I'm fine that if you are gay you can get married. Why are hetros the only ones allowed to be miserable? The only people that won this round were the divorce lawyers and if you don't believe that. Watch when the divorce rate stays the same across the board and gay folk get to understand what losing half your shit is in a divorce feels like. I'm sure their first anal experience will pale in comparison to the pain.
I'm also fine with folks having abortions to a point. But when some woman/girl/whore/slut/fuck pillow gets more than 1 in a 2 year period you have to start wondering if after that abortion they should be mandated to get a sterilization so we don't have to see their cum slathered faces at the abortion clinic again. I'm saying it doesn't go far enough!! You don't want a kid? Fine. Have to many abortions and we will make sure you don't have that issue again. The only thing that would be changing my mind on this would be if she were raped or something around those lines of equally evil circumstances. We could even make it like a Subway card, punch 2 abortions off and get a free sterilization on us. That I would pay for as a society.
Face it folks, abortion has saved a lot of women that were gonna get those abortions anyway. Instead of them going to some dark alley now, at least the operations are somewhat safe. Do I think we should be paying for them as a society? Fuck no. At least make them have some responsibility to that kid, even if it is paying for their deaths.
Makes sense to me.
What I do have a huge issue with are the folks that don't think children under the age of 18 should have to tell their parents and should be able to go buy a pill over the counter to end a pregnancy. I knew a lot of really mean people back in the day that if they were given access to that kind of drug over the counter would just buy them and give them to pregnant chicks just to be evil. I'm sure it hasn't changed since I was in high school either. There are way to many ways that can be abused. And how many 12 - 16 year olds read directions anyway?
What I do have a huge issue with are the very same folks that call me a racist just for being white and talk about equality want every God Damn thing set up to make it as easy as possible for every other color under the rainbow to get an education, get a job, keep said job for fear of being called a racist or in the most asinine of cases failure to fall under some arbitrary ratio of color which to me is more sickening than any thing a white man ever did to anyone of color.
What I do have a huge issue with is the government getting into all our lives and bodies by what we refer to as Obamacare. Sure folks will not go bankrupt paying for services. They probably just won't have those services available to them at all now. I've friends in Canada that tell me horror stories of how long they've had to wait for anything from the flu to a back surgery taking weeks to years.