i love how some people are so fucking racist and mad that people are tired of them being racist that they're rooting snyder on here
yeah danny stick it to them keep using that name let's hold on to what we've got it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not we got each other and that's alot
People opposing this type of tyranny aren't racists. They're people who know "redskin" isn't and has never been a slur or a pejorative, they know it was originally
coined by native Americans themselves - they CALLED themselves that in dealings with the "pale face" Anglos in official treaty meetings and hearings, (it's on the fucking historical record) and they know the name "redskins" was chosen originally to capitalize on the Boston Red SOX name when this football franchise was originally IN Boston. You had the Red Sox and the Red Skins, in Boston back then.
It's only uneducated, ignorant louts such as yourself who go around screaming "raaaaaaacist" every time they open their idiot smega head faces, who are the actual, true racists. It's one of the most classic "guilty dog barks first" type of Freudian Slip there is.