I don't disagree with you that was unsustainable. But there was greed on all sides - it wasn't the union's greed alone that did them in. There was plenty of waste and over-spending everywhere. But the narrative that came out has almost entirely blamed who? The worker. For taking as much as they possibly could.
Funny how when the "job creators" do that, it's just viewed as good capitalism. When the workers try it, it's commmunism.
So let me ask you this, dodger...
we regulate energy prices. We regulate all sorts of things and it is a GOOD thing for citizens in general. We can't have huge companies charging whatever they want for necessities, because they don't care about whether or not Joe Fucker in Indiana can afford to feed his family and keep his landscaping business going. They care about posting a quarterly profit.
We have oild companies posting 3 billion dollar profits IN EACH QUARTER. These companies aren't altruistically setting price points to help the populace while still turning a decent profit - they are bending the populace over, ass-raping them, and then not giving a goddam thing back by taking advantage of accounting loopholes. They also aren't subject to normal supply and demand principles, because they are ENORMOUS and there are so few of them. Rather the entire system works together so they all offer the same good at about the same price, and maximize their profits.
What would be your issue with regulating their prices? From my perspective it would slow inflation, bring down the costs of goods, and fuck we could work with them so that they're still turning a profit of several hundred million dollars every quarter. All we say is - you aren't going to rape us so that your quarterly earnings impress your investors, and you're going to pay your fair share in taxes.
Explain the downside of something like that to me. We already do it with other industries.