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Just kinda wondering if Everlasting, or anyone in favor of letting illegals just flood in, would be willing to let a random homeless man come into his house and take up residence.

It's essentially the same thing. Let him eat your food, take and pay for his doctors appointments, pay for his schooling, etc.

It's easy to be for that sort of thing if the responsibility falls on the country or some obscure thing like a "society". The problem exists in some fairy bubble floating over the United States, no need to worry about the ramifications, that bubble will never pop.
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Just kinda wondering if Everlasting, or anyone in favor of letting illegals just flood in, would be willing to let a random homeless man come into his house and take up residence.

It's essentially the same thing. Let him eat your food, take and pay for his doctors appointments, pay for his schooling, etc.

It's easy to be for that sort of thing if the responsibility falls on the country or some obscure thing like a "society". The problem exists in some fairy bubble floating over the United States, no need to worry about the ramifications, that bubble will never pop.

I do have some Mexicans that cut my yard each week. Not sure if they are legal or illegal, i don’t really care. They do what they have to do and leave. Nothing is given to them for free, they work for it and do a good job.

Instead of building a great wall around American and become a West Berlin, i’d much rather use my tax dollars to help people.


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I do have some Mexicans that cut my yard each week. Not sure if they are legal or illegal, i don’t really care. They do what they have to do and leave. Nothing is given to them for free, they work for it and do a good job.

Instead of building a great wall around American and become a West Berlin, i’d much rather use my tax dollars to help people.

I think that's great. Helping people is fantastic. No issue with that.

The problem is the United States of America cannot afford to take care of anyone. The USA is essentially on welfare, their check comes from China.

Illegal immigrants of all races need to be the first to go. They legally don't belong here, doesn't matter why they're here. Even if they're really good at working a weed eater.

Their kids are entitled to free everything. That's not the fault of their children. It's a harsh stance, but the country can't maintain the economic bearing that comes with the territory.


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It is not our place to provide Mexicans or anybody else a better life. We don't owe these illegal aliens anything. We have veterans in this country that does without after risking their lives for this country. We need to take care of our own people before worrying about people that breaks our laws with the first step on American soil. The illegals needs to be rounded up and sent home. This includes the ones that sneak across the border to have anchor babies to gain citizenship. Build a wall and station army personnel to defend it.


Draft Pick
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I don't want to get in a back and forth name calling, Everlasting, but you are pretty much dead wrong.

How much chaos would this country be in if everyone who had to follow laws just broke them because they are difficult to abide by?

Trump is 100% correct in saying there is an illegal immigration problem. The country cannot afford to support illegals, it can't even take care of people here legally.

Something has to give. Illegals of all races really need to get the fuck out. Illegal is illegal. It's breaking a law. I find it hilarious that I can get a ticket for $25 for driving in a carpool lane, but an illegal can cross the border without consequence.

I think the answer is pretty clear then. Turn the border into a giant carpool lane.
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Yeah who cares if its a fact right?

The crime numbers are facts, they arnt propaganda or lies. And again, that's just ONE state.

You just don't get simple math here. This all has a massive impact on our country. People come here illegally and they get all sorts of free shit. Many get into trouble and then cost taxpayers money to 1) defend them in court and then 2) incarcerate them.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that if we started a policy today of no food stamps, no free housing, no free schooling, no free healthcare etc etc, that the vast majority of people who try to come here illegally would cease to do so. The vast majority are NOT coming here for "the American dream".

The #1 responsibility this country has is to take care of their own first.

Please don’t send links from Christian websites. You lose all credibility. If you believe in a sky daddy, you will believe anything.

What do “illegal” immigrates get free? I don’t see how they get free shit. If they are discovered they are sent back to Mexico.

Explain to me why spending 94 billion dollars on border control over the last 10 years is better than actually helping real people?

BTW, i am not surprised that a bunch of white dudes are not interested in helping Mexican people. Yea, not about race. White people are busy shooting up fucking movie theaters and churches.
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I think that's great. Helping people is fantastic. No issue with that.

The problem is the United States of America cannot afford to take care of anyone. The USA is essentially on welfare, their check comes from China.

Illegal immigrants of all races need to be the first to go. They legally don't belong here, doesn't matter why they're here. Even if they're really good at working a weed eater.

Their kids are entitled to free everything. That's not the fault of their children. It's a harsh stance, but the country can't maintain the economic bearing that comes with the territory.

You don’t belong here. This land belongs to the Indians before they were all killed off on a massive scale. Texas was once Mexico, this was their land before the USA proved they could killed people better than they could. This is a country of war and violence.

I don’t believe coming into another country is a crime. Especially a country that claims to be the land of the free. I don’t believe anyone should be entitled to free shit. They need to earn it. Make them citizens and pay taxes like the rest of us.


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There's a difference between Mexicans and illegal immigrants.

You can't have a discussion of any substance until you can separate the two. It's not an attack on Mexicans. There are many other kinds of people coming into this country on work programs and overstaying their welcome that are as much a part of the problem as any illegal that might be Mexican.


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You don’t belong here. This land belongs to the Indians before they were all killed off on a massive scale. Texas was once Mexico, this was their land before the USA proved they could killed people better than they could. This is a country of war and violence.

I don’t believe coming into another country is a crime. Especially a country that claims to be the land of the free. I don’t believe anyone should be entitled to free shit. They need to earn it. Make them citizens and pay taxes like the rest of us.

My people came here legally from Italy. They didn't sneak in in the middle of the night and become a disturbance. They worked their ass off and made something of themselves. Bought property, started businesses, and actually employed people for many years on dairies and feed lots.

Theres a way to enter this country and become "free" and thrive. It doesn't include illegally taking up residence here.


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And I guess we could argue about past wars and who took what from who, but I guess all I can say is, if Mexico wants their land back, they can try and take it back if they'd like. [\shrug/]
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My people came here legally from Italy. They didn't sneak in in the middle of the night and become a disturbance. They worked their ass off and made something of themselves. Bought property, started businesses, and actually employed people for many years on dairies and feed lots.

Theres a way to enter this country and become "free" and thrive. It doesn't include illegally taking up residence here.

Yes and yall had money. That is the key, you can go anywhere in the world if you have money. I work with lots of guys from the middle east, these fuckers are taking over American. While everyone is focused on poor Mexicans. Muslim people are owning land and businesses and taking over the US.

The US allows a very low percentage of Mexicans to come to the US compared to other countries. It’s unfair. Many “illegals” are not causing problems. Why would they? They want to stay out of trouble. Think about it.

I don’t think illegal immigration is a crime. I don’t think it should be. I believe building a wall is against everything America stands for.

BTW, you talking about others having to earn their citizenship, yet you never did. It was given to YOU for free.
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And I guess we could argue about past wars and who took what from who, but I guess all I can say is, if Mexico wants their land back, they can try and take it back if they'd like. [\shrug/]

Would be silly because Mexicans are a big part of the US military. You ever been to San Antonio? It’s all Mexican bro.


Super Moderator
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I don’t believe coming into another country is a crime. Especially a country that claims to be the land of the free. I don’t believe anyone should be entitled to free shit. They need to earn it. Make them citizens and pay taxes like the rest of us.

Is your issue that people should be allowed to work (legally) and feed their families or to make these folks citizens? They can do one without the other. Give them a work visa and allow them to be employed. I agree with that. But we don't owe anyone citizenship and it shouldn't be a prerequisite for them to be employed.


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Hey guys, if you don't agree with me and give shit away for free, you're a racists and a bigot. Fuck people who think like that and label others who disagree with their opinions. Typical left wing liberal ideology.


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Please don’t send links from Christian websites. You lose all credibility. If you believe in a sky daddy, you will believe anything.

Who cares who published it? It contains FACTS. Libtard, those are PROVEN numbers that were researched and provided to all sorts of news outlets.

What do “illegal” immigrates get free? I don’t see how they get free shit. If they are discovered they are sent back to Mexico.

Old article, but relevant and even more of a fact today as 4 more years of Obama led policies have INCREASED benefits. Also, the number of deportations is down vastly under Obama's socialist regime. Sanctuary cities ring a bell?

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare

APRIL 05, 2011

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisanWashington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship. On the other hand, legal immigrant households take advantage of every available welfare program, according to the study, which attributes it to low education level and resulting low income.The highest rate of welfare recipients come from the Dominican Republic (82 %), Mexico and Guatemala (75%) and Ecuador (70%), according to the report, which says welfare use tends to be high for both new arrivals and established residents.

BTW, i am not surprised that a bunch of white dudes are not interested in helping Mexican people. Yea, not about race. White people are busy shooting up fucking movie theaters and churches.

This country does plenty to help people from other countries already, we cannot possibly sustain the spending we are doing now without a catastrophic economic meltdown in the not too distant future.

Its blatantly apparent you are the most racist person is this forum as fyi.


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EV has probably accused me of being a racist more than anyone on this board. I am a white, Southern, conservative Christian. That puts me and him on the opposite sides of humanity.
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