
High Plains Drifter
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if the shoe fits. the only reason to start a thread like this is because youre a racist asshole.
You're the next one of these shooters, I'd bet. Because you really ARE that unhinged.
what happened to not banning people for speaking their minds i guess that was hot air
Calling people racists and also, one other one who insisted on calling bbgun a pedophile, earned bans. That's not "speaking your mind" that's merely inflammatory, troll shit about people you have NO idea about. If the staff bans someone I don't reverse their decision. I don't try to social engineer.
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so racist is out of bounds but leftist shithead is ok

i guess you just have to be on the right side of the aisle. personally i think shithead is a little more offensive than just calling a spade a spade particularly when said spades seem so proud of their spades, but whatever. i get it.


High Plains Drifter
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so racist is out of bounds but leftist shithead is ok

i guess you just have to be on the right side of the aisle. personally i think shithead is a little more offensive than just calling a spade a spade particularly when said spades seem so proud of their spades, but whatever. i get it.
You've made it obvious you're a leftist shithead. No one here has proven themselves racist by even the most loose standards.

You throw that word around so much, it completely loses any impact or meaning, and becomes just trolling. Making YOU actually more racist than those you accuse.
i guess you just have to be on the right side of the aisle.
Actually, you just have to be not a fucking troll and learn to ignore threads you have NO answers for. But of course, you can't do that because facts MUST be dismissed with accusations of racism.

Can't debate the topic, so you flame out. Whatta ******.
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I didn't see any racial slurs in his post. Someone who opposes affirmative action is a de facto racist in your eyes?

give me a break

there is one reason to try and make this tragedy about race/affirmative action

only one


High Plains Drifter
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there is one reason to try and make this tragedy about race/affirmative action
The topic of the thread is the employer's irresponsibility in hiring this suckfish. Part of that problem is the RACIST policies of the federal government, which REQUIRES gender and race quotas for companies who broadcast over the air and hold FCC licenses to do so.

This station bypassed all normal procedures for hiring, including checking references and past employment, and hiring based on skills and quals - to satisfy the racial quota laid down by the feds and to satisfy their own political correctness. They have SAID so.

THAT is what it's about, not what you're still trying to twist it into. The victims were sacrificial lambs for the cause of "diversity" and that's not even debatable at this point, with the facts now coming out.

In the first post I was ASKING if this were true, now we know it is true.
there is no topic to debate
There is one, but you are incapable of actually debating it.


High Plains Drifter
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****** is cool too, i guess?
I get called that almost daily on here. Like BBgun said, that's just normal locker room shit. Which, normal locker room shit is exactly what this board is for.

Call someone a racist in a locker room? Get ready to eat a knuckle sammich. See the difference? Bet not.
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because it was relevant and confirmed by his former co-worker?

lol sure lil buddy we'll go with that

keep the specious "this insult is fine but not the one where you call it like it is" reasoning coming guys its hilaaaaaarious
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In coverage of Roanoke killings, the right sees a racial media bias
The Washington Post
David Weigel
15 hrs ago

© Provided by Washington Post
The on-air shootings of two young Virginia journalists by Vester L. Flanagan II have captivated conservative media outlets — but not for the same reasons that they've dominated cable news. On the right, the rest of the media is accused of soft-pedaling Flanagan's explicit intent to start a "race war" by killing two white people.

"The Wednesday morning murders of 24-year-old Roanoke TV reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, were a racist atrocity, a hate crime," wrote conservative icon and three-time presidential candidate Pat Buchanan in a Thursday column. "Were they not white, they would be alive today."

Buchanan and other conservative commentators have honed in on the rambling letter Flanagan sent to ABC News on Wednesday morning. In it, the disgruntled TV journalist said that he put down a deposit for his murder weapon two days after Dylann Roof allegedly opened fire on a prayer group at Charleston's historically black Emanuel AME church. "What sent me over the top was the church shooting," wrote Flanagan, "and my hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them."

That letter was quickly reported and quoted by the network that received it, but some on the right have accused the press of double standards. Roof's white supremacist manifesto defined the coverage of Charleston, and led to an ongoing political backlash against public displays of the Confederate flag. That, say conservatives, fed into the grievance-fueled worldview that seemed to define Flanagan, an incompetent reporter who accused networks and colleagues of racial bias when he was sidelined or let go. In this telling, the Roanoke killings were directly inspired by the media's obsession with Roof.

"The race hustlers hyped that incident, and we had to pull down the Confederate flag," said Rush Limbaugh on the Thursday episode of his radio show. "Any attempt to help him by suggesting that he seek some kind of therapy or help for mental disease, can you imagine what he would have done with that? He’d have run off and talked about discrimination, and bias, and whatever. So everybody’s hands were tied, again because of the stigma, and because of the victim stats, and because of the federal government’s power over these properties by virtue of their being regulated. But he saw the media raising hell, and the Confederate flag being pulled down, and so he wants in on some of that action."

Limbaugh's comments got heavy play at Breitbart, a conservative site that's run several stories about Flanagan with the tag "racism," one of them pointing out that Flanagan was once chastised for supporting President Barack Obama. "Black, gay reporter murders straight, white journalists — media blame the gun," read one headline on a story by the site's editor-at-large Ben Shapiro. That story has been shared more than 53,000 times on Facebook.

"Whereas the media spent weeks after the murders in Charleston discussing Dylann Roof’s racism and even drummed up an entire tangent against the Confederate flag—because in one photo Roof was seen with one—the race war that Flanagan wanted is of less interest to some in the media," wrote Breitbart's Warner Todd Huston in an editorial. "CNN, for instance, wrote an entire report focused on Flanagan’s mental state but mentioned his comments about race only once in a 1,500 word story. A CBS report never mentioned the shooter’s racial comments at all."

The same questions about media bias surfaced at Powerline, the long-running blog best known for its coverage of a CBS News story based on fraudulent evidence about President George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.

"If we are going to take seriously the ideology of lunatics, it must be a two-way street," wrote Powerline's John Hinderaker, an attorney in Minnesota. "Dylann Roof’s racist ideology was taken very seriously, to the point where Confederate flags came down across the South. In Flanagan’s case, the focus is on gun control rather than his equally racist ideology."

Glenn Reynolds, the University of Tennessee law professor who blogs as Instapundit, asked the same question of the media.

"Will we see culture war unleashed against any organizations he might have supported?" wrote Reynolds. "Will Obama apologize for the behavior of one of his followers?"
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