Dude, The NY Slimes is fucking garbage
forget about you feel about the NYT - look at the performance
undefeated vs the best liable attorneys on the planet for 50+ years running
how many civil cases has DT lost or settled out of court?
think about it - the NYT is literally packing the best financial investigators on the planet - he's out matched
undefeated vs the best liable attorneys
It's "libel." Libel SUIT. Good grief you are one stupid twit.NYT has not lost a liable suite
Interesting this is how you rate performance of a newspaper; by whether they win lawsuits for libel and slander or not. Shit, the National Inquirer has a legal war room too, does very well. As do most all newspapers. As stated before, it's very difficult to sue news outlets and be successful regardless.look at the performance
forget about you feel about the NYT - look at the performance
undefeated vs the best liable attorneys on the planet for 50+ years running
how many civil cases has DT lost or settled out of court?
think about it - the NYT is literally packing the best financial investigators on the planet - he's out matched
It's "libel." Libel SUIT. Good grief you are one stupid twit.
Interesting this is how you rate performance of a newspaper; by whether they win lawsuits for libel and slander or not. Shit, the National Inquirer has a legal war room too, does very well. As do most all newspapers. As stated before, it's very difficult to sue news outlets and be successful regardless.
That wasn't even the point being argued. The point was journalistic credibility, not legal record of lawsuit wins.
neither would I, because the NYT has not lost a liable suite since the '60s
A Rare Libel Suit Against The Times (Published 2017)
A coal mining company claims that a Times editorial falsely accused the firm’s founder of lying about a mine collapse — though the last time the paper lost a U.S. libel suit was at least the early 1960s.www.nytimes.com
no offense intended - many people just aren't aware the NYT's journalistic professionalism is rather high, gold standard
I'm not saying individual NYT writers / editors won't go hard when ticked off, ask Hilary, but spin yes, lies no
when they say $750 paid in fed income tax and put it on the front page ... then it's a fact
when they say $400M in debt coming due on hard dates to unnamed parties ... then they likely know who it's owed to and may soon reveal
*yes, that's playing hard ball, that's also marketing, but it's not lies or catch and kill or propaganda, just news*
It's "libel." Libel SUIT. Good grief you are one stupid twit.
Interesting this is how you rate performance of a newspaper; by whether they win lawsuits for libel and slander or not. Shit, the National Inquirer has a legal war room too, does very well. As do most all newspapers. As stated before, it's very difficult to sue news outlets and be successful regardless.
That wasn't even the point being argued. The point was journalistic credibility, not legal record of lawsuit wins.
I've been reading here almost daily for nearly a year now, and it looks to me like his main goal here is to use whatever tactic is handy in order to be able to chalk up a "win" in his feeble brain. If that means outright deflection, dishonesty, straw man arguing, and even just leaving the discussion for a few days then coming back later pretending he was never answered, it's fine for him. Number one thing that chalks up this fake "win" for him is when people stop engaging him. That's the real goal. So then he can say to himself "See there, I won! They got nothing to come back with on that!"By the way, that dolt is stupid. You'll actually get dumber debating him because you've got to get down low and stupid to process his idiocy.
how is a newspaper article interfering in an election? huh?They are interfering in an election.
you are speculating on the goals of the NYT,when people stop engaging him. That's the real goal. So then he can say to himself "See there, I won! They got nothing to come back with on that!"
how would you measure it?... considering DT is the target?That wasn't even the point being argued. The point was journalistic credibility, not legal record of lawsuit wins.
prove itI don't have the numbers in front of me and don't care to check, but we have this thing called "Freedom of the Press" here in the USA, and I am pretty sure it protects shitass organizations like the NY Slimes and CNN from almost any and all retribution.
They've had a shit ton of bogus, extremely biased or just flat out bullshit stories for the past 10-20 years. It's a liberal fishwrap.
so? you're as ignorant a Trump-er as hey come - he could shoot you on 5th Ave and still get your voteOh, and I've never heard of the NYT's financial investigators.
his army is weak no decent member of the bar will touch him, nor any decent bank, his crew third rate ... like CohenTrump has a battery of lawyers and accountants do his taxes. The idea that there was going to be some kind of evidence of criminal activity in his taxes was always preposterous.
he's a jerk, I already told ya'll I don't like tricksJust ask OJ Simpson
Self loathing is a terrible thing.I already told ya'll I don't like tricks
so? you're as ignorant a Trump-er as hey come - he could shoot you on 5th Ave and still get your vote
An Editor’s Note on the Trump Tax Investigation (Published 2020)
The New York Times has examined decades of President Trump’s financial records, assembling the most comprehensive picture yet of his business dealings.www.nytimes.com
the NYT has serious fact finding hound dogs on his trail, and DT can't get them off
yes the press is empowered by law to go after power mad jerks in office - why does that bother you?
his army is weak no decent member of the bar will touch him, nor any decent bank, his crew third rate ... like Cohen
I've been reading here almost daily for nearly a year now, and it looks to me like his main goal here is to use whatever tactic is handy in order to be able to chalk up a "win" in his feeble brain. If that means outright deflection, dishonesty, straw man arguing, and even just leaving the discussion for a few days then coming back later pretending he was never answered, it's fine for him. Number one thing that chalks up this fake "win" for him is when people stop engaging him. That's the real goal. So then he can say to himself "See there, I won! They got nothing to come back with on that!"
So the very thing that kills such trolls; ignoring them --is the very thing that gives him his fake "victory." In his pea brain.
It's almost like you're debating a teenager. Or an adult with a really infantile mind. It really is a waste of time to engage such amateur trolls.
You need to see who his lawyers are and educate yourself. They are accomplished people and at the top of their profession. This is a completely idiotic statement. Can you name any of his lawyers or did you just make this statement up in a mental vacuum.....?
you don't see much of nothin'I don't see financial fraud investigators looking at his taxes.
I've seen Jay Sekulow in action. The clown claimed complete presidential immunity from any crimes committed by the pres, ... couldn't even be investigated ... the court all but laughed. By the way, Manhattan DA Vance cleaned his clock last week before a DC Appeals court.
you don't see much of nothin'
are your really arguing the NYT doesn't have experience investigating financial crimes? really?
BTW, they've been doing massive financial investigations since the Grant administration.
are you so silly you really think the most infamous liar and trick in all history didn't cheat on his taxes?
you must be a Trump University grad (i.e. failure) or something, or maybe just a trick trying to support a fellow trick