I am amazed that this is a story now. It is not like this was some deep dark secret.
I remember distinctly when it happened. It was even brought up when they are comparing Manning with Leaf.
And yes, it is a direct racial image attack in response to the Cam Newton stuff.
Big kudos to Jason Whitlock for calling out the writer:
“The guy that wrote this story for the New York Daily News, he’s not a journalist. He’s a race hustler from Twitter, from the Black Lives Matter movement who stirs racial controversy to elevate himself. Listen, the guy’s been busted. First of all, he’s white and presenting himself as black. He said that as a child in high school he was allegedly attacked by a group of white people because he was black. Well, he wasn’t black and there were people saying that wasn’t why he was attacked and there’s no proof of it. He said that it was the first hate crime in Kentucky or whatever.
“I looked into this all at the time because I interviewed this guy for a job at The Undefeated months ago. And after interviewing him I was like, ‘Holy cow.’ There’s so much suspicious, skeptical stuff to this guy that we walked away from this guy and looked into the stories he told us, and we couldn’t find proof of them.”