Why ... did you buy this website?
Oh boy.......speechless.....
I tell you what... I got into football late when Football started to caption for hearing impaired, before then I was not interested in football except my family took me to the game when Cardinals moved to Arizona. But after they started to caption few games, I got interested in football and it got better when FCC made 24/7 captioning rules for all networks and local stations and now the internet.
Don't let this cat outdo you guys, get your asses out on the web and post a picture of Jesus Christ on some Christian forums, asking "Who this man."
Don't let this cat outdo you guys, get your asses out on the web and post a picture of Jesus Christ on some Christian forums, asking "Who this man."
Watched a Civil War documentary last night. Can any of you identify this lanky railsplitter from Illinois? Gabe something or other.
View attachment 5362
I tried that
They didn’t know who he was either
Was this a legit question?
I tell you what... I got into football late when Football started to caption for hearing impaired, before then I was not interested in football except my family took me to the game when Cardinals moved to Arizona. But after they started to caption few games, I got interested in football and it got better when FCC made 24/7 captioning rules for all networks and local stations and now the internet.