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Wanting equal rights makes them a protected class?

Homosexuality isn't acting out on impulses.

Why don't you and your Church brothers get off your high horses and stop judging others. You're not perfect. You're full of sin. All sin is equal in the eyes of the Lord.


You appear confused. We are not judging anyone. That role is filled by another.

States are passing laws making them a special protected class. They are forcing private businesses and associations to do business with people they do not want to do business with, not based on gender or race but on who they are sleeping with. Freedom of Association established under the First Amendment is dead. Since they don't have the balls to repeal the first amendment they are taking the end around to effectively do the same thing.

So if a grown man is attracted to little boys, you are all good with that right? He has no choice. He was born that way.
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You appear confused. We are not judging anyone. That role is filled by another.

So when you call someone an immature deviant confused sinner, that isn't judging them?


States are passing laws making them a special protected class. They are forcing private businesses and associations to do business with people they do not want to do business with, not based on gender or race but on who they are sleeping with. Freedom of Association established under the First Amendment is dead. Since they don't have the balls to repeal the first amendment they are taking the end around to effectively do the same thing.

What part of Jesus's teachings says that discrimination against your fellow man is okay?

I missed that part in the New Testament.

So if a grown man is attracted to little boys, you are all good with that right? He has no choice. He was born that way.

Is raping children the same as two consenting adults fornicating the same thing?


Okay then. Please stop with the jackass comparisons.


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Well, you're saying it's a choice. Yet you can't recall ever making the choice.

Don't you find that a little odd?

This made me :lol

No. You don't hate them. You're just judging them to be immature, deviant, confused sinners.

Wanting equal rights makes them a protected class?

O'rly? Is there a story in the Bible where God smited a town full of blacks?


Homosexuality isn't acting out on impulses.

You said it yourself. You've never made the decision to be sexually attracted to men or women, and you dont' find men sexually attractive. Ergo, it wasnt' a choice.

It's not a choice for teh gays either.

Why don't you and your Church brothers get off your high horses and stop judging others. You're not perfect. You're full of sin. All sin is equal in the eyes of the Lord.


If you want to know the truth, all sins are not equal in God's eyes. Break one commandment you've broken them all in spirit, as it goes, but some sins are a form of judgement on a society, as perfectly explained in Romans 1. The sins of Sodom are enumerated in the book of Ezekial and I'm sure to the surprise of many, homosexuality is not one of them. Because it is counted as a judgement for their sins. God giving up on a people and leaving them to their recompense.

The largest difference between sinners is who acknowledges their sin and refrains and who parades it before God's eyes and worse, attributes it to Him.

As for your idea of it not being a choice, we all have to choose our actions. We're not all given to the same sin, but we are all sinners and how we handle ourselves is our choice. Some sins are self inflicting initially, others aren't.

But you can't claim nature as an excuse for making concious choices. The obese person, the drug abuser, the murder and the deviant all make choices to give in to their impulses, as do the liars, the adulterers and the thiefs. Because you are inclined to do something wrong from your own impetus doesn't legitemize it as something socially acceptable or natural.

There's no high horse for any human being to enjoy, but there is an admonition to identify wrong and try to right it. If being sinner meant not being able to let somebody know they're on the wrong tact, we'd still be in caves, if we even continued to exist.


Pro Bowler
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It's deviant behavior. The human body is not made to accept that biologically.

Well, it's not made to accept metal plates and screws for broken bones either, but it does.
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As for your idea of it not being a choice, we all have to choose our actions.

So could I accurately suggest that you find men sexually attractive, and the only think keeping you from blowing a dude is your faith in God?


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So could I accurately suggest that you find men sexually attractive, and the only think keeping you from blowing a dude is your faith in God?

Nope. Like I'd said, we are not all given to the same sins. But if I was, I wouldn't act on it, just like I've decided not to cheat on my wife, kick someone's ass, when I knew I'd win, try heavy drugs or take something that is not mine, all of which have crossed my path and gave me pause.

Would the fact that in those instances the very urge to them was natural make them ok?
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Nope. Like I'd said, we are not all given to the same sins. But if I was, I wouldn't act on it, just like I've decided not to cheat on my wife, kick someone's ass, when I knew I'd win, try heavy drugs or take something that is not mine, all of which have crossed my path and gave me pause.

Would the fact that in those instances the very urge to them was natural make them ok?

Are you suggesting you live a life free of sin?
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It's deviant behavior. The human body is not made to accept that biologically and anatomically.

Getting a tattoo is unnatural and forbidden in the Bible.

Does your congregation forbid tattood people from worshiping or getting married in its establishment?


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Are you suggesting you live a life free of sin?

No where near it. I'm not going to go phony humble and paint myself as closer to God, the truth is I know more theologically than I practice.

But I don't celebrate and try to make others see my failings as a way of life. The point is to 'flee from sin', not feed it then call it natural because it's grown on you. Cancer wil grow on you too, and it's natural to boot! Why try to treat it then?


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Getting a tattoo is unnatural and forbidden in the Bible.

Does your congregation forbid tattood people from worshiping or getting married in its establishment?

That's generally a Levitical law, which was for ancient Jews to hold. No Christian is held to those things and neither are Jews, really, but they don't acknowledge Christ and his work, so there you have it. But it's not comparable to butt sex. The problems caused by that abomination are far reaching and in the end destructive. I could give anatomical and biological truths concerning why, but does anybody want that?


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See post #113

It's true. For all the shit people like to say about Christianity (and Jews by extension) because of Levitical rituals and codes, they're the two civilizations that don't engage in that behavior any more. The Torah was given to the Jews, when was the last time anyone was stoned in Israel? An oxen on the altar situation?
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Bible is the word of God. Except that part. That part only applies to those guys over there.


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Bible is the word of God. Except that part. That part only applies to those guys over there.

It's all the word of God. Ancient Jews were held to certain precepts to be an example for earlier civilizations to learn from. Jesus (God) came and we were supposed to evolve in our ability to communicate with Him, no longer necessitating physical sacrifice. You know, love thy enemies and turn the cheek concepts. Lustful thoughts equal adultery.

In simpler terms, he was dealing with troglodytes who needed to evolve in understanding through years of learning to get a spiritual grasp on himself.
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