What so funny about it?????L O L ^^^^
I think the defense was stupid to cross examine the early witnesses. All it did was get more of the irrelevant inflammatory shit the prosecution wants, in front of the jury.It will be interesting to watch the country burn itself to the ground again when Antifa and the other leftist little bitches get their panties in a bunch when the officer gets acquitted
IF the jury sticks to the evidence and not the bullshit.I only watched a few minutes. I couldn’t stand the BS
But from the sounds of the evidence on the cause of death it seems like they have a good chance to get him off
I only watched a few minutes. I couldn’t stand the BS
But from the sounds of the evidence on the cause of death it seems like they have a good chance to get him off
So Floyd had weed, meth, some other drug I can’t remember, a precursor, AND a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system when he died
Apparently, had he of died in his sleep his death would have been ruled a drug OD because of the fatal amount of fentanyl in his system
5 trillionwould a jury in this climate have the cohones to find him not guilty if it was warranted?
If he is found not guilty, whats the over/under on damages/theft from riots?
5 billion?
I say there is zero chance of acquittal. The jury members will be too scared to vote not guilty no matter what the evidence may show. There may be one or two who stick to their guns resulting in a hung jury but zero chance they all vote to acquit.
They've given the jury many options. They will convict on at least one, no matter what the evidence is.I say there is zero chance of acquittal