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Theebs I was one of those mean realtors you mentioned earlier. Cant' speak for everyone, but I always coached people on buying what they can afford and not what they're qualified for.

Problem was people are/were stupid and wouldn't listen. They'd look online at houses in 1 price range, fall in love with them, and then would get disappointed when the homes they could comfortably afford didn't match up (obviously). So many times they'd just fall in love with the home out of their budget and want to make an offer.

I know realtors get a lot of blame because they get paid a commission based on the sales price of the home. But if you do the math, the difference in commission between a 300k house and a 250k house isn't that much. Certainly not enough to where you wouldn't look out for your clients best interest with the hopes of getting both repeat business from them in the future, as well as referrals.


Pro Bowler
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dbair you are literally the least informed person on this site. You make bob look like Lou Dobbs or something.


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Reagan, Clinton, Bush were all responsible David. They all were in on it

good luck trying to get through the brick wall that is his head.

He never understands, what happened was not about parties. It was about complete and total disregard of morals, conscious and the well being of the whole instead of the want of the individual. The political system we have allowed them to have no oversight, write there own laws and in the end walk away scott free with what they wanted, which was everything. And it is still happening, it wasnt enough that we had the S&L in 87, enron in 99 and this in 08.....they still want more.

its not about a party, its about what the system manipulated by the few who had the power did for personal gain with complete and utter disregard for the countries and the world's people.

They all belong in jail, yet they all got new jobs in the government or went back to there college teaching jobs scott free with a bundle in the bank. The guy from countrywide and paulson should be hung for the stuff they pulled.


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good luck trying to get through the brick wall that is his head.

He never understands, what happened was not about parties. It was about complete and total disregard of morals, conscious and the well being of the whole instead of the want of the individual. The political system we have allowed them to have no oversight, write there own laws and in the end walk away scott free with what they wanted, which was everything. And it is still happening, it wasnt enough that we had the S&L in 87, enron in 99 and this in 08.....they still want more.

its not about a party, its about what the system manipulated by the few who had the power did for personal gain with complete and utter disregard for the countries and the world's people.

They all belong in jail, yet they all got new jobs in the government or went back to there college teaching jobs scott free with a bundle in the bank. The guy from countrywide and paulson should be hung for the stuff they pulled.

All about money and hoe's


Quality Starter
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All about money and hoe's

"Either you're slinging crack rock or you have a wicked jump shot"
-seth davis
Boiler Room

awesome movie

and inside job is absolutely fantastic. anyone who hasnt watched it should. Does a great job of simplifying the ins and outs.
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Inside job the Denzel movie? Thought that one was overrated as hell. Only good part was Clive Owens exit

Shaun of the dead is another one people have been told to like. There's nothing funny in it

Bob Sacamano

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Theebs I was one of those mean realtors you mentioned earlier. Cant' speak for everyone, but I always coached people on buying what they can afford and not what they're qualified for.

Problem was people are/were stupid and wouldn't listen. They'd look online at houses in 1 price range, fall in love with them, and then would get disappointed when the homes they could comfortably afford didn't match up (obviously). So many times they'd just fall in love with the home out of their budget and want to make an offer.

I know realtors get a lot of blame because they get paid a commission based on the sales price of the home. But if you do the math, the difference in commission between a 300k house and a 250k house isn't that much. Certainly not enough to where you wouldn't look out for your clients best interest with the hopes of getting both repeat business from them in the future, as well as referrals.

So, is 200k something that would be considered affordable?


Pro Bowler
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It depends on what you make, Bob.

Since you make $7.25 an hour, no, it's not affordable.
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So, is 200k something that would be considered affordable?

I have no idea what your financial situation looks like, so there is no way I can answer that.

General rule of thumb I used to tell people is to anticipate a monthly payment thats between $6-7 for every 1k financed.


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You can live in my basement as my love slave for $300/mo.


Pro Bowler
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Don't listen to him, Bob.

My couch is more comfortable. We have a Best Buy here, too.


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As long as you don't mind defecating in a bucket, we have a deal.
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