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Are you two really this dumb or do you not realize that you just made my point?

he tripled it to reduce it to double the size

an notice it only started falling back a little after the R's took over for Pelosi

are you really this dumb?


Pro Bowler
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ok you are actually too dumb to understand. No wonder you voted for Romney, he didn't understand it either.


Pro Bowler
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I thoroughly debunked your bullshit when it was Romney who was spouting that Obama had "doubled the deficit". You were either too stupid, dense or stubborn to absorb it then, since you're clearly showing that you learned nothing now. I'm not going to explain it to you again.


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I thoroughly debunked your bullshit when it was Romney who was spouting that Obama had "doubled the deficit". You were either too stupid, dense or stubborn to absorb it then, since you're clearly showing that you learned nothing now. I'm not going to explain it to you again.

The numbers are there in black and white dude. I'm not sure why you continue to argue about this.

Deficit before Obama took over was x. Deficit after Obama took office was basically 4x

Today it still double what it was the day he originally took office, and has only come down a little after getting that fucking lunatic Pelosi and her fellow dems out of power in congress.

Once all the bullshit from Obamacare takes hold, the deficit is going to rise quite a bit again.


Pro Bowler
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unless Obama was magically setting and signing policies before he was president, then yeah.


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Spunk...I will agree on one thing. Bush was a tard when it came to big time spending. Obama is even worse. new boss same as the old boss. just a different skin tone and letter next to his name. Both of them are controlled by the criminals at the Fed.

The big difference between the Dems and Repubs is the Dems believe the only way to raise more revenue is to take it from those that earned it and the Repubs understand how to make the pie bigger. One party caters to the failures of life and the other favors those that are capable of taking care of themselves.
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Just for curiosity sake, let's say a republican wins the next presidency. And does a horrible job fiscally. Does that mean people can blame it on Obama, because this guy wasn't "magically setting and signing policies before he was president"?


Pro Bowler
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The big difference between the Dems and Repubs is the Dems believe the only way to raise more revenue is to take it from those that earned it and the Repubs understand how to make the pie bigger.

Do they now?

I only ask because if that was the case then it's REALLY REALLY strange that our economy was nearly completely destroyed under their careful watch, and has only started to recover once they've been neutered to all hell. Odd definition of "making the pie bigger".


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Do they now?

I only ask because if that was the case then it's REALLY REALLY strange that our economy was nearly completely destroyed under their careful watch, and has only started to recover once they've been neutered to all hell. Odd definition of "making the pie bigger".

Destroyed? Really? I guess you forgot the root of the problem or are conveniently ignoring it. Remember when that bitch Obama was a shyster lawyer before he was force to surrender his law license? Remember when he sued Citi to force them to make unsound loans? Any of that ring a bell? GWB was next to useless but even a mentally weak man like him was able to recognize the problems and ask for reform 18 different times. Meanwhile the pathetic fag, Barney suck my Frank, was telling everyone everything was great. Meanwhile Fannie and Freddie still have not been reformed and in fact Obama has helped them grow even bigger.

Stupid democrats in a fit a greed and false rage demanded unsound loans be given to every deadbeat loser. That turned out real well, didn't it.


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The Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 lowered rates across the board for all federal tax payers and in some cases eliminated any tax federal liability for the most unfortunate. The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 accelerated portions of the 2001 act and led to increased revenue for the treasury.

These changes to the tax code in inflation adjusted dollars resulted in a $715 billion gain in federal revenue from 2003 until 2007. The average revenue per year for those five years was $2,158.18 billion per year. This was despite the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the recovery from Hurricane Katrina. The five years previous to 2001 during the internet bubble, at the higher tax rates, revenue was considerable lower at an average of $1,721.34 billion in adjusted dollars.

Yes, we know how to grow the pie. Dems are takers. Republicans are creators. Peace out little man.


In the Rotation
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Just for curiosity sake, let's say a republican wins the next presidency. And does a horrible job fiscally. Does that mean people can blame it on Obama, because this guy wasn't "magically setting and signing policies before he was president"?

Personally I blame Clinton, Gingrich and Gramm for our current financial state. Bush is responsible for the deficit but the only effect that really had was because of the near default but that was because our two party system sucks.

The three stooges otoh deregulated the financial industry.
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