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i gave an email but it wanted a phone number too and wouldnt accept my google #

they make you provide a phone number and wouldn't take my google voice number I use for sites that force me to provide info like this so I passed

Doesn't Twitter require you to give a phone number too? I think I gave Parler a fake phone number and it was accepted. I never give out my phone number because I get inundated with telemarketing calls.


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Trump should have gotten off Twitter and on to Parler in 2019 and many people told him so. I have no sympathy for him because he had the power to fix his problem. If he moved to Parler, 80 million followers would have gone with him along with most of the media that has to follow him so they can complain about his tweets. But Twitter didn't just take down Trump. They took down many of his supporters and they censored legitimate news stories that absolutely influenced the outcome of the election. No one seems to care about that. It is a very dark time in America as we watch our government allow our civil rights to be taken from us while they do absolutely nothing about it. Discrimination on the basis of political beliefs is legal and Democrats will not change this until we begin to discriminate against them.

But keep this in mind, no one is defending us. No one is suing. No one is attempting to push this to the Supreme Court so they can rule on it.

I repeat, the government does not give us our rights. They are there to protect our rights and prevent others from depriving us of our civil liberties. It is one thing for Twitter, a private company to suspend the accounts of people who violate their terms of service, but it is crossing the line when they conspire to also block their competitors from providing the same service to those they boot. This is where the government should step in.


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Doesn't Twitter require you to give a phone number too? I think I gave Parler a fake phone number and it was accepted. I never give out my phone number because I get inundated with telemarketing calls.

I joined twitter so long ago, I dont remember

usually these days its hard to give fake emails or phone numbers because they send an email or text to verify authenticity

the image I posted a few posts ago shows the message I received when I tried to join recently. It wouldn't let me join, regardless of the phone number used. I'm not sure if thats due to the recent censorship or an error on my end


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Trump should have gotten off Twitter and on to Parler in 2019 and many people told him so. I have no sympathy for him because he had the power to fix his problem.

he really fucked up by not doing this as it would have hurt Twitter and allowed him to maintain control of his message

I keep being told he is responsible for the Capital attack, I haven't heard his entire speech (or any of it for that matter) but I did he someone say he said something to the effect of "lets march on the capital" which everyone in the media and who hate Trump is telling me was inciting a riot.

What were the actual words in question and the counter argument to those claiming he was inciting a coup/riot?


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he really fucked up by not doing this as it would have hurt Twitter and allowed him to maintain control of his message

I keep being told he is responsible for the Capital attack, I haven't heard his entire speech (or any of it for that matter) but I did he someone say he said something to the effect of "lets march on the capital" which everyone in the media and who hate Trump is telling me was inciting a riot.

What were the actual words in question and the counter argument to those claiming he was inciting a coup/riot?

Here is his entire speech

I’m reading it all right now to try to find something that could be misconstrued as Trump inciting a riot



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damn that dude can ramble, thats long as shit. I haven't read the whole thing yet but if this is the money shot then thats hardly calling for a coup/riot:

So we are going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue — I love Pennsylvania Avenue — and we are going to the Capitol. And we are going to try and give — the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote — but we are going to try to give our Republicans — the weak ones because the strong ones don’t need any of our help — we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.

He does keep claiming the election was stolen which I have a problem with saying without providing ironclad evidence and I haven't seen it yet if it exists


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damn that dude can ramble, thats long as shit. I haven't read the whole thing yet but if this is the money shot then thats hardly calling for a coup/riot:

He does keep claiming the election was stolen which I have a problem with saying without providing ironclad evidence and I haven't seen it yet if it exists

Maybe it was this part

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

What an asshole that Trump guy is am I right?


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Mark my words

The divide we are seeing right now with the entire left screaming white supremacy every chance they get is just the beginning.

The left will use this racial divide to tear this country apart for the next four years of Biden’s presidency


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Biden during his inauguration- as president I am calling for unity. Even with you piece of shit racist Trump supporters. And by the way, I am putting a stop to construction on the wall and changing course on everything Trump has done for the last four years. Unity Bitches!


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Maxine Waters wants Trump to be charged with premeditated murder


Because Unity Bitches!

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