
Reaction score
One- You have no idea who did this
Two- Was Timothy McVeigh a muslim

It's pretty ignorant to just paint a broad stroke at all Muslims


Allegedly Hussein-al-Husseini, an Iraqi soldier in Saddam Hussein's Army, sat beside Timothy McVeigh in the Ryder truck financed by Ramzi Youseff (Khalid Sheik Muhammad's nephew).
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Super Moderator
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One- You have no idea who did this
Two- Was Timothy McVeigh a muslim

It's pretty ignorant to just paint a broad stroke at all Muslims

Timothy McVeigh attacked a government institution. he did exactly what domestic, anti-government radicals would do. This was an attack against civilians, just as 9/11 was. Yes, I could be wrong, but what's truly ignorant is not understaning the issues and threats we face.

If Muslims don't want people to point the finger at them or their religion, then they need to police themselves and clean up the perversion of their own religion done, not by me, but by themselves. Let the Muslim clerics, en mass, stand and condemn these attacks, just like the Pope condemns violence of any kind (and I'm not Catholic).

If they want people like me to change my perception, that's easy....just allow the same freedom of religion that all civilized nations covet and hold dear. Don't imprison a Christian pastor and torture the man for his religious beliefs. Don't behead people because they're part of a Christian aid group trying to help those less fortune in your rat hole country. Don't blow up trains, buses and fly airplanes into skyscrapers and then dance in the streets; maybe then I'll be more tolerant and won't be so quick to judge.


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Timothy McVeigh was Muslim Terrorist, Argues US Senator

byIansInsightsFollow .


Rumors that executed Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was Muslim have been gaining traction on the Internet after Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe (R), the same man who remains openly suspicious President Obama may be a native Kenyan citizen, said he agreed there is a strong probability McVeigh had been "another Muslim terrorist all along," before the senator insisted, in abrupt and non sequitur fashion, "They hate us for our freedoms!"

McVeigh's religion was first called into question in a December 27th editorial in the Beaumont Enterprise by Travis Hudson. A Beaumont, Tex., resident and Kroger supermarket cashier, Hudson announced what he termed "an open and shut case" about McVeigh's spiritual beliefs.

"Realistically and indubitably, the man was a Muslim," Hudson wrote of McVeigh, who was executed on June 11, 2001 after being convicted of the 11 counts on his federal indictment including the "use of a weapon of mass destruction."

"Blew up a whole damn building, killed more Americans than 9/11. What else could he be?" continued the factually dubious column. The previously understood lifelong Christian killed a total of 168 people in the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Okla. It was the deadliest act of terrorism in United States history until 2001, when more than 3,000 people died in the September 11 attacks.

"I know what the Jewish media expects us to believe about al-McVeigh, and him supposedly being Christian like us," Hudson later said with a chuckle when interviewed on KFDM-TV Channel 6, the CBS affiliate in Beaumont, "but tell me, what Christian would do that? It's not credible. You know a thousand American kids younger than 5 died that day in Oklahoma?"

Official government figures indicate six children under the age of 6 perished in the bombing.

Hudson noted that not only were all of the 9/11 terrorists "nutty Islamists," but so was al Qaeda member Richard Reid, better known as the December 2001 shoe bomber; and Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called underwear bomber of Christmas Day, 2009.

"Once is chance, twice is coincidence and the third time is a pattern," Hudson proudly declared. "You don't need to pass the fourth grade, and I did not, to know when to go for the two-point conversion."

Sen. Inhofe backed up Hudson's controversial claims, extending federal government credit to the notion.

"Nobody denies that McVeigh was a mass murdering terrorist. You do the math. No red-blooded American can deny Muslims are the ones who do that," Inhofe said. "Ronald Reagan defeated communism!" he continued.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations denounced "what is nothing more than another unfounded piece of Internet fiction." American Civil Liberties Union representatives were asked for a reaction to Hudson's original claims, and the impact on Muslims in this country, but a spokesperson said the organization declined to dignify him with a response. Public reception to the ACLU's refusal to acknowledge the issue was swift and decisive. Among startling new poll results, 98% of white men in Beaumont (municipal slogan: "If the United States gets an enema, the tube is inserted here") and surrounding southeastern Texas replied they were now either "positive" or "pretty sure" that McVeigh was Muslim.

A 16-year Senate veteran, Jim Inhofe is the ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works. He responded to concerns citing the complete lack of evidence even suggesting McVeigh to have been Muslim, with some saying McVeigh had never personally known anybody of the Islamic faith.

"You stand before me with your facts and figures, claiming there is no chance this terrorist, this suicide bomber, might not be an Islamist?" Inhofe replied, incorrectly labeling McVeigh, who was executed at the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana, a suicide bomber.

"Was he Muslim? Let me answer your question with another question: Does the Pope shit in the woods?" The senator added, "9/11!" and "Did you know we're such a dim nation that many people would probably read this entire satire without realizing it was a joke?!"
Originally posted to IansInsights on Mon Jan 03, 2011 at 04:24 PM PST.


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Timothy McVeigh was Muslim Terrorist, Argues US Senator

byIansInsightsFollow .


Rumors that executed Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was Muslim have been gaining traction on the Internet after Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe (R), the same man who remains openly suspicious President Obama may be a native Kenyan citizen, said he agreed there is a strong probability McVeigh had been "another Muslim terrorist all along," before the senator insisted, in abrupt and non sequitur fashion, "They hate us for our freedoms!"

McVeigh's religion was first called into question in a December 27th editorial in the Beaumont Enterprise by Travis Hudson. A Beaumont, Tex., resident and Kroger supermarket cashier, Hudson announced what he termed "an open and shut case" about McVeigh's spiritual beliefs.

"Realistically and indubitably, the man was a Muslim," Hudson wrote of McVeigh, who was executed on June 11, 2001 after being convicted of the 11 counts on his federal indictment including the "use of a weapon of mass destruction."

"Blew up a whole damn building, killed more Americans than 9/11. What else could he be?" continued the factually dubious column. The previously understood lifelong Christian killed a total of 168 people in the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Okla. It was the deadliest act of terrorism in United States history until 2001, when more than 3,000 people died in the September 11 attacks.

"I know what the Jewish media expects us to believe about al-McVeigh, and him supposedly being Christian like us," Hudson later said with a chuckle when interviewed on KFDM-TV Channel 6, the CBS affiliate in Beaumont, "but tell me, what Christian would do that? It's not credible. You know a thousand American kids younger than 5 died that day in Oklahoma?"

Official government figures indicate six children under the age of 6 perished in the bombing.

Hudson noted that not only were all of the 9/11 terrorists "nutty Islamists," but so was al Qaeda member Richard Reid, better known as the December 2001 shoe bomber; and Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called underwear bomber of Christmas Day, 2009.

"Once is chance, twice is coincidence and the third time is a pattern," Hudson proudly declared. "You don't need to pass the fourth grade, and I did not, to know when to go for the two-point conversion."

Sen. Inhofe backed up Hudson's controversial claims, extending federal government credit to the notion.

"Nobody denies that McVeigh was a mass murdering terrorist. You do the math. No red-blooded American can deny Muslims are the ones who do that," Inhofe said. "Ronald Reagan defeated communism!" he continued.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations denounced "what is nothing more than another unfounded piece of Internet fiction." American Civil Liberties Union representatives were asked for a reaction to Hudson's original claims, and the impact on Muslims in this country, but a spokesperson said the organization declined to dignify him with a response. Public reception to the ACLU's refusal to acknowledge the issue was swift and decisive. Among startling new poll results, 98% of white men in Beaumont (municipal slogan: "If the United States gets an enema, the tube is inserted here") and surrounding southeastern Texas replied they were now either "positive" or "pretty sure" that McVeigh was Muslim.

A 16-year Senate veteran, Jim Inhofe is the ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works. He responded to concerns citing the complete lack of evidence even suggesting McVeigh to have been Muslim, with some saying McVeigh had never personally known anybody of the Islamic faith.

"You stand before me with your facts and figures, claiming there is no chance this terrorist, this suicide bomber, might not be an Islamist?" Inhofe replied, incorrectly labeling McVeigh, who was executed at the Federal Correctional Complex in Terre Haute, Indiana, a suicide bomber.

"Was he Muslim? Let me answer your question with another question: Does the Pope shit in the woods?" The senator added, "9/11!" and "Did you know we're such a dim nation that many people would probably read this entire satire without realizing it was a joke?!"
Originally posted to IansInsights on Mon Jan 03, 2011 at 04:24 PM PST.



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You are not half as clever as you believe you are. If want to deny the connections that is fine. I never said McVeigh was Muslim.

So back to my original question, Should we ban bombs or tax them?


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Was merely 3 hours after this horrible tragedy that Jbond had to make it Political.

Even if I agree with some of your views which I do, it's hard to take you seriously


Practice Squad
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I agree about visas and financial aid. I even think we should start trying to find ways to completely withdraw our presence from those countries. We buy tons of oil from places like Saudi Arabia and they tend to foster tons of terrorists.

However, I disagree about the churches. I love this country because, for the most part, we can believe whatever we want without fear. Sometimes we forget this country was built by people looking for just that. It is what makes us better than the rest of the world. People would throw a shit fit if we tried restricting Christian churches in any way

If you ask me as a foreigner this type of thinking is what gets you in trouble. Why would you consider that a nationality makes you better? Do you apply it to race, creed or anything else? It also fosters this global cop idea and an us against the world stand, all things that lead to confrontation.

Mexican politicians aren't worth shit, the only thing they've kinda gotten right is a live and let live attitude.


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Was merely 3 hours after this horrible tragedy that Jbond had to make it Political.

Even if I agree with some of your views which I do, it's hard to take you seriously

and it was less than that before major news networks were blaming conservatives. How quick were people demanding random meaningless (meaningless in the fact it will not reduce gun violence) gun legislation after Sandy Hook?

Everything is political with this regime. Never let a tragedy go to waste is their mission statement.

Now answer the damn question. Would banning bombs have prevented the incident yesterday?

Why is it so difficult for people to admit the government cannot stop crazy people? Why is everyone so selective regarding what they demand to be banned?

Bans do not work and it is time for the board to admit it and to stop supporting asinine legislation.


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If you ask me as a foreigner this type of thinking is what gets you in trouble. Why would you consider that a nationality makes you better? Do you apply it to race, creed or anything else? It also fosters this global cop idea and an us against the world stand, all things that lead to confrontation.

Mexican politicians aren't worth shit, the only thing they've kinda gotten right is a live and let live attitude.

Freedom is what used to separate us from the rest of the world. Not so much anymore.

Mexican politicians....live and let live? What does that even mean? If it means a high poverty rate and massive amounts of gun violence despite a gun ban, I guess that is live and let live or die or whatever.


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It's almost like you'd rather your previous position be validated in your own head than for people to be safer.

So how much of your personal freedom are you willing to trade away for the "promise" of security? What is your limit? What happens when that promise is inevitably broken?
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and it was less than that before major news networks were blaming conservatives. How quick were people demanding random meaningless (meaningless in the fact it will not reduce gun violence) gun legislation after Sandy Hook?

Everything is political with this regime. Never let a tragedy go to waste is their mission statement.

Now answer the damn question. Would banning bombs have prevented the incident yesterday?

Why is it so difficult for people to admit the government cannot stop crazy people? Why is everyone so selective regarding what they demand to be banned?

Bans do not work and it is time for the board to admit it and to stop supporting asinine legislation.

This has literally nothing to do with this thread. No one is calling for a "bomb ban." Your right to chemicals necessary to produce a bomb is not protected by the constitution. You're simply derailing the thread. If you want to talk about the political implications of the bombing, go start a thread in the Poli Forum. Not saying you can't talk about it at all, but I think we'd all appreciate it if you kept it out of this thread.
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This has literally nothing to do with this thread. No one is calling for a "bomb ban." Your right to chemicals necessary to produce a bomb is not protected by the constitution. You're simply derailing the thread. If you want to talk about the political implications of the bombing, go start a thread in the Poli Forum. Not saying you can't talk about it at all, but I think we'd all appreciate it if you kept it out of this thread.

You're a much better moderator than Mb4th.
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