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Not until these two major parties are either shaken up or dissolved and replaced.

Replaced with what though?

I still think term limits for Congress and Senate are the best fix we could come up with, but we'll never see that get put in I suspect.


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Replaced with what though?

I still think term limits for Congress and Senate are the best fix we could come up with, but we'll never see that get put in I suspect.

That's one step, but true turnover in our party system is the only true way to reform.


High Plains Drifter
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I still think term limits for Congress and Senate
We have this, it's called "election day."

Imagine if you will, a Senator who was just elected to his last, six year term. He doesn't have to run again therefore is not accountable to those who elected him, for the next six years. Now imagine corruption we have today, times 100. Same with the two year House terms, although alot less time for them to be on the graft - but alot more of them in that body.

"Term limits" is something that might sound good, until one spends about five seconds really thinking about it. Read the Federalist Papers.

You really want the elected official totally unaccountable to the electorate. How nice. This is why a president in his lame duck term is also, corrupt.


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Replaced with what though?

I still think term limits for Congress and Senate are the best fix we could come up with, but we'll never see that get put in I suspect.
this two party system is broken. It won't be fixed until a new party rises up and and the reps and dems are folded into one party.


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We have this, it's called "election day."

Imagine if you will, a Senator who was just elected to his last, six year term. He doesn't have to run again therefore is not accountable to those who elected him, for the next six years. Now imagine corruption we have today, times 100. Same with the two year House terms, although alot less time for them to be on the graft - but alot more of them in that body.

"Term limits" is something that might sound good, until one spends about five seconds really thinking about it. Read the Federalist Papers.

You really want the elected official totally unaccountable to the electorate. How nice. This is why a president in his lame duck term is also, corrupt.

I want term limits in gubernatorial elections, too.


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We have this, it's called "election day."

Right. And we send people up there that their entire agenda after getting there is figuring out how to stay as long as possible.

Imagine if you will, a Senator who was just elected to his last, six year term. He doesn't have to run again therefore is not accountable to those who elected him, for the next six years. Now imagine corruption we have today, times 100. Same with the two year House terms, although alot less time for them to be on the graft - but alot more of them in that body.

Pretty much sounds like what is going on today.

"Term limits" is something that might sound good, until one spends about five seconds really thinking about it. Read the Federalist Papers.

I'm not the only one who supports it, many people a lot smarter than me see it as help fixing a truly broken system

You really want the elected official totally unaccountable to the electorate. How nice. This is why a president in his lame duck term is also, corrupt.

If people know they cant go there for life and be a fucking leech on the public, then most would run with the intent on going up there to actually DO SOMETHING, and keep the country's best interests in mind. Not this shitpile we have today.


High Plains Drifter
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If people know they cant go there for life and be a fucking leech on the public, then most would run with the intent on going up there to actually DO SOMETHING, and keep the country's best interests in mind. Not this shitpile we have today.
"Do something" means what exactly, grow government?

If you don't know the founders and framers reasoning for no term limits, you should read up on the Federalist Papers, really.

You actually believe that making the representatives and senators NOT accountable to election day would improve things? You're in favor of REMOVING a major check on their power.

If the voters in a district want to elect the same person over and over, it's really none of your business if you don't live in that district.

"Term Limits" is a feelgood, emotional hook that survives about as long as a snowball in hell once even a modicum of rational thought is applied to it.


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"Do something" means what exactly, grow government?

If you don't know the founders and framers reasoning for no term limits, you should read up on the Federalist Papers, really.

You actually believe that making the representatives and senators NOT accountable to election day would improve things? You're in favor of REMOVING a major check on their power.

If the voters in a district want to elect the same person over and over, it's really none of your business if you don't live in that district.

"Term Limits" is a feelgood, emotional hook that survives about as long as a snowball in hell once even a modicum of rational thought is applied to it.

Every election yr we see polls that show the VAST majority of people believe all or most of the Congress and Senate should be replaced.

Guess what happens on election day?


High Plains Drifter
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Every election yr we see polls that show the VAST majority of people believe all or most of the Congress and Senate should be replaced.

Guess what happens on election day?
It's none of our business, what happens in congressional elections in districts we don't live in.

You are asking for MORE federal government control and restrictions on the elections. Think about that for a bit. It's exactly 180 degrees opposite from what the founders and framers had in mind.


High Plains Drifter
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Every election yr we see polls that show the VAST majority of people believe all or most of the Congress and Senate should be replaced.
This is because as a electorate at large, we are morons who believe the Congress' job is to pass the president's agenda. It's not.

The House and Senate are designed to be ADVERSARIAL to each other AND to the executive. Not Kum-By-Ya happy happy lapdogs of the same.


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It's none of our business, what happens in congressional elections in districts we don't live in.

You are asking for MORE federal government control and restrictions on the elections. Think about that for a bit. It's exactly 180 degrees opposite from what the founders and framers had in mind.

No I'm not.

What I would actually like is if people spent time to educate themselves and make decisions based on something more than Facebook pages or what the left wing biased media wants people to do.

Since that will never happen, limiting the amount of time most of these crook stooges can spend up there will greatly curtail the damage they can do. The one's that stay the longest all know as long as they continue to give fucking trillions of dollars away to people, they will get to keep their do nothing jobs.
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