Maybe they thought Pony was Fantasia Barrino.
Maybe they thought Pony was Fantasia Barrino.
Plus,Orangutans are not monkeys,they are great apes,and an endangered species.
How about not using words when you don't know what they mean? Amoral is being neither moral nor immoral.
Hey look, Cythim is still make stupid arguments and scenarios while at the same time avoiding my very basic questions.
It also means not having any morals or principles. Yeah, words have different usages, dickbreath.
Yes, not having any morals as in not being moral or immoral. You cannot change the meaning just because you are an idiot.
You're ****ing stupid.
! You are confusing the opposite with the lack of. Child sex trafficking is immoral, not amoral. It has a moral value which is negative. If it had no moral value there would be no right or wrong to it.
Your point has absolutely nothing to do with my position. The fact that you, along with a few others, decided to harp on the monkey comment instead of actually reading between the lines of my post shows how little intellegence you actually have. My comment was never about the animal and what happened to it. I was down playing the importance of the animal to highlight a worse crime that is being committed yet overlooked in Indonesia.
You fags need to go join PETA.
I answered you're questions, I'm sorry that you are too stupid to understand them.
And nothing has been done to stop this village from getting another monkey and doing the exact same thing. It was nothing more than a publicity move by the local government to make it seem like they care.