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Three teenage suspects accused of gunning down an Australian student in Oklahoma for the "fun of it," according to police, are expected to face first-degree murder charges in court today.

Christopher Lane, 22, who was visiting the U.S. on a baseball scholarship, was jogging along a road in Duncan, Okla., after visiting his girlfriend on Friday when he was shot in the back, allegedly by the teens.

A woman tried CPR and paramedics arrived on scene, but Lane was pronounced dead an hour later.

"He apparently was jogging. He went by a residence where these three boys were, they picked him as a target, they went out and got in a vehicle and followed him," Duncan Police Department Chief Danny Ford told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, according to AFP.

"[They] came up from behind and basically shot him in the back with a small caliber weapon, then sped away," Ford added.

Police tracked the teens down using surveillance video from a business that is near the shooting scene, KOCO reports.

If the three teenagers arrested are charged with first-degree murder and convicted, they face a maximum sentence of life in prison. The teens, ages 15, 16 and 17, can be tried as adults, but they can't face the death penalty since they are under the age of 18, a spokesperson for District Attorney Jason Hicks told the Sydney Morning Herald.

The teens have not been identified by police and remain in custody at Stephens County Jail in Duncan. They are expected to appear in court Tuesday afternoon.

Police revealed Sunday that one of the teens confessed to the crime and said he did it for the “fun of it,” KOCO reports.

"The boy who has talked to us said, 'We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody,'" Ford told the Associated Press.

On one of the alleged killer's Facebook pages, investigators found the message: "Bang. Two drops in two hours," Sky News reports.

"I think they were on a killing spree. We would have had more bodies that night if we didn't get them,” Ford said in an interview with the Australian Associated Press.

Ford wouldn't say how many times Christopher Lane was shot. Autopsy results are pending.

The mother of the 16-year-old accused in the killing said her son and his two friends were part of a “wannabe gang,” but insisted that he is not a killer, KOCO reports.

The father of the 15-year-old also denied his son had a role in Lane’s death, but said the boy had run-ins with the law before, News.com.au reports.

Lane’s girlfriend, Sarah Harper, wrote a tribute on Facebook after he was killed.

"I love you so much babe," she said, according to Sky News. "From 2009 until forever you will always be mine and in a very special and protected place in my heart."

East Central University, the school which Lane attended, is setting up a fund so Lane’s parents, who are still in Australia, can come to Oklahoma.

"Chris was a well-liked young man here on campus. His teammates thought a lot of him. Seemed to be a bright, promising student," Dr. Jeff Williams, the athletic director at East Central University, told KOCO.

East Central University is in Ada, about 85 miles west of Duncan. Lane started 14 games at catcher last year and was entering his senior year.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/2...student-in-oklahoma-for-fun-it/#ixzz2cWayQQ3l

Link to Australian newspaper article:


Pro Bowler
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Good work. I tried to find a picture of suspects earlier (even though I already had a description in mind). I'm so sorry he came here and ran into these...people.

This is 100 times worse than the Trayvon Martin case. Let's if it even get's 1% of the coverage.


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Wont be in the mainstream media like the Trayvon Martin case I'm sure

Wonder why that is????

This is 10 times more egregious than that case


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~checks to see if they mention the race of the perpetrators and the victim~
~comes up empty~

now, had the races been reverse ....


Pro Bowler
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It will get some coverage. If nothing else, Fox will push it just for the reasons you indicated.

And despite my left-leaning views it should be pushed. This is awful. No matter what side of the Martin case you were on, most people feel Zimmerman believes he was protecting his neighborhood. These kids just wanted to kill someone. Serial killers in the making.


Pro Bowler
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~checks to see if they mention the race of the perpetrators and the victim~
~comes up empty~

now, had the races been reverse ....

That's why I couldn't find any pictures and they listed no names, which is a dead giveaway.

Unfuckingreal. At what point do we say enough is enough? I'm talking drastic measures that I can't say on here, but they would work.

Liberals will tell you we need more social programs, but those produce the shit we have here.
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I found the picture in the Australian newspaper. The link is at the bottom of the OP. I was disappointed the media here is reluctant to report the facts. Guess they do not want to piss of Jessie and Al.


Pro Bowler
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I found the picture in the Australian newspaper. The link is at the bottom of the OP. I was disappointed the media here is reluctant to report the facts. Guess they do not want to piss of Jessie and Al.

That's very embarassing for us. What a disgrace to this country.

If Obama had a son would he look like these kids too?


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Unhappy about the state of "news"? Dump your cable service for starters. The "news" organizations that you do not watch still gain revenue from your cable bill. Their ratings are junk, but they still get to report *chuckle* to a demographic of flat heads. You are paying Reverend Al's salary with your cable bill. Everybody should dump their cable en masse. We're entertaining ourselves to death.

Want to take it a step further, boycott products who advertise on their sites. Whether it's Fox, CNN, MSNBC, whatever, look at who pays their bills through advertising and don't buy their shit. Don't let them bank on compulsive consumerism and addictive entertainment habits. They only exist because we allow them to exist with out bad habits.
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This happened within my local news' viewing area. I read this story twice (ESPN and local news website) and there was no mention of race.

Had no idea until this was posted. I think the local news story printed the 17 year old's name though.

EDIT: nvm, they didn't announce the name.


Pro Bowler
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Since they're all under 18, they face a maximum sentence of life without parole.

Great. Another win for the taxpayers.


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Why? Do you think anyone would be defending what these kids did if what is being reported is true... that they admitted to doing this out of boredom?

His point is that sp would be going apeshit if three white kids killed a black kid out of boredom. He would then ascribe a racial motivation for the killing, facts and evidence be damned.
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See tho you guys let your anger at media sensationalism influence your take on the actual story of trayvon.

Trayvon and Kim kardashians vagina got more attention than Egypt is getting right now. We like stories, and villains, and to take sides. What's the story here? 3 yoots killed a guy and they go to jail. The end. No conflict
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