WTF does that have to do with it? But, to answer your question, no, to fit my diet something has to be killed. And fuck off if you disagree. You live your cock sucking vegan life and I will live mine.
Obviously the answer is yes, there are alternatives.
So we are ok with killing animals, as long as we eat it, or do it in a certain context (sport/trophy hunting - which we find more palatable if we also eat that meat, too - but it's not necessary) - but we aren't ok with it in other contexts. Either way the animal is just as dead, and in some cases the only reason we've killed/abused it is for our own entertainment.
Similar to this thread. We are ok with violence among children, as long as it's in a context we've all agreed to as a society. But our standards change constantly. What we're ok with now is tame compared to what we used to be ok with. And it's different than what people in other countries are ok with. And 100 years from now what we're ok with will be even tamer.
Moral relativity. it's not a difficult concept, it's just introspective which makes less educated people uncomfortable once the dissonance sets in, which causes them to lash out and get angry (see: You, in this thread). It makes me uncomfortable too, because when I consider it, it confronts me with my own hypocrisy, but that's no reason to throw a fit or stop thinking about it.