
Pro Bowler
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I've gotten sucked in to the #pizzagate vortex this morning. Have any of you heard about this stuff? Probably the most disturbing alleged "scandal" I've ever seen.

I have no idea what you are talking about, please elaborate or link to a story, thx

Is it this---> Fake News Onslaught Targets Pizzeria as Nest of Child-Trafficking

Man, this is fucked up, can you imagine falling into a circumstance like this, social media can be a merciless lynch mob
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Yeah, that's the alleged debunking.

Basically, the short story is when Wikileaks came out with John Podesta's emails, there were a number of them that didn't make sense. Some reddit and 4chan users did some deep diving and deciphered that some of the words were code... the theory is that the Podestas and a number of high ranking gov't officials (including potentially the President in some of the emails) are involved in a child sex trafficking ring. Pizza is a code word for little girl/child. That pizza joint in the NYT article is called Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and the owner of the pizza place has been named one of the 50 most powerful people in DC. There's a video out there with some event that occurred at Comet Ping Pong, and it was creepy as hell. There's also a lot of crazy art pieces involved with the pizza place and the Podestas (John and his brother Tony). There was a little girl who went missing in Portugal in 2007, and the police sketches of the suspects look just like the Podestas. Then there's a lady connected to them who is pretty much a Satanist and gets these people into Spirit Cooking, which is another pandora's box. There are logos involved with these places that are similar to symbols that have connection to sexual predation.

There's just a mountain of circumstantial evidence, and if it's completely made up, then someone went to great lengths to frame these people. Then today someone went back in Andrew Breitbart's twitter archives and one of his last tweets before he died was "outing" John Podesta as a sex slave trade operator.

I started this morning with a 20 minute video that kind of sums it all up.... It's long, but if you're interested, it's a pretty good summation of the theory(ies).



Pro Bowler
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Some of the conclusions she draws are a little out there. But a lot of them are not

Interesting video


Pro Bowler
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There's just a mountain of circumstantial evidence, and if it's completely made up, then someone went to great lengths to frame these people.

wait, so you're buying this?

I'm not knocking you if you are as I've only looked at it very briefly but from what little I've seen reminds me of a lot of other crazy shit I've seen people put together on the internet that in my view is utter bullshit. Like 911 conspiracist for example, there is a mountain of data they've assembled that I would assume could be called circumstantial and many would consider direct evidence but I don't feel the need to spend much time on that assertion to conclude its highly unlikely.

I'll continue to read about this pizza thing but it sure smells like a lot of hysterical conspiracies I've seen in the past, god help us if the highest people in our government are conspiring together to abuse and traffic children for sex
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I don't know if I'm buying it per se... Today's the first I've heard of it, and I've kind of been swimming in all of it. I think it may have legs, and it's too disgusting to ignore IMO.

I don't think an underground child sex trafficking scandal is nearly as implausible as the government orchestrating a public destruction of the World Trade Center.


Pro Bowler
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I don't think an underground child sex trafficking scandal is nearly as implausible as the government orchestrating a public destruction of the World Trade Center.

An underground child sex trafficking scandal or the government orchestrating an underground child sex trafficking scandal?


High Plains Drifter
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Yeah, that's the alleged debunking.

Basically, the short story is when Wikileaks came out with John Podesta's emails, there were a number of them that didn't make sense. Some reddit and 4chan users did some deep diving and deciphered that some of the words were code... the theory is that the Podestas and a number of high ranking gov't officials (including potentially the President in some of the emails) are involved in a child sex trafficking ring. Pizza is a code word for little girl/child. That pizza joint in the NYT article is called Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and the owner of the pizza place has been named one of the 50 most powerful people in DC. There's a video out there with some event that occurred at Comet Ping Pong, and it was creepy as hell. There's also a lot of crazy art pieces involved with the pizza place and the Podestas (John and his brother Tony). There was a little girl who went missing in Portugal in 2007, and the police sketches of the suspects look just like the Podestas. Then there's a lady connected to them who is pretty much a Satanist and gets these people into Spirit Cooking, which is another pandora's box. There are logos involved with these places that are similar to symbols that have connection to sexual predation.

There's just a mountain of circumstantial evidence, and if it's completely made up, then someone went to great lengths to frame these people. Then today someone went back in Andrew Breitbart's twitter archives and one of his last tweets before he died was "outing" John Podesta as a sex slave trade operator.

I started this morning with a 20 minute video that kind of sums it all up.... It's long, but if you're interested, it's a pretty good summation of the theory(ies).

THAT is a frikkin scary video.

Sort of makes one wonder if it's not so far fetched when Alex Jones called Hillary and Barack "demons" and said they "still smell like sulphur."
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An underground child sex trafficking scandal or the government orchestrating an underground child sex trafficking scandal?
Yeah I think there's a distinction... The demolition of the World Trade Center would have to be a massive government operation and cover up. An underground child sex trafficking scandal presumably wouldn't have to be as large of a cover up. And if someone did participate in that sort of thing the blackmail of participating in it would minimize the threat that they would ever come forward with that information. It could be covered up with less effort than the 911 conspiracy would require.

Bob Sacamano

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It wouldn't surprise me. A lot of movers and shakers don't want the publicity. They just want the power. And probably go to great lengths to get it. Illuminati. The Devil. Sex with underage girls for the supposed powers it brings. etc.
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That part about Reddit is disturbing. Reminds me of CZ actually. LOL

I have been to that VOAT board about this. Has some interesting stuff. One thread purports to have an "anonymous FBI source" answering members questions.

I also went and did a search for #pizzagate on facebook, and the story with the most hits was about John Kasich eating pizza with a fork. Facebook is shameless in their editing of "social news feeds." A Fox News commentator issued a quick rebuke of the theory. The NY Times and Washington Post have printed articles "debuking" it. If anything, the systematic squelching of this story makes it more believable to me. And it was all too convenient that "fake news" on social media became such a topic of derision from the MSM after the election.

But it's alive and well on twitter. It doesn't show in the trending topics, but it's definitely trending.


Quality Starter
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Started seeing some of this when the "spirit cooking" story broke before the election. The spirit cooking stuff was weird enough, but this is just disgusting.

I have to say, not too many years ago I probably would have dismissed this as another kooky conspiracy theory. But, sad to say, the older I get, the more I'm afraid people are capable of sicker things than I imagined before. Just look at the many actors who have talked about organized pedophilia in Hollywood. Unfortunately, they aren't making that up.

Actually I'm glad to see a reasonable guy like pep thinks there may be something to this, because I was thinking the same. All those deleted Instagram posts are too weird to just dismiss.


Super Moderator
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So a Somali student at Ohio State goes Allah Akabar on the students there and attacks them with a knife (after trying to ram the crowd with his car). He injured 11 young people. This on the heals of another attack this past September when a 20-year-old Somali-American stabbed 10 people at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

These Somali nationals have no business being here and when they do get here, a LARGE majority are on either food stamps or welfare or both. It's the elephant in the room that no one wants to admit or talk about. Fucking insane.


Pro Bowler
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to see a reasonable guy like pep thinks there may be something to this

That's why I even decided to give it the time of day. I still think its a conspiracy regarding Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

Some of the John Podesta and other emails are strange in how they reference pizza and other words in strange context and perhaps they should be investigated more thoroughly, hopefully by authorities who can indict if necessary.

The allusion that John Podesta and his brother could be culpable in the Madeleine McCann case would seem to fall under the category of defamation and I'd be pretty pissed if someone made these types of accusations about me. If they are going to imply their involvement then they should be able to show they were in or around Portugal at the time of her disappearance as well as providing a much greater depth of evidence. Merely saying they look like sketches of suspects is irresponsible in my opinion.

I dont think its strange at all for Obama, who is from Chicago, to have pizza and hot dogs (both of which Chicago is famous for) flown in for some event. $65,000 seems crazy expensive, so I'm more concerned about whether tax payers footed the bill than whether it was an elaborate scheme to cover for bringing in children from Chicago to molest.

When it comes to children, people understandably can become very emotional, then irrational, then illogical and then hysterical which has lead to false indictments and convictions in the past. Some examples are discussed in the wiki on Day-care sex-abuse hysteria

In the video below, people showed up at Comet Ping Pong Pizza and met with the owner who gives them a tour and is very civil to people that obviously think he's guilty. His civility and hospitality don't mean he isn't guilty of the allegations but his demeanor and body language don't cause me to be suspicious either. Having said that, body language isn't sufficient for determining guilt or innocence (IMHO).

James Alefantis answers questions about Pizzagate - YouTube

I tell you one thing, god help any of us if we ever find ourselves innocently caught up in a situation like this because once something like this takes hold, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. In some peoples eyes, you'll always be guilty and by the time you have "cleared" your name, you may have already lost your job or business.

Its a strange human trait where people take joy in the destruction of others. The internet allows like minded people like this to gather and wield power they would have otherwise never had and like most things, this can be used for good or for bad. I'm leaning toward the latter in this instance.

I will admit, like many conspiracies, the possibilities implied here are fascinating.
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So a Somali student at Ohio State goes Allah Akabar on the students there and attacks them with a knife (after trying to ram the crowd with his car). He injured 11 young people. This on the heals of another attack this past September when a 20-year-old Somali-American stabbed 10 people at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

These Somali nationals have no business being here and when they do get here, a LARGE majority are on either food stamps or welfare or both. It's the elephant in the room that no one wants to admit or talk about. Fucking insane.

Obama and Hillary say its good for us to bring more of them in.


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Pennsylvania State Department says Stein missed recount deadline

By PHILIP WEGMANN • 11/28/16 3:29 PM

Jill Stein has everything she needs to launch a presidential recount. She's got the cash, the grassroots fervor and the spotlight of an adoring media. But there's one thing she needs to overturn Trump's victory: a calendar.

Stein missed Pennsylvania's deadline to file for a voter-initiated recount. That blown deadline is a huge blow for Democrats who have pinned their hopes on recounts in the Keystone State, Michigan and Wisconsin.

"According to Wanda Murren, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State," the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Monday, "the deadline for a voter-initiated recount was Monday, Nov. 21."

To keep their hopes alive, Stein has mounted a legal challenge in an attempt to force a recount. While the chances of litigation are uncertain, the vote tally is clear. Trump beat Clinton in Pennsylvania, a feat not accomplished by a Republican since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

While it wasn't a landslide, it wasn't close either. Trump carried the state with 70,000 votes, a significant margin that will be hard to overcome.

And even if Stein manages a recount in Pennsylvania, nothing's guaranteed. Of the thousands of statewide races in the last 15 years, only 27 have been decided by recounts and only three challengers have pulled off an upset.

Pennsylvania State Department says Stein missed recount deadline | Washington Examiner


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85 languages spoken in Buffalo schools as 'New Americans' enter classrooms

The two young Somali sisters sat at a table in the central registration center signing up for what would become their next big challenge in their journey to America – school.

They came to enroll in the Buffalo Public Schools at an old building on Ash Street, an Ellis Island of sorts for thousands of immigrants and refugees entering an education system that has struggled over the years to keep up with their growing numbers.

Many show up speaking no English. Others may have had little formal education in their home countries. Most encounter vast cultural differences.

The City of Buffalo has taken in thousands of immigrants and refugees in recent years, and it’s reflected in many of its schools. More than 85 different languages are spoken throughout the district, but that number can change by the day.

The two young Somali sisters sat at a table in the central registration center signing up for what would become their next big challenge in their journey to America – school.

They came to enroll in the Buffalo Public Schools at an old building on Ash Street, an Ellis Island of sorts for thousands of immigrants and refugees entering an education system that has struggled over the years to keep up with their growing numbers.

Many show up speaking no English. Others may have had little formal education in their home countries. Most encounter vast cultural differences.

The City of Buffalo has taken in thousands of immigrants and refugees in recent years, and it’s reflected in many of its schools. More than 85 different languages are spoken throughout the district, but that number can change by the day.


English language learners now make up 15 percent of the district’s enrollment, and as a whole, they are among the lowest-performing, state figures show. They also are the fastest-growing segment.

All of which constitutes challenges for the new arrivals, as well as for the district expected to teach them.

But last year, Buffalo – forced by necessity and new mandates – began making some long overdue changes at central registration intended to address its large customer base of students from foreign lands.

Chief among them is a new team of multilingual staffers who can speak to the students in their own language – and thus are able to sign them up for school, test their English, detail their prior education, and discuss with parents what to expect in the classroom.

The hope is to better serve this rising population of “New Americans” and better assess them so their teachers know their true academic potential.


A comforting language

“When they see someone that speaks their language, it makes them feel more comfortable,” said Abdi Yakub, one of the new language specialists.

Yakub, a former refugee now raising his own kids in Buffalo schools, spoke in Somali to a father and two little girls dressed in head scarves and matching pink coats.

He asked the older girl her name.

“Laila,” she said.

Yakub turned to the sister and asked the same. Her answer was inaudible, but she offered a coy smile revealing a patchwork of missing and baby teeth.

“Right now,” Yakub explained to a reporter, “their father says they have been to school and can write, read and speak English.”

Another staffer escorted the two Somali girls to a different room where he would assess their English by testing their speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

The test can take anywhere from 45 minutes to three hours and is private, so their father stayed behind in the old gymnasium furnished with a dozen tables and chairs where he continued the process of finding them a school.

He conversed in Somali with Yakub, who stopped occasionally to interpret for a reporter observing.

The father is from Somalia. He fled his country and made the risky journey to South Africa. That’s where he met his eventual wife and where his daughters were born, but where the family did not have permanent residency.

The older girl is 9, attended school in South Africa through the third grade and is a good student, but shy. She had trouble in her old school because kids were taking her work and claiming it as their own.

The younger one is 7, attended school through the first grade and isn’t as strong a student as her sister, but doesn’t appear to have any learning disabilities.

The family was resettled in Buffalo in September.

The girls were anxious about school.


Better student assessments

This year was busy. Between July and November alone, Buffalo registered more than 1,100 students classified as English language learners.

In response to their growing numbers across New York, the State Education Department made revisions in its regulations last year forcing districts to improve services for the many multilingual students struggling to make it in the public school system.

That led to changes at central registration, where Buffalo hired a supervisor for multilingual placement and six cultural specialists who speak the top six foreign languages in the district.


Read the rest of the article: http://buffalonews.com/2016/11/27/new-americans-force-changes-at-central-registration/
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