I'm pretty confident that Dallas restructures more than other teams. Ware has restructured every year for like 3 straight years and I'm not sure there's example of another team doing that with one of the biggest contracts year-in and year-out.
Restructuring does happen across the league. My question was about why other teams don't follow Dallas' lead and have their highest contracts restructure on what is almost an annual basis? I can't think of another team that has their own Ware and then has restructuring similar to Romo and Austin as well.
If such teams exist, why are they not in the same position as Dallas?
Underachievers happen for every team. Go look at Seattle and what Zach Miller, Sidney Rice, and Chris Clemons took up in cap space. Now see what happens when those guys are cut, compared to what happens when Dallas cuts Ware and Austin.
One team opens up about $20M in cap space to actually use. The other cuts it cap deficit in half and has to make more moves to remove the other $8M-$10M that is still needed to be cut just to get under the salary cap.
No, cutting Ware does not allow the team to spend more. They are $23M over the cap so cutting Ware doesn't even get even. Cutting Austin doesn't give them a dollar more either. They have to do these things just to get under the salary cap.
The cap has already been announced so Dallas $23M overage is set. There will be no additional money coming from an increase.
Lastly, as I pointed out cutting Ware and Austin and restructuring Lee, Romo, and Carr gives the team $12M in space. $10M does not come until June 1st however. So for the free agent period they will not have money to spend unless they continue further with restructuring.
Of that $12M, $5M will be dedicated to rookies which leaves $7-$8M to actually try and increase the cash spending number which will be at $83M once the rookie contracts come on board.
That's the entire point. They're under on the cash side but do not have the ability to make it up for the given year because they are over on the cap side.
Here's the cash spending number for each team. It includes however many contract each team has, which is why Dallas is set at $106 when they only have $101 (I said $96M above but was looking at base salaries by mistake). So Dallas would have $77M, and not the $72M I said earlier.
Even $83M is towards the bottom of the league. The difference between those teams and Dallas being many of the teams lower than Dallas can spend however much they want where as Dallas cannot.
Actually, nobody knows what the consequences might be. I've asked if they would be similar to other inabilities to get cap compliant which may include loss of draft picks but nobody knows.
I'll admit I don't know.
I've outlined exactly how it could be a problem. I'm just not sure you're following along because you seem to think that cutting Ware will open $8M in cash that could be spent and that's not even close to reality.
Here's the picture.
Cash spending: $101M
Salary cap overage: $23M
Cutting Ware and Austin will put the team at this:
Cash spending: $83M
Salary cap overage: $6.5M (much more until June 1st)
That's the problem. The moves the team MUST make to get cap compliant will also reduce their cash spending, but because they weren't under the salary cap in the first place they do not see any sort of surplus in cap space with which they can go out and spend more cash.