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Pro Bowler
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Sanchez just isn't a good QB and it certainly doesn't help that he has no one to throw at now.

Tebow is like a bizarro TO. Locker room dividing press magnets.

It's not even his fault. The stupid Jets bring him into a situation where their starter is already under heat? Dumbasses.


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The nfl should have cowboys/giants on Wednesday and like jets/pats on Thursday. Or that same formula in the future.

SB winner opens up at home. Runner up the next day. More prime time

terrible idea.

Weekday nfl games, especially this stupid thursday games are a terrible thing for fans and the teams.

Awful. There is to much going on for people during the week to get to these games....

the nfl attendance around the league last year was down, this type of thing is one of the reasons.
Play the damn games on sunday and monday night....leave thursday for thanksgiving and leave the tv ratings for network tv.

absolutely hate the thursday games.
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Agree with Theebs here. Even to fly in for the Monday night game vs Chicago, we have had to shift around so much and try to figure out coverage for two work days.

It would be impossible to do a wednesday or thursday night game, even if I was local. Best days for football are Saturday and sunday.


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Agree with Theebs here. Even to fly in for the Monday night game vs Chicago, we have had to shift around so much and try to figure out coverage for two work days.

It would be impossible to do a wednesday or thursday night game, even if I was local. Best days for football are Saturday and sunday.

sunday and monday.

then when college football is over have two saturday games each week in december and make them good games.

During the week its tough, people work, have kids at school, they have homework, need to cook, clean give bathes/showers.......its just to hard to go 6 hours ahead of time to a 7pm game on a wednesday for most people.

Its really a slap in the face to the fans of the league, just like playing games in toronto and london is.....

but hey, thursday nights they can charge a fortune for ad money so screw the fans.
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If I purchase jacksonville season tix and two of their home games are in fucking Britain, then am I charged for them as part of the package?

I would assume that their season ticket holders aren't on the hook to get out to fucking Toronto and England for these games right?
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Good point I forgot people need time to take showers. Forget this ratings bonanza.

Honey you watching pats/ravens?
No I gotta take a shower


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You sit on your couch and watch the game.

For those of us who actually pay for tickets and parking that go to games every week, the weekdays are near impossible.

And its not people need time to take showers, its parents need time to get there kids gets ready for bed and all that goes on with that.

I thought that was pretty obviously stated.

Still high on acid?


Pro Bowler
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I would imagine the NFL probably cares more about the TV audience than it does the home crowd.

I understand your point theebs, it would piss me off too. I just think the NFL doesn't care as much about you.


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mb4 doesnt live in a time zone where games start at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Can't babysitters get your kids ready for bed?


if a game starts at 8 eastern You would have to be there at least 3 to 4 hours earlier and in the northeast with tougher traffic maybe earlier........

babysitters sound great bob, what if you dont have one or they are working because its a weekday mid afternoon..?

Bob Sacamano

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if a game starts at 8 eastern You would have to be there at least 3 to 4 hours earlier and in the northeast with tougher traffic maybe earlier........

babysitters sound great bob, what if you dont have one or they are working because its a weekday mid afternoon..?

live-in nanny, bro.

Just find a loser from your extended family and let them move in and watch your kids and clean up their poop.


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I would imagine the NFL probably cares more about the TV audience than it does the home crowd.

I understand your point theebs, it would piss me off too. I just think the NFL doesn't care as much about you.

There is no question they do not care about the fans.

Ticket prices, parking prices, concession prices, program prices, extremely strict rules inside the stadium, sending games to toronto and london........Psl's, preseason tickets full prices......and on and on....

The league wants the thursday games for the tv ad revenue.......The fans and the coaches hate it.....

NFL attendance is down around the league...people blame it on watching on tv being more comfortable but that is not the whole story.


Pro Bowler
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I know Jacksonville has not done well with overall attendamce, and it's a matter time before they move to Los Angeles, but you have to feel for the few diehard Jax fans who are trying their best to support that franchise, and they lose a home game every year to f'ing London. I'd be pissed.
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Theebs the cowboys would need to lose in the Super Bowl for this to affect you and your season tickets. Also we'd need about a billion things in the world to be solved for anyone to care about your gripes . Toughen up buttercup


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I know Jacksonville has not done well with overall attendamce, and it's a matter time before they move to Los Angeles, but you have to feel for the few diehard Jax fans who are trying their best to support that franchise, and they lose a home game every year to f'ing London. I'd be pissed.

I have a cousin who was a bills season ticket holder for a long time...he moved to virginia and kept his tickets until 3 years ago....He just cant get up there for enough games to justify it anymore.....

but he knows lots of people who are still up there and the game in toronto thing is just sickening. Especially when they have them playing there arch rival Miami in toronto where no one even cares.

it would be like dallas ticket holders getting a message that the skins game will be played in oklahoma city......
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