Right business is so altruistic that they will do the right thing even if it ends up costing more money.
For instance, Papa Johns is going to lay off workers because Obamacare is going to allegedly cost them 8 million dollars. At the same time, they are giving away 2 million 10 dollar pizzas (20 million dollars for those of you who suck at math) as a promotional tool during the NFL season. Where could they possibly find this extra money to provide basic services for their employees???????
And of course business would never harm the environment and their surrounding neighborhood until government steps in and tells them to clean up their act.
And then we have the responsible community stylings of banks and wall street, who would nevvvvvvver manipulate the financial system in a way that is certain to result in collapse just so they could pocket loads of money regardless of the impact to the world economy.
Business and people's interests are always so perfectly aligned.