
Pro Bowler
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You get the feeling general consensus is for Obama to mind his business.

I've come to the conclusion that Presidents are basically figureheads. All the big decisions are made by people behind the scenes. I don't think this is really his call.


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I've come to the conclusion that Presidents are basically figureheads. All the big decisions are made by people behind the scenes. I don't think this is really his call.

Of course. It's not simply accident that every ignorant policy Bush created served as the perfect platform for this douche to implement worse policies. The divide isn't Republican - Democrat, it's that anamorphic beast of politicians vs. us.


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I agree... If I'm walking down the street and see some pyscho farting in a babies face and making it smell his/her beef stew you bet your ass I'm gonna run up on the dude and hit him with a stone cold stunner.

Same shit.

I think I laugh more every time I read this


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Egypt shuts off the Suez canal to U.S. warships, and now Russia joins the fray... You get the feeling general consensus is for Obama to mind his business.


Well the bambster has failed to rally our "allies". France and GB have done a 180. It appears that they are not so keen to partner with the most destructive terrorists in history. So now Obama is going to revive the failed polices of Viet Nam and attempt to strategically bomb them until they promise to behave. That should turn out well. I wonder if Al Qaeda will use the surface to air missiles we gave them against us?


Pro Bowler
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I wonder if Al Qaeda will use the surface to air missiles we gave them against us?

They don't work against our aircraft if I'm not mistaken just like the Stinger missles didn't in Afghanistan.

I hope we rip them a new one for all the soldiers they maimed/killed in Iraq.


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They don't work against our aircraft if I'm not mistaken just like the Stinger missles didn't in Afghanistan.

I believe you are mistaken regarding the Stingers. The CIA spent hundreds of thousands of dollars attempting to repurchase them from the terrorists. In Afghanistan there are over 300 shoulder fired missile systems unaccounted for. They can be set to detect friendly aircraft but can also be modified to take down any plane.


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Watching the politicians running around in circles would be amusing if it was not such a serious issue. Red line, now no red line. Against preemptive attacks, now all for it. Have dinner with Assad one night and threaten to destroy his county the next night.

No one is mentioning where the chemical weapons came from. They would have to admit to being wrong on WMD's in Iraq but Pelosi, Lurch, and Obama will never do that


Pro Bowler
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We're in debt, we get reminded of that 5 times a day, but we can sure launch $1 million cruise missles into countries one after the other. Red line my ass. This is to get Syria out of the way so we can strike Iran. We don't give a shit about those people. If the world thought it was a "red line" it would strike Syria too. So far it's just us.


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Kerry: Arab countries offered to pay for invasion

Secretary of State John Kerry said at Wednesday’s hearing that Arab counties have offered to pay for the entirety of unseating President Bashar al-Assad if the United States took the lead militarily.

“With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess, the answer is profoundly yes,” Kerry said. “They have. That offer is on the table.”

Asked by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) about how much those countries would contribute, Kerry said they have offered to pay for all of a full invasion.

“In fact, some of them have said that if the United States is prepared to go do the whole thing the way we’ve done it previously in other places, they’ll carry that cost,” Kerry said. “That’s how dedicated they are at this. That’s not in the cards, and nobody’s talking about it, but they’re talking in serious ways about getting this done.

Read more:

Where the votes stand on Syria
11 questions Congress faces on Syria
Poll: Most in U.S. oppose Syria strike

Aaron Blake 1:21 PM
The House’s Syria hearing: Live updates
A day after testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, President Obama’s top national security aides likely face a tougher examination of the administration’s plans for military intervention in Syria from House Republicans and skeptical Democrats.

Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Gen. Martin Dempsey are again set to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Stay tuned below for the latest updates.

Live blog is shutting down

Our live blog coverage is coming to an end today, as the last few members ask their questions.

But feel free to stick around and review what’s happened so far as you watch the rest of the hearing.

Aaron Blake 3:43 PM
Senate panel passes resolution

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has passed its use of force resolution out of committee, by a vote of 10-7.

Here’s the recap, from Ed O’Keefe:




Aaron Blake 3:28 PM
Senate committee expected to vote soon

Across the Capitol, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is expected to vote momentarily on its use of force resolution.

Aaron Blake 3:23 PM
Dempsey: Russia not a 'conventional' superpower

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said that he does not consider Russia to be a superpower, but that it does have some capabilities of a superpower.

“Russia still possesses elements that would qualify them to join the club of superpowers,” Dempsey said. “They still have an incredible strategic arsenal. But conventionally, I wouldn’t put them in that class.”

Dempsey’s comments came in response to questions from Rep. George Holding (R-N.C.), who asked whether Russia might retaliate if the United States attacked Syria.

There has been disagreement about whether Russia has risen to superpower status following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for one, has said Russia is a superpower, as has former Russian prime minister Dmitri Medvedev.

Aaron Blake 3:21 PM
Rand Paul says filibuster not planned

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has said he might filibuster the Syria use of force resolution, clarified Wednesday that he doesn’t plan to — at least at this point.

From Ed O’Keefe:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday he has no plans to filibuster a resolution authorizing U.S. military force in Syria.

“That would be a misinterpretation from the media,” Paul said in response to an inquiry by Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee debate on a new version of a resolution authorizing force.

News reports earlier Wednesday citing Paul aides said the senator was planning to filibuster the resolution. That would require the resolution’s supporters to amass at least 60 senators to vote to override a filibuster. Senate Democratic aides have said for days that they always expected the need to have at least 60 votes in support of the measure, assuming that some senator would at some point attempt to filibuster the resolution.

Aaron Blake 3:13 PM
Majority of GOP panel members are freshmen

As the House Foreign Relations Committee weighs a use of force resolution, it’s worth noting that a majority of the House GOP contingent is freshmen — 13 of 25, in fact.


The reason that’s important: Freshmen and second-term members have proven to be very independent of party leaders and willing to vote against them. So despite House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) support for the use of force, that doesn’t mean it will pass out of committee.

Aaron Blake 3:08 PM
Is Assad likely to hit back?

Rep. Alan Grayson.(D-Fla.), a long-time critic of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, asked Dempsey whether he believed “a counter-attack is more likely than not?”

“No, I don’t think I can say that without signaling to the Syrian regime in some way. I wouldn’t say that, I wouldn’t come to that conclusion,” he replied.

Dempsey said that U.S. ships are out-of-reach of Syrian missiles but noted that embassies “are always subject to terrorist attack” and that Israel had moved to a state of high alert in anticipation of a military response by President Assad.

Asked if air strikes would require supplemental funds, Hagel said it would depend on the military option chosen.

Billy Kenber 3:06 PM
Duncan: 'Credibility issue' over Benghazi

Following Rep. Joe Wilson’s comments earlier, Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) became the second congressman to bring up the death of four Americans in Benghazi last year.

He said President Obama had a “credibility issue” due to unanswered questions about the incident.

Responding angrily, Kerry reminded Duncan that he had volunteered to fight for the U.S. in Vietnam and said the debate was “not about getting into Syria’s civil war.”

“We don’t deserve to drift this into yet another Benghazi discussion,” he said, as Duncan held up a photograph of a Navy SEAL who died in the Benghazi attack.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) then held up a photograph of Syrian children as he read out details of the symptoms of a Sarin gas attack.

Billy Kenber 2:53 PM

Secretary of State John Kerry said at a House Foreign Affairs committee hearing Wednesday that the likelihood of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to use chemical weapons again is "probably 100 percent" if the U.S. does not intervene.

2:52 PM
The cost of U.S. air strikes

Towards the end of his testy exchange with Rep. Tom Marino (R.-Pa.), the defense secretary was asked about the cost of U.S. air strikes.

Marino asked: “Who is going to pay for this and what is it going to cost United States taxpayers?”

Hagel replied that “it would be in the tens of millions of dollars, that kind of range.”

Billy Kenber 2:43 PM
nteresting. We are now officially mercenaries. The Arabs have offered to cover all the costs associated with getting rid of Assad.


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So Obama's boys are now executing Christians. He sure picks some fucked up people to partner with and support.

WARNING GRAPHIC: A priest and another Christian were beheaded before a cheering crowd by Syrian insurgents who say they aided and abetted the enemy, President Bashar Assad's military, foreign media reported. An undated video that made the Internet rounds on Wednesday showed two unnamed men with tied hands surrounded by a cheering crowd of dozens, just moments before their heads were cut off with a small knife, Syria Report said. The attackers in the video then lifted the head for show, and placed it back on the body. The incident took place in the countryside of Idlib, the media report said.

Link to the video:


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Pro Bowler
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The world will be a much better place without religion. We may not see it completely gone in our lifetimes, but the world is headed in that direction.


Quality Starter
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I just can't believe we're going to do this. Shooting a few missiles in will do nothing, just like always. Doesn't make any sense at all.


Pro Bowler
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I just can't believe we're going to do this. Shooting a few missiles in will do nothing, just like always. Doesn't make any sense at all.

They're $1 million a piece too. They need to STFU about national debt. We've probably spent that amount in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. The government wastes money like it's going out of style then they want to hammer us about how much debt we're in.
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I just can't believe we're going to do this. Shooting a few missiles in will do nothing, just like always. Doesn't make any sense at all.

I disagree. They'll see freedom raining down on them in the form of Patriot Missles and shapen right up.


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Putin greets Obama with Syria threat

President Obama arrived in Russia today to find the already failing relations with his host in even worse condition. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to provide his Syrian allies with a missile shield in the event of U.S. airstrikes further complicates Obama’s flagging effort to win international support for an attack on Damascus. As the Guardian reports, Putin’s warning that an attack without UN backing would provoke military aid from Russia may drive away the handful of international partners for Obama’s proposed attack.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that the main combat unit of the Syrian rebels is part of Al Qaeda adds a further chill to U.S.-Russia relations. Putin said Secretary of State John Kerry “lies openly” about Al Qaeda’s role among U.S.-backed rebels in Syria. Putin’s comments came after Kerry’s testy exchange with Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., over the role of terrorist groups in the rebellion. Kerry claimed that Al Qaeda-allied groups were a small fraction of the force. State Department officials dismissed Putin’s charge.

STRIKES STILL SHORT ON SUPPORT - Fox News: Strong Republican opposition to strikes against Syria is showing no signs of fading. “[House Speaker John Boehner] is not my boss… the people who elected me are my boss. Voters are saying, ‘Please, do not engage in Syria,”’ Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., said. Salmon predicted to National Review that the authorization will “fail by 20 votes” in the Republican-controlled House. Washington Examiner’s Michael Barone observes that only 17 House members have spoken in favor of military action, while 130 have said they are opposed or leaning against it.

Read more:


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So now Obama and McCain's boys (Al Qaeda) have admitted to using WMD's in attacks on Syrian women and children. Still no word on where the weapons came.

A video has emerged of an opposition rebel militant in Syria apparently confessing to using chemical weapons in order to follow Osama Bin Laden’s mantra of killing women and children.

The individual in the clip, Nadeem Baloosh, is a member an insurgent group called Riyadh Al Abdeen, which is active in the Latakia area of Syria.

Baloosh speaks of “chemicals which produce lethal and deadly gases that I possess,” before going on to state, “We decided to harm them through their women and kids.”

Baloosh ponders if it is acceptable to harm women and children before quoting the Koran, “Fight them as they fight you. ” He goes on to quote Osama Bin Laden (whom other rebel groups have openly praised).

“We’ll kill their women and children like Sheikh Osama Bin Laden said – “until they cease killing our women and kids,” he states.

Baloosh goes on to talk about the Syrian Army approaching the area where his rebel group were located, before stating, “So we had the idea that this weapon was very powerful and effective to repel them, we announced if they approached one meter, everything is permitted.”

“We will strike them in their homes, we will turn their day into night and their night into day,” adds Baloosh.

The footage adds to the increasing weight of evidence that suggests US-backed rebels possess and have used chemical weapons on more than one occasion, although such reports have been habitually downplayed by the mainstream media.

Earlier today Russia announced that it had compiled a 100 page report proving opposition rebels “were behind a deadly sarin gas attack in an Aleppo suburb earlier this year.”

Carla Del Ponte, the leading member of the UN inquiry into the attack, which happened in March, told Swiss TV that there existed “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof” that rebels were responsible for the atrocity.

As we highlighted last week, Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta admitted to a reporter that they were responsible for last month’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

Despite the fact that the report was written by credible Associated Press and BBC correspondent Dale Gavlak, it has received virtually zero mainstream attention.

In addition, leaked phone conversations that emerged earlier this year between two members of the Free Syrian Army contain details of a plan to carry out a chemical weapons attack capable of impacting an area the size of one kilometer. Footage was also leaked showing opposition militants testing what appeared to be nerve agents on laboratory rabbits.

There are also multiple other videos which apparently shows US-backed rebels preparing and using chemical weapons.

Story link

Video link


Pro Bowler
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Well, our ships are already there. You would think we would get approval before sending the ships.
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