
Pro Bowler
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Some of it. I have yet to see welfare recipients complaining and trying to cede from the US though. At least they recognize that it would be counter-productive.


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Some of it. I have yet to see welfare recipients complaining and trying to cede from the US though. At least they recognize that it would be counter-productive.

Of course they dont want to cede from the US. They are getting all the help they could ever want from the rest of us that actually work for a living.


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I can only imagine if the south had managed to free itself. It would be fucking Zimbabwe down there. Poorest, dumbest states in the union - propped up by the rest of America and constantly complaining about it.

And you don't know the reason why? I could give you a long list of facts, but to make a short story of it, the test scores that bring the average down in our schools and a large portion of the poor is the problem. In a large part, it is not their fault. The government set up a system that makes these people depend on government checks, instead of giving them a way to have a better life. There are policies that promote single women having children by giving them a check. If the mother marries the father, the checks stop.

The white man's policies have kept the blacks in this position. Thirty years ago when I was in school there was girls starting to have babies every summer to get checks from the government. Who the hell do you think raises these kids? This problem is even worse today. This is the liberal solution to helping these people.

I could.go on and on with examples, but until you see it first hand, it would do no good. Several of the Southron states have this issue. It holds them all down when a large portion of the population pulls the rest down.


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And you don't know the reason why? I could give you a long list of facts, but to make a short story of it, the test scores that bring the average down in our schools and a large portion of the poor is the problem. In a large part, it is not their fault. The government set up a system that makes these people depend on government checks, instead of giving them a way to have a better life. There are policies that promote single women having children by giving them a check. If the mother marries the father, the checks stop.

Impossible, I saw in the liberal media this wasnt true


Pro Bowler
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Those policies are the same everywhere. It doesn't do anything to explain why the south is poorer and dumber than any other region - and sucks at the teat of their more affluent northern neighbors all while bitching nonstop about how awful they are. New York and California, for as much as idiot southerners hate them, contribute enormous amounts of money to the government - money which is turned around and handed over to poorer states with stupid people. These poor and stupid states, in turn, respond by attacking the more affluent states for oppressing them.


So it's absolutely hilarious to the rest of us when southerners whine about the rest of America dragging them down. We're propping your shitty states up from being a third world country ffs.


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Free your people from the Union?


That's awesome.

I kinda liked it myself. lol My people are the white, Protestant, Southron people with Anglo-Celtic ancestors and culture.


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Those policies are the same everywhere. It doesn't do anything to explain why the south is poorer and dumber than any other region - and sucks at the teat of their more affluent northern neighbors all while bitching nonstop about how awful they are. New York and California, for as much as idiot southerners hate them, contribute enormous amounts of money to the government - money which is turned around and handed over to poorer states with stupid people. These poor and stupid states, in turn, respond by attacking the more affluent states for oppressing them.

So it's absolutely hilarious to the rest of us when southerners whine about the rest of America dragging them down. We're propping your shitty states up from being a third world country ffs.[/


US Government policies have kept the South in the position that we are in now. The poor black
population is very large and is a drain. It is not their fault. Many of them want to do better for
themselves, and the government solution is a monthly check. These people want better, but a
monthly check is all they know. Until you live here, you don't understand. The situation is not helped by some of the black leaders being crooks and taking advantage of their own people.


Pro Bowler
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Right. The government is holding you down. It couldn't possibly be that years of deeply entrenched racism affects the employment and educational prospects of black people in the south. Nah.

Sometimes I wish we could just allow you guys to destroy yourselves for like a year or so. Just so you could see how stupid your entire outlook on America is.


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Right. The government is holding you down. It couldn't possibly be that years of deeply entrenched racism affects the employment and educational prospects of black people in the south. Nah.

Sometimes I wish we could just allow you guys to destroy yourselves for like a year or so. Just so you could see how stupid your entire outlook on America is.

You simply have no damn clue about the subject other than ignorant opinions formed from bits and pieces that you see on TV or some bullshit that you was told.
Having a discussion with you is much like talking to a donkey. You are not able to understand what I'm telling you, and after the conversation you still will be an ass.


Draft Pick
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You simply have no damn clue about the subject other than ignorant opinions formed from bits and pieces that you see on TV or some bullshit that you was told.

Pretty sure census data confirms that minorities at all levels of education (no eduction all the way to doctorate) make less than their white counterparts.

Well, all but asians who I guess reap the benefits of all the stereotypes about being smart and what not.


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Politics goes in cycles. After George W 's re-election, there was questions about the Dems ever regaining power. They did with a leftist liberal. The Repubs can use their common sense and put a true conservative on the ballot and retake the White House. The Repubs screw up by nominating McCain and Romney types. When they run from their core values, they lose. Whitey still runs the ballot box. There just has to be a somebody that excites the base enough to show up and vote.

You are right that I don't like the way the country is going. It is hard to understand why anybody would. You are seeing the decline of the US as the one true superpower. The country has hit it's peak, leveled off, and now is in a state of decline. You may or may not, like the way Whitey has run things up to this point, but it made this a great country for a good while. All good things end and China will be stepping up soon.

Obama = Bush on steroids. I have to laugh at the silly little simpletons that bash Bush and suck Obama's dick at the same time. I agree we had a good run and our best days are behind us. Representative republics are only successful for a short period of time because the pathetically inept will vote for whoever gives them the most free shit paid for by their neighbors. Of course we all know the only reason the democrat party exists is becasue they are able to steal money from those that earned it to give to their pathetic base in exchange for votes.

Jacko...discussing anything with spunk is waste of time. He is a lost cause that will never be able to take care of himself without us paying his way for him.
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Pretty sure census data confirms that minorities at all levels of education (no eduction all the way to doctorate) make less than their white counterparts.

Well, all but asians who I guess reap the benefits of all the stereotypes about being smart and what not.

Or maybe you raise a people to value hard word, education, and conformity and wow. Ago ally they will do well in society.

Teach an ethnicity that education is for ******s, society owes them something, and their failures aren't their fault, and amazingly those people won't do as well in America. It has absolutely nothing to do with. Racism rather some cultures appear to have different values, and some values do better than others in America.
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