
Pro Bowler
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This is where this country is headed!

Absolute bullshit

Wow, just wow. That is utterly mind-numbing. I do not see any way for normal sane people to coexist with the left wing batshit crazies any longer. it is time to divide this country and let them have the left coast and Northeast. They can call their new country Batshitcrazytopia. We can ship the crazies in the remaining states (like many who live in Austin) to the new utopia. We can then build walls around them and deny entry to anyone trying to come to the remaining USA who cannot prove they vote Republican. The rest of us can then live in peace. I am very serious about this. It is either that or they will soon force normal people to go to war with them.


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The time is perfect for someone to start a new football league. There are hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised NFL fans who have been shit on by the NFL. Any new football league that STANDS on American principles would have an immediate fan-base that the previous alternative ones never had. As long as they keep politics out of it the success would be almost guaranteed. I suspect there would be several patriotic NFL players who would jump ship for the new league as soon as they could. If the NFL falls on its face by shitting on the fans there may eventually even be NFL teams that would leave the NFL for a new league. You know damn good and well Jerry will go where the money is.
Well spoken..well spoken indeed.I agree 100%


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Wow, just wow. That is utterly mind-numbing. I do not see any way for normal sane people to coexist with the left wing batshit crazies any longer. it is time to divide this country and let them have the left coast and Northeast. They can call their new country Batshitcrazytopia. We can ship the crazies in the remaining states (like many who live in Austin) to the new utopia. We can then build walls around them and deny entry to anyone trying to come to the remaining USA who cannot prove they vote Republican. The rest of us can then live in peace. I am very serious about this. It is either that or they will soon force normal people to go to war with them.
My feelings exactly!!


Pro Bowler
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Until you read the actual story.

Until you read the actual story.

Your “actual story” is the same as the story I posted

Law enforcement acquired a gun restraining order for things he said online, searched his house, seized his legally owned firearm for something he “might do”

It’s utter bullshit and sets an extremely dangerous precedent!

Minority Report anyone?

“Instead of waiting for him to go out and commit acts of violence, per se, they were able to ideally stop it before it started. But he did have a firearm in his possession,” Nelson said.

So local police are now going to act for things hate groups say online?

Where do we draw the line?

Let me guess, that won’t apply to Antifa who actively posts hate speech online, threatens violence online, then follows up with violence, looting, rioting, and the burning of businesses.

But nothing will be done to stop them before they commit a crime

Why? Because they have rights bitches! Just like this idiot had “before” they took away his 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm away!
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Pro Bowler
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Pro Bowler
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Not by a long shot.

You might read the link I posted... It was Trump's Feds leading the investigation.

I did read your article

Trumps feds were involved in the investigation and refused to act because no laws were broken, whereas local PD decided to take action because he “might” do something????

Like I said, this sets an extremely dangerous precedence!

The following is a clip from your article that you posted

“As for the FBI, they don’t police ideology. They will only take action if a person threatens violence or actually commits a crime. But the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office wasn’t willing to wait.

Instead of waiting for him to go out and commit acts of violence, per se, they were able to ideally stop it before it started. But he did have a firearm in his possession,” Nelson said.”


High Plains Drifter
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Trumps feds were involved in the investigation and refused to act because no laws were broken,
Nobody said they acted. It was a 3 week investigation not "same day" as the first posting link asserted. Feds identified the guy. State judge issued the red flag warrant. It's CA law. Authorities did NOT act on the word of "antifa" but instead, investigated just like they would on any tip.

It's for the courts now, to decide the legality/constitutionality of this. At least the dude wasn't jailed for his meanie online postings.


Pro Bowler
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Nobody said they acted. It was a 3 week investigation not "same day" as the first posting link asserted. Feds identified the guy. State judge issued the red flag warrant. It's CA law. Authorities did NOT act on the word of "antifa" but instead, investigated just like they would on any tip.

It's for the courts now, to decide the legality/constitutionality of this. At least the dude wasn't jailed for his meanie online postings.

The only thing mentioning “same day” in the article is that a leftwing extremist doxed him, then accused him of being a neo-nazi troll and on the same day the Sacramento County Sheriffs office opened an investigation. Then 5 days later they executed a search warrant on his residence and vehicle.

Neither the article nor myself claimed anything about a same day investigation.

The following is taken from the article

“ On July 7th/8th, left-wing extremist twitter user @anonymouscommie doxed a Sacramento resident named Andrew Casarez. The anonymous account accused him of being a "neo-Nazi troll."

On the very same day, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office opened up an investigation into him. During a background check, they found that Casarez was a registered gun owner. On July 13th, 2020, Sergeant Nate Grgich executed a search warrant for his home and car.”


High Plains Drifter
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Doesn't square with the local TV news report which I posted.

To me the alleged "doxxing" isn't even relevant. Neither is the source of any tip authorities may have received. Clickbait sensationalism and hyperbole aside, we have a dude here who needs to get himself a lawyer and sue, and also be the first to challenge this "red flag" statute. Were this a leftist moonbat getting disarmed I doubt we would have heard a peep about it.


Pro Bowler
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Doesn't square with the local TV news report which I posted.

To me the alleged "doxxing" isn't even relevant. Neither is the source of any tip authorities may have received. Clickbait sensationalism and hyperbole aside, we have a dude here who needs to get himself a lawyer and sue, and also be the first to challenge this "red flag" statute. Were this a leftist moonbat getting disarmed I doubt we would have heard a peep about it.

I agree that he needs a lawyer and needs to challenge this bullshit

But if this was happening to some leftwing dingbat Antifa/BLM shitbag this story would be nationwide on all leftist news station crying about how unfair the law is and how his privacy was violated by being doxxed

The reason this story isn’t out there IS because it’s happening to a right wing nut job and not a left wing nut job

Plus it plays right into the narrative that all the left wants to do is “take our guns away”

This is EXACTLY the type of story the left wants to keep quiet


Super Moderator
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I think folks are missing the point. This guy Andrew Casarez is repulsive. His views are repulsive. But if anyone took the time to read the officer's affidavit, I find that to be equally disgusting. It lacks any basis for probable cause to to search this man's home. It makes reference to the "social climate" in the country and Covid-19, as well as an uptick in crime based on "hate, race, religion and sexual orientation." None of that violence was connected to this man which should be the "link" towards building of PC to obtain the warrant for his home. In addition, I don't even know how true that statement is and is so ambiguous that it can be used to obtain warrants for anyone in the country with unpopular opinions.

The affidavit makes reference to this officer's opinions after having "interviewed" other people he's apprehended, as if that somehow applies to me, you or this nut job in question. This officer makes the link that somehow, my feelings of frustration, helplessness and unsure future due to Covid-19 make me a "potential" criminal. Justice should be equal for everyone. I'd bet that these officers and prosecutors would never file a similar affidavit for BLM or Antifa members who have promoted and committed more violence than anyone during the unrest. And I'll say it again so there's no confusion. This jerk is repulsive and a complete moron. But the intent of the Constitution is not to invade someone's castle and seize property under the ambiguous illusion of preventing someone from committing a crime.


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Until you read the actual story.

I do not agree in any way with what the authorities did here. If they took this mans guns they can take anyone's guns. The man may be a nutjob but he is just as free to be a right wing nut job as any of the batshit crazies who have been in riot mode for the last few months are free to be left wing nutjobs. The difference is this man did absolutely nothing while the lefties have become terrorist.

Regardless of this specific situation, I stand by my post that you responded to. Normal sane people can no longer coexist with the batshit crazies who want to turn this country into a socialist "utopia". If they want that so bad then let them have it . Give them the areas they already control like the left coast and the northeast. They can create their utopia. Walls will be a must to keep them away from the rest of us. When their new utopia falls flat on its face within months and they are all starving to death they will finally learn a painful lesson that their parents and the schools should have taught them from the beginning that Marxism does not work because of human nature.


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The time is perfect for someone to start a new football league. There are hundreds of thousands of disenfranchised NFL fans who have been shit on by the NFL. Any new football league that STANDS on American principles would have an immediate fan-base that the previous alternative ones never had. As long as they keep politics out of it the success would be almost guaranteed. I suspect there would be several patriotic NFL players who would jump ship for the new league as soon as they could. If the NFL falls on its face by shitting on the fans there may eventually even be NFL teams that would leave the NFL for a new league. You know damn good and well Jerry will go where the money is.

I was thinking the same thing. The NFL has lost touch with what made it so popular. Between the game changes and the constant Social Justice causes the game is losing interest. Now they have just outright pissed off a large part of their fan base. Why was the NFL willing to take a strong stand when the Cowboys wanted to memorialize 5 dead cops on their uniforms, but now the cave in when it comes to others?At the time I was okay with the NFL stance, as long as it was consistent. Now we know its not. I would love to see a new league that brings back football like the old NFL style football. There are plenty of players cut by the NFL that would play for a new league.


Super Moderator
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You can go fuck yourself too.....scratch another sport off my list......

1st NHL Player — a Canadian — Kneels for U.S. Anthem; Stands for ‘O, Canada’

I have never been much of a hockey fan and it looks like that will not be changing. I may just follow local high school games unless they kneel to. The only kneeling I will EVER support is kneeling before the Lord in prayer.


Super Moderator
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Good.....go fuck yourselves too.......

Ratings Crash for NBA, MLB After Protest-Filled Debuts

As the NBA and MLB return from their coronavirus-imposed hiatus, it appears TV viewers are not interested in what the increasingly woke leagues have to offer.

With both baseball and basketball draped in all sorts of Black Lives Matter and social justice symbolism for their opening games, a substantially smaller number of fans tuned-in to the rest of the week’s games.

According to, neither league did well.

As for the opening games, Outkick reported that the return of the NBA on TNT saw the following numbers:

Lakers-Clippers: 3.4 million
Pelicans-Jazz: 2.1 million

ESPN’s MLB return numbers were also underwhelming:

Yankees-Nationals: 4.0 million
Dodgers-Giants: 2.8 million

Outkick’s Ryan Glasspiegel added more ratings numbers on Twitter.

“To be fair since I compared MLB vs NBA return night 1, here is night 2,” (July 24) he wrote, adding:

MLB (last Friday, ESPN)
Mets-Braves (4p) – 922K
Brewers-Cubs(7p) – 1.0M
Angels-As (10p) – 797K

NBA (last night ESPN) (July 31)
Celtics-Bucks (6:30p) – 1.3M
Mavs-Rockets (9p)- 1.7M
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