Bangers... RG3 is a gimmick quarterback who has horrid mechanics and makes bonehead decisions like trying to hit a sidepiece on his wedding day.
Jon88 reminds me of Stevie Janowski to Mids Kenny Powers
Ever notice how he follows Midswat around like a little gay dog?
Fucking creepy.
I don't follow anyone around, but you do follow me around. That's creepy.
It's OK. It's not like I care. If it was someone else I would. I'm just pointing out the pot calling the kettle black.
Make whatever fucking excuses you want to make.
Rg3 sucks right now. Period. End of discussion. Nobody is saying he won't be good later. I'm talking about right now. And right now..he sucks.
Fact: rg3 sucks
How good was Matt Flynn yesterday? I saw the game. He was god fucking awful
And you know what?
He had better stats than worst they were comparable.
Props to the shannys...they devised a tremendous scheme last year.
Too bad it's unsustainable.
If you have a problem with me, as you clearly do, then that's your problem and not mine.
I couldn't give one fuck.
Go to Wal Mart or something. Get out of the trailer and get some fresh air.