First off, let's put aside her last wishes because that has no basis in law or country. In fact, Ginsburg made her own death political by making such a wish public. Why wait for a new president? Is she hoping it will be a Democrat? To me this just proves she was a liberal ideologue all along and not a fair and objective justice. I don't take joy in anyone's death but I am not sad she will not be on the Supreme Court anymore.
And who says this is her last wish? Where is the proof it came from her? Is there a document? When was it written? RBG was getting cancer treatments back in the spring. She should have resigned then and not forced the country into what is about to happen. Her partisanship is why we face a potential constitutional crisis.
Trump should go ahead and appoint a replacement. This is exactly what Obama did when Scalia died. This way the senate can take up the debate, as they should. I never thought McConnell did the right thing with Garland. He should have held hearings and then Republicans could have rejected him, like Democrats rejected Robert Bork. I think McConnell spared Garland from being "Borked". At this point, Republicans have to consider the repercussions of going against what they said in 2016, no matter how nuanced it was then. But I am sympathetic to the arguments that Democrats would go ahead and confirm if the shoe was on the other foot. They are already talking about packing the court and eliminating the electoral college, two very radical proposals.
To me, fairness is not the issue. The Democrats have not treated Trump fairly since he was elected. They tried to stage a coup, then they tried to de-legitimatize his presidency. They resisted everything he did. Investigated everything he did. And their treatment of Kavanaugh was criminal. And let's not forget they impeached Trump in January just as coronavirus struck and IN AN ELECTION YEAR. If they can impeach in an election year instead of leaving it up to the voters, then we can confirm a Supreme Court justice.
If you are wondering what's at stake, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th amendments will be gutted if we have a majority of activists on the court. This is not hyperbole.