Some more stats geek stuff about the Cowboys and certain games:
The Cowboys have won at all 5 major historic college Bowl game locations. Note that it is a personal choice to include the Cotton Bowl because it was a major Bowl until it was suplanted by the Fiesta Bowl as one of the big 4.
1) Orange Bowl - As previously linked, the Cowboys defeated the Vikings in the Playoff Bowl in January of 1969.
2) Sugar Bowl - Dallas won several games in the Super Dome.
3) Fiesta Bowl - Dallas won several games here vs the Cardinals when Tempe hosted this Bowl game.
4) Cotton Bowl - Home stadium for many years.
5) Rose Bowl - defeated Buffalo in the Super Bowl.
Exhibition Grand Slam: The Cowboys have won a Playoff Bowl, Hall of Fame Game, American Bowl, and College All-Star game. I believe the Packers also have won all four, but I'm not sure if any other team has just off recollection.