It is too early to tell anything, but hopefully he's serviceable. All the sportswriters on Twitter, including markets other than Dallas, have been sarcastically talking about how everyone looks like a future All Pro right now.
Dude... MB4 is exactly right. You shat on him all season about him losing arm strength, checking out of runs, blah blah blah. I've never claimed he's "one of the greatest players in the history of football" and you and I argued about him every fucking week. The fact that you're denying that now makes me question your sanity.
So we agree you shat on him all year... OK good.Well duh, that was true
He didn't have the same zip and he did constantly check out of runs all year.
I'm not denying shit, I cant help it if you and mb are both so fucktarded that you cant read
So we agree you shat on him all year... OK good.