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FOX said there was a NY magazine that had cover page of Trump with "LOSER" slapped across his forehead, and they RAN it even against the advice of some of their extreme libs on staff (this was before they knew the results)

Anybody know which one?

I saw it last night at the store. I thought, how much egg will these douche bags have on their face after the election?


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Red, you and others should turn off Fox and watch CSNBC and CNN. One lib commented on CSNBC that he hoped Trump would be gracious (I don't think that was the word but along those lines) in victory and work with the Dems and hire the best people for the job regardless of political party. These mother fuckers just kill me. They ram through Obama Care without the Republicans and Obama wouldn't work with anyone or compromise. He rammed through his agenda and then when Congress didn't agree, he pushed it through via Executive Order like he was some fucking king or dictator. And these mother fuckers didn't say a word.

I actually agree with that belief that we need to move forward and communicate but it works both ways. Half of me just says fuck it and give the Dems the same bullshit they gave us for the last 8 years.

I get all the talk about being humble and unifying but we havent had a bit of it for 8 years.

Id rather see him get up and say this is how it will be. The liberal agenda and media is a fraud and responsible for everything that is wrong in this great country. We are making America great again and you can get onboard or watch as we are moving forward. Changes will be dramatic and for the benefit of all. We will stomp out the liberal nonsense because it needs to be eradicated. If we dont kill it it will rear its ugly destructive head again. And we cant afford to let it happen again.

Al Sharpton is yapping on MSNBC about how we arent going down without a fight. Wasnt he getting out of here if Trump won?


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Al Sharpton said both parties lost last night.

No Al, just the DemoRats lost. Trump saved the Repub party from itself in this election.


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Red, you and others should turn off Fox and watch CSNBC and CNN. One lib commented on CSNBC that he hoped Trump would be gracious (I don't think that was the word but along those lines) in victory and work with the Dems and hire the best people for the job regardless of political party. These mother fuckers just kill me. They ram through Obama Care without the Republicans and Obama wouldn't work with anyone or compromise. He rammed through his agenda and then when Congress didn't agree, he pushed it through via Executive Order like he was some fucking king or dictator. And these mother fuckers didn't say a word.

I actually agree with that belief that we need to move forward and communicate but it works both ways. Half of me just says fuck it and give the Dems the same bullshit they gave us for the last 8 years.

Cnn coverage was by far the best of the night Watching Jake Tapper and Wolf literally meltdown on tv was pricelss

I love the new line liberals are using calling this a "whiteLash"


Pro Bowler
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shit like this is getting old

what they didn't realize is a lot of people are saying fuck you with their vote to that kind of accusation as well as the general tone that all Trump supporters are racists

I didn't vote for Trump but I can understand that sentiment


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White People finally stood up and said enough is enough

Cheering on cops being executed
Black Lives Matter
Obamacare rates going up 20, 30%
Zero Jobs
Illegal aliens bleeding from the economy
Sanctuary Cities

Enough was enough


Pro Bowler
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White People finally stood up and said enough is enough

Cheering on cops being executed
Black Lives Matter
Obamacare rates going up 20, 30%
Zero Jobs
Illegal aliens bleeding from the economy
Sanctuary Cities

Enough was enough

its idiotic to tie these positions to skin pigment


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White People finally stood up and said enough is enough

Cheering on cops being executed
Black Lives Matter
Obamacare rates going up 20, 30%
Zero Jobs
Illegal aliens bleeding from the economy
Sanctuary Cities

Enough was enough

This is absolutely true. Rural America showed up in force at the voting booths.


Pro Bowler
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So much for Hillary locking up the minority and female vote. She just assumed that she had that shit in the bag because of his grab da pussy and build a wall comments

Maybe the rest of the country isn't as PC and easily offended as the lefties are


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Pro Bowler
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Democrats need to learn how to convey their message in a less condescending, patronizing and accusatory tone. Everyone that supported Trump isn’t a stupid, white racist and I think a lot of people used their vote for Trump as a big fuck you to those types of accusations.

I guess they have to draw these types of conclusions to make themselves feel better about their failure to convince people of their views or deal with the fact that the issues are much more complicated than skin pigment


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yeah, but i dont really hate superpunk, i just threw him in there to be a dick.

Did I read MB4 correctly that SP passed away or was that just a figure of speach? I mean, at least one guy on your list may be gone. Just remember, I'm your friend.


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Cnn coverage was by far the best of the night Watching Jake Tapper and Wolf literally meltdown on tv was pricelss

I love the new line liberals are using calling this a "whiteLash"

When the numbers come out, I'd bet he got more Hispanics, Blacks and females than Romney. It'll be interesting to listen to talk radio on my home from work.

I have a TV in my office and I haven't turned the thing on in years but it's on today. Again, I'm only watching the liberal rags and just love the shock and disbelief as they try to figure out how this happen. Only one guy (and I don't remember who it was) mentioned that the Obama Administration had forgotton about the blue collar worker and they revolted against his policies. he also mentioned that middle class America is struggling and will continue to struggle under the weight of Obama Care. Only one guy got it. The rest just pawn the loss off to racism which is the calling card of the left. God I hate them.....


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As Donald Trump inched closer to the presidency Tuesday night, Democratic commentator and former Obama administration staffer Van Jones offered an emotional analysis of what a potential Trump victory would mean for many parents in America.

“You tell your kids, don’t be a bully. You tell your kids, don’t be a bigot. You tell your kids, do your homework and be prepared,” Jones said on CNN. “Then you have this outcome, and you have people putting children to bed tonight. They’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘how do I explain this to my children.’”

Referring to the Republican presidential nominee’s anti-immigrant platform, including his proposed ban on Muslim travel to the U.S., Jones said, “I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

Fuck you Van Jones. You act like this is some oppressive regime where kids and adults live in fear of being rounded up. The reality is that these mother fuckers are the elites. They have't worked for a fucking thing their whole life. Fucking leaches.

As for the immigrants....I'm an immigrant you fucking cocksucker. My family worked hard and made a living. They never asked for a handout. They learned the language good enough to survive and what they didn't know or understand, I bridged the gap. They were your typical small busines owners and middle class Americans who worked hard, employed many people and paid their taxes. All that has evaporated over the past 8 years. The crashing real estate market and the crashing economy caused them to lose just about everyting they worked hard to build. So excuse me when this cocksucker President tells people like my parents that "they didn't build that...." Fuck you....they did by build it working 3 jobs at a time, all day, 7 days a week. But these fuckers will never understand it because they've never worked an honest days labor in their miserable lives. They were sent to private schools and went to Harvard on the government tit who paid for it with my family's hard earned money from a business the President claimed they never built.

So these immigrants that Van Jones refers to, instead of being scared, should just go to work like the rest of us. Or they should just answer their own texts and just leave the country. It wasn't easy for people like my parents and millions of others like them. If they think they can live a better life in Egypt, or Syria, or where ever they came from....then go the fuck back.

Ok...I'm done and now I feel better but I get real fucking angry when I listen to these people.
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