Agree with Theebs here. Even to fly in for the Monday night game vs Chicago, we have had to shift around so much and try to figure out coverage for two work days.
It would be impossible to do a wednesday or thursday night game, even if I was local. Best days for football are Saturday and sunday.
sunday and monday.
then when college football is over have two saturday games each week in december and make them good games.
During the week its tough, people work, have kids at school, they have homework, need to cook, clean give bathes/showers.......its just to hard to go 6 hours ahead of time to a 7pm game on a wednesday for most people.
Its really a slap in the face to the fans of the league, just like playing games in toronto and london is.....
but hey, thursday nights they can charge a fortune for ad money so screw the fans.