If you feel guilty, send them next weeks paycheck. Give them the keys to you car. Invite a couple of brothers over for dinner. There are ways to get rid of the guilt.

Good idea
If you feel guilty, send them next weeks paycheck. Give them the keys to you car. Invite a couple of brothers over for dinner. There are ways to get rid of the guilt.
I think everyone should be given $1,000,000 per year.
So spending $900 billion on education and $500 billion on welfare last year was not enough?
Marriage is nothing but a piece of paper when you get down to it.
Marriage is nothing but a piece of paper when you get down to it.
Where'd you find the $900 billion number on education?
I was curious what the various expenditures were and looking here, it looked like education was less than $150 billion
While I hate seeing some 300 pounder load up their scooter basket with Totinos pizza and paying for it with an EBT card as much as the next guy, I get much more annoyed with some of the other numbers.
Healthcare, defense and interest in particular. Even if you break down what is covered in welfare, the amount that is people mooching off the system is relatively small potatoes compared to some of the other expenditures.
I posted the chart and web source in post 22.
Healthcare, defense and interest in particular. Even if you break down what is covered in welfare, the amount that is people mooching off the system is relatively small potatoes compared to some of the other expenditures.
Have you noticed how almost every movie now has at least one scene with the military in it?
I agree that we need the military, but we more than double the spending of all of our allies combined if I remember correctly. That's out of control.
That's because most of our allies are pussies, and when they get run over by someone else we have to go in and bail them out.