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There will be a lot to unravel here in the coming weeks and months. Joe Biden (ie: his handlers) have agreed to a debeate in June and another one in September. The first thing I asked is "why?" The simple answer is that he's trailing in badly the polls. But I think it's deeper than that. And the reson hasn't revelaed itself yet. The fix is in. The left are can't out think them.

And Slovakia's right leaning PM (compared to Trump) has been shot and seriously wounded. Initial reports are that it's a leftists. The world is going mad and the narrative on the left is that conservatives are the real threat to democracy. These are dangerous times.........



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And Slovakia's right leaning PM (compared to Trump) has been shot and seriously wounded. Initial reports are that it's a leftists. The world is going mad and the narrative on the left is that conservatives are the real threat to democracy. These are dangerous times.........

Biden and CIA probably had a major role


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There will be a lot to unravel here in the coming weeks and months. Joe Biden (ie: his handlers) have agreed to a debeate in June and another one in September. The first thing I asked is "why?" The simple answer is that he's trailing in badly the polls. But I think it's deeper than that. And the reson hasn't revelaed itself yet. The fix is in. The left are can't out think them.

And Slovakia's right leaning PM (compared to Trump) has been shot and seriously wounded. Initial reports are that it's a leftists. The world is going mad and the narrative on the left is that conservatives are the real threat to democracy. These are dangerous times.........

What is Biden's biggest weakness right now? Of course all his policies suck, but beyond that the issue is his mental acuity. If he skips the debates Republicans will hammer him on this issue claiming he is too feeble to debate. So they will pump him full of drugs after lowering expectations. If he just stands their and breathes he will exceed expectations and the media will declare he won and was as sharp as ever. All he has to do is not fall over or have a serious senior moment.

I think you are definitely on to something though. The Democrats will have something planned before election day. I think they still think if they can get Trump convicted and sentenced to prison before the first debate it will help them. And I think the trial in NY is rigged for that to happen. The judge will sentence Trump and the NY appeals court will uphold his sentence. Trump will have to make an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court and I think they are chomping at the bit to take his appeal. They will release him but a lot has to happen before election day.


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French Gun Free Zones...

Gerald Darmanin, France's Interior Minister, said 'all means are being used' to find Mohamed Amra, 30 - known locally as 'The Fly' - after Tuesday's daring escape.

Two officers were killed and three injured when armed men opened fire on the prison van as it took Amra back to jail from a courthouse in Normandy, sparking national outrage.

Dramatic footage showed the chilling moments the prison van was rammed by a black SUV before gunmen, in hoods and balaclavas, appeared and opened fire with military-grade weapons.



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The left are can't out think them.

You can, the problem is there aren't enough Americans that like to think anymore

I don't trust the polls or dems either and fully expect a disappointment on election day (or thereafter) just like the "red wave" that never happened or the Kracken that was never released, etc

Wasnt Clinton leading in all the polls in 2016 and lost?
Then Trump leading in most polls in 2020 and lost?

Seems like these early leads turn into dust when it matters

Given it takes so much time to dive into details to discover the blatant lies by a biased media, I think most people will assume all the negative BS they've heard about Trump is true and vote accordingly

I really wish the country would shock the world and vote so overwhelmingly in favor of Trump, that he wins the popular and electoral vote as a huge rebuke to how horrific the democrats have become


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You can, the problem is there aren't enough Americans that like to think anymore

I don't trust the polls or dems either and fully expect a disappointment on election day (or thereafter) just like the "red wave" that never happened or the Kracken that was never released, etc

Wasnt Clinton leading in all the polls in 2016 and lost?
Then Trump leading in most polls in 2020 and lost?

Seems like these early leads turn into dust when it matters

Given it takes so much time to dive into details to discover the blatant lies by a biased media, I think most people will assume all the negative BS they've heard about Trump is true and vote accordingly

I really wish the country would shock the world and vote so overwhelmingly in favor of Trump, that he wins the popular and electoral vote as a huge rebuke to how horrific the democrats have become
I am like you. I don't trust the polls at all, no matter who they say is ahead. And, it is too early. You can better the Dems have another surprise for Trump, probably another indictment or something. In fact, heard last week the IRS is claiming he owes them $100 million for underpaying taxes going back 10 or 12 years. Of course this makes no sense because the IRS does not go back further than 7 years. But it's Trump so normal rules do not apply.

More importantly, the election will turn on voter turnout. Whichever side can get their voters out to the polls, and I include dead voters as well, will win. Dems have shown they are much better at herding ballots.

And this is why it is important for Republicans to stop fighting with each other. We need to be 100% united behind Trump and other Republicans who are nominated. The focus has to be on winning now.


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I am like you. I don't trust the polls at all, no matter who they say is ahead. And, it is too early. You can better the Dems have another surprise for Trump, probably another indictment or something. In fact, heard last week the IRS is claiming he owes them $100 million for underpaying taxes going back 10 or 12 years. Of course this makes no sense because the IRS does not go back further than 7 years. But it's Trump so normal rules do not apply.

More importantly, the election will turn on voter turnout. Whichever side can get their voters out to the polls, and I include dead voters as well, will win. Dems have shown they are much better at herding ballots.

And this is why it is important for Republicans to stop fighting with each other. We need to be 100% united behind Trump and other Republicans who are nominated. The focus has to be on winning now.

My concern is that the Democrats have found ways to legally get a win through manipulation like in the video below and mail in ballots which I think are ripe for fraud and even in the absence of fraud, ballot harvesting laws can be easily skirted by doing get out the vote BBQ's, events, etc in populations that are poorer, more densely congregated in a small space (like section 8 apartments) and who tend to have a predisposition to vote democrat. Simply getting these people to complete their mail-in ballot without any overt manipulation on the part of the ballot harvester will likely result in a Democrat vote (imo)

whats discussed in that video and the entire podcast is more concerning because Dr Epstein shows how Google, Siri, etc can manipulate opinion with a 43-90+ % success rate depending upon the method used. Siri for example has a higher manipulation rate because unlike Google searches that give the reader a list of choices, Siri, et al give a single answer people tend to trust because we have abdicated thought to search engines, etc


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I'm sure the film will "tick" all of the right DEI boxes...

Director Steven Spielberg and writer David Koepp, the duo behind Jurassic Park, will reunite for an upcoming UFO movie.

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