he already submitted a list of names that pleased conservatives.
But like he said, that list really means Butkus. We don't KNOW what type of jurist(s) he would actually put forth as nominees.
with Hillary, you have no chance of avoiding a far-left activist on the bench. with Trump, you do.
Right, a
chance. Not a likelihood.
By the way what you were saying earlier somewhere, about pot being made legal "because blacks can't help themselves" is something the left might never SAY, but we have examples of this everywhere. Condoms in schools "because adolescents can't help themselves," affirmative action "because blacks can't help themselves for not applying themselves in middle and high school," more welfare per child for baby mommas "because blacks can't help themselves" and so on. It's not only the "soft" bigotry of lowered expectations, it's lowered expectations because personal responsibility and self reliance and its rewards/pitfalls is anathema to the left. And Personal responsibility and self reliance are two things they've been systematically destroying for generations.
The winning argument so far on the pot thing is "make it legal like alcohol" and for at least a decade I've been surprised at otherwise Libertarian-minded people advocating this, "tax it like beer" all the while not realizing this merely grows government, funds it more, makes it even more intrusive than it was - every single thing these Libertarian types would otherwise be screaming bloody murder against.
Between that and this Trump thing, I finally came to realize that by and large most people WANT bigger and more intrusive government and don't mind more thievery by same government to get there - so long is this bigger and more intrusive government does what
This is why these purely emotional arguments totally devoid of rational objective thought, have been winning the day on some of these issues ('Love wins,' anyone? That'll be NAMBLA'S next battle cry since it's worked so well for LGBTQ) - and might well also win the White House.