super bowls. Therefore he gets all the credit for the 22 years of mediocrity since. Only a idiot would let him off his own fucking hook. He IS to blame for every single misfortune. Period.


Quality Starter
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I'll put this as succinctly as I can.

The mother fucker takes all credit for the 3 super bowls. Therefore he gets all the credit for the 22 years of mediocrity since. Only a idiot would let him off his own fucking hook. He IS to blame for every single misfortune. Period.

Yeah, I tried to cover this early in the thread in a broader sense. Thanks for being succinct. Hopefully we have a quick learner on our hands.


High Plains Drifter
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Yeah, I tried to cover this early in the thread in a broader sense. Thanks for being succinct. Hopefully we have a quick learner on our hands.

Wasn't it Jerruh who coined "jocks and socks?" okay then. He is the owner, president and general manager. So yes he sure as fuck is responsible for every little fucking detail.

I know, preaching to the choir. I'd missed that backhand defense of Jerry by Superstar before. Pissed me right the fuck off when I really read it.
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I am not a young fan though i may n ot be as old as some of you. I have always been a Cowboy fan since the early seventies when the tv ONLY had three chan nels and the Cowboys were always on cause they truly were America's team and they won ..not always but enough to capture the hearts of a generation. I remember some tough losses during that era and i remember the swirling sound during the eighties as the franchise went so far down the bowl talks of moving the franchise to the west coast surfaced.
While i don't condone everything Jerry does i do respect that he dragged this franchise (once) out of the toilet and put it back on the mountain. You can say he did it with Jimmy and I agree but the reality is he hired Jimmy and together they orchestrated a perfect storm for a few years, after that he tried to recreate the success but the bar was already raised. Now he suffers from his own success and nothing less than the sb will do for many fans. I want the next sb as much as the rest of you but i am also tempered with the struggles that all franchises have and they didn't "start" with Jerry, they are just part of the business. It's hard to win in the nfl and Jerry know this as do i.
That said i don't have a problem with anyone that hates Jerry, in fact i learned early on that success almost always breeds hate eventually. In short i think this franchise can win a sb in spite of Jerry
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an when i say i have always been a Cowboy fan I mean it. My neighbor was a Steelers fan when i was a kid. I was ab out seven when i punched him in the nose for it.
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Now he suffers from his own success and nothing less than the sb will do for many fans.

Ha. The only thing Jerry suffers from these days is dementia. As for 'nothing less than the SB will do for many fans' - we've won 2 playoff games in 22 years. I'd be happy if we could just make the Conference Championship game. In fact, I'd dance the Fandango if we could just manage back to back playoff seasons.


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That shit drives me NUTS

The notion that one is somehow morally superior because of how they support the team makes my head explode, not just because of the lunacy of this view but more importantly because the mass of minions that think this way allow jeri to get away with his gross incompetence

could never understand how they could preen and strut despite being wrong year after year. somewhere along the line, loyalty to Jerry and his inbred family trumped winning and demands for accountability.


Super Moderator
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It's like we all used to be when we were in our teens - the team can do no wrong and we're not at all objective. Some of us grew up.

I was a homer up until Campo, knowing that we had to rebuild and knowing that we needed to find another franchise QB. I didn't even fault the jerk for the poor drafts of the mid to late 90's because I understood he was trying to keep the dynasty together as best he could or at least the best he knew how. My only hope for the Parcells years was for him to build us into a contender again and to find a franchise QB before he left. he did both. Then Jerry went full blown ****** again and hired Wade and the Red Dolt. I knew then it was over.


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We have a GM and a head coach who would never get hired at their respective positions by any other team in the league. Let that sink in.
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I am not Jerry, let's just make that clear right now. I have thick skin and am probably not gonna change my opinion to go along with the crowd. Most of you hate Jerry and i am fine with that but i ain't gonna ignore reality and accept that Jerry is the boss but he don't control everything. Players make plays, coaches teach them how, scouts have to find capable players, they all have jobs to do. Yes Jerry is at the top and again i don't have a problem with anyone not liking him. However i am also not gonna hate my favorite team just because there is a Jerry in charge.
As for the Cowboys, i may not like meatloaf the best but when i get hungry i will eat. I may not like the Cowboys losing but i also don't like the other 31 teams so when i watch football i watch the or lose.
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my opinion on the Garrett issue is that the revolving door at hc wasn't doing any good. Is Garrett the best right coach for the job, probably not but he is what we are saddled with right now. Yes Jerry hired him so ultimately it is Jerry's fault he has failed but why could be debated for an entire off season at least.
I do think Linehan outlived his usefulness a couple of years ago when he couldn't score a td no matter who the qb or rb was. I want a OC who can score without the superstar players. One who knows how to compensate for inadequacies.
Can Jerry do better? Hell yeah
Will he do better? Hell no
But i ain't letting that b ring me down


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However i am also not gonna hate my favorite team just because there is a Jerry in charge.

er, we criticize and scold because we love the team and want them to do better. you should realize by now that Jerry's arrogance and ego are impediments to winning.
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I would like to know the reason behind Jerry pulling the forums. I have been researching and think it may be an effort for the nfl to clean up its image and quash the dislike for the protests by the players. I don't think Jerry closed the forum just because some were critical cause that's been going on since he bought the team. The excuse i heard from the organization was that they wanted to go in a different direction and take advantage of social media sites like twitter and facebook but i don't buy that line . I feel like the nfl wanted to funnel all comments through their own filters to seem more patriotic and hide the protests. That is not gonna work as the players will find another way to express themselves though i don't agree with what they are doing. The networks had the ability to quash it all in the beginning but they kept showing the players kneeling and in essence gave them a voice, now it's gonna be hard to take it away.
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