What they do in their own homes is their business. Will their marriage be behind closed doors as well? I am a firm believer in each state making their own choice on the issue. I live in the bible belt and gay marriage will not happen in my state, period.
It is not even an issue here. If the residents of the state of Mississippi does not want
it to be legal, that is our business. We should and do have the right to make laws reflect what we define as socially acceptable behaviour.
If it was would it make a difference? I'm not even sure what you meant by this. Gays can get married in their own home or that gays should have to keep their marriage to themselves in public?
As far as states deciding, I would agree if those states could provide a valid reason that didn't include religious doctrine. If they're voting based on a belief system they are imposing their religion onto other people, in which case the issue has evolved beyond the scope of just the state itself.
Furthermore, I don't see how those who oppose based on religion can even make a claim to the legal aspect. If marriage is a bond formed under the authority of God then the states themselves have no ground to regulate who is married or not, much less even issue marriage licenses to those they deem worthy.
If you are going to appeal to God, you have no business whatsoever asking the state to enforce any sort of law pertaining to the matter. First and foremost, God's authority isn't subject to the laws of man and therefore shouldn't be regulated by man. If anything, the issue should be left to the churches to decide. Secondly, asking the state to impose the will of
your God is a clear violation of The Constitution.