I could break it down for you if you promise not to "no u" me.
I can't promise that.
I could break it down for you if you promise not to "no u" me.
Great plan. We've given the wealthy all the breaks in the world. They have more money than they've ever had. Where are the jobs? See above. Noone is going to create jobs for no fucking reason, with no demand. We could easily create demand by raising minimum wage, empowering the middle class with tax breaks and access to education funded by raising taxes on the wealthy, and trying to lessen the gap between the middle class and wealthy - but Republicans want to do absolutely none of this. Why?
Businesses will create more jobs when it's not counterproductive. If I can employ 20 guys full time, and make worthwhile money, I'm going to do that. When I can employ 6 guys full time, and make the same amount as I am employing 20 guys(with the way it is right now) I'm going to stick with my 6 guys.
Demand will come back when the Goverment figures that out. Relax the tax laws all across the board. Lift the dumbshit regulations that only exist to drive businesses away. Then watch the economy turn around.
Businesses will create jobs and stimulate the economy when it's in their best interest. Not just for the hell of it. You make it worth their while by not penalizing them for being successful.
Businesses will create more jobs when it's not counterproductive. If I can employ 20 guys full time, and make worthwhile money, I'm going to do that. When I can employ 6 guys full time, and make the same amount as I am employing 20 guys(with the way it is right now) I'm going to stick with my 6 guys.
And Sheik, to draw further on this;
You, and everyone else, are NEVER going to say "Hey, I'm raking in cash and meeting demand with six guys. Instead of keeping that extra money for myself, why don't I hire a new guy for no reason so that more people have jobs."
That's what you and the Republican party wants us to believe rich people are sitting around doing with all this extra money from their tax breaks, loopholes and incentives. It's absolute bullshit. Demand has to be increased first. The best way to do that is by giving the largest class of people (poor and middle) more money to spend. Tax the rich at the same rate they were taxed when Reagan was in office. Pass those tax savings onto the poor/middle class. Remove loopholes that permit huge American corporations to avoid paying taxes to our country. Jobs will have to be created because demand has increased because the majority of Americans suddenly have more money.
New business facilities with the capability of churning out even more product, leading to more profit? :confused
These will be built if there is a corresponding demand. For no other reason, and regardless of the tax rate.
We're talking about in America, dude.
You appear to be drawing a correlation between this:
which makes sense, and this:
Which makes no sense. Large corporations already find ways to pay almost no taxes to our government. What regulations exist only to drive businesses away? There is no substance to this rhetoric.
Taxes are not a penalty. This country creates an environment where these businesses and people can be successful. They are obligated in turn to contributing back to that environment (in the form of taxes) so that infrastructure and such can be expanded so that they can function more efficiently AND so that others can do what they've been able to do with the advantages that this country provides. It is selfish and counter-productive to take advantage of those things, and then turn around and say you want to keep all of your money for yourself. That is not how you create a good society for your citizens.
They have more money than they've ever had. Where are the jobs? See above. ?
stupidforgotwhathejustpostedpunk said:You, and everyone else, are NEVER going to say "Hey, I'm raking in cash and meeting demand with six guys. Instead of keeping that extra money for myself, why don't I hire a new guy for no reason so that more people have jobs."
You're too stupid for me to talk to about this. I literally just went over all of that. There is no demand, so there are no new plants. Can you read?
So wait, let me get this straight, GOV regulation isn't a problem, it doesnt exist?
No they dont, overall "wealth" has been reduced for most by almost 40% since Barrack Hussein Obama took office
Why is there no demand, though?
Could it be because nobody is working? Nobody has money to buy the shit they make?