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The two parties keep others out. They don’t let them join the debates. They whole system is jacked up and both parties like it that way. You know the super pac stuff.

That is because you want to stay within the system. You want to have viable third parties? Then smash the system. Step one. Take every opportunity to not support either major party in anyway, shape or form. Support a third party! If you want to do it smart, start local. Gather like thinking people and take over a school board. Elect some town councilmen. Make sure they stay with the program. And you have to see it through. Not one election, not two, nor three but all of them, for however long it takes to build the party. Once you start with the small success the bigger ones will follow if you do it right. There are plenty of people dying to vote for a viable candidate or candidates that aren't same clown clones that perpetuate the criminal class in our city halls, state house and halls of Congress. You got to have thick skin though. You have to stick with our guys through the shit storm that the entrenched forces of the status quo will through at you. And if you can see it through there still is the final hurdle of getting your policies enacted and showing how they are beneficial. It's one thing to say it will work, (although Liberals seem stuck at this step but no one seems to call them on it) it has to work or believing in it benefits no one. All of this is something that takes time, effort and determination. It is not something that some "Powers that be" grant you out of the kindness of their hearts. Our Founding Fathers knew this, when in the course of human events there comes a time... Well, is it time yet or shall we sleepwalk through to our final rest?

Bob Sacamano

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its really pretty amazing what he's accomplished even having to deal with an obstructionist congress. turned the economy around, reformed health care, so much social progress he's been at the helm of - history will no doubt sing his praises. it will be nice if Bernie takes it to the next level.

No social progress has been made. If anything it's been reversed.
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that doesnt sound right

people are getting more rights all the time. tolerance is at an all time high. obviously barry cant get all the credit - social media is huge because if you're a bigoted piece of shit everyone will find out QUICK and make you pay. but man what a time to be alive. what a country. what a president. what a man. what a man. what a man. what a mighty good man.


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I want to live in a world where Kaitlyn Jenner gets an award at the ESPY's for being a fucking weirdo.
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lets be real that was a pretty damn good speech

i find the family repulsive but she nailed it last night. i was prepared to hate it and find it obnoxious, i was moved though.


High Plains Drifter
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lets be real that was a pretty damn good speech

i find the family repulsive but she nailed it last night. i was prepared to hate it and find it obnoxious, i was moved though.
Why are you so anti-science? Don't you know we can't change chromosomes, and that no matter what you do to alter your appearance, you're still either male or female?


High Plains Drifter
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What happened to CobraKai??? Much cooler handle.
Nothing at all, this genius apparently forgot that password and didn't have the wherewithal or the candle power to get a password reset through the system.

You might say, (to steal a line from Sheik) that he is DezIrvin of the less cool handle.


High Plains Drifter
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science is pretty wild. step your game up from 6th grade biology, it's not just about the chromosomes, holmes
You answer established science with a link from a transgender advocacy site.... Try the American Medical Association, or even basic genetics. By the way, it doesn't matter if you feel like you should have been born a different gender. You're a fucking male or female, period, depending on your chromosomes.

Science isn't "wild" at all. Lying about it then calling it science still, makes it look wild. Just like Bruce Jenner now almost looks like a woman.
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what in particular did you find incorrect about the link when you cross referenced it with the AMA


High Plains Drifter
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what in particular did you find incorrect about the link when you cross referenced it with the AMA
The actual science part.

Do you want your superpunk account back or not? I can even merge them for you, and then merge your CobraKai account, so you have all your posts all on one account.
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can you elaborate on that

which part of the actual science. its all science but if your diligent study of the AMA's finding on chromosomal abnormalities invalidates something in the link i posted i'm interested


High Plains Drifter
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which part of the actual science. its all science but if your diligent study of the AMA's finding on chromosomal abnormalities invalidates something in the link i posted i'm interested
It's actually all, technology. Technical knowledge. Not theoretical, which is the realm of science.
can you elaborate on that
Yes, I need to know which account you want to use.
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