Or, Old Has Been looking for attention for her new book.
A walkout affecting 14 large ports on the East and Gulf Coast could start at midnight on Tuesday October 1, posing a potentially significant headwind to the US economy.
Negotiations on a new contract began in May but have stalled in recent weeks.
The United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), which represents shipping companies and terminal operators, on Thursday asked federal officials to intervene, citing the union's "repeated refusal to come to the table."
Lock this Communist lying hag up
Back when we had a real President:Let them strike. They will not get their way. They are like the blacksmith's striking because the automobile came along.
In their case, they do not want automation to take their jobs.
Well that's too bad. All of the highway toll workers who took money in toll booths lost their jobs when the tech to read car plates and toll tags came on the scene in Dallas.
US ports brace for potential dockworkers strike
Tens of thousands of US dockworkers plan to strike next week if there is no breakthrough on contract talks, just a month before November's closely contested presidential election.www.france24.com