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i agree - leaking info is a serious event to be sure. so is trashing our 1st amendment rights. they told NO ONE at the AP they were doing this or asked to work in conjunction with them, they just did it.

It has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment or freedom of the speech/press. This is an investigation and the government doesn't have to divulge the existence of that investigation to the AP. And do you really think the press would divulge who their source is? Just wouldn't happen.

Here's the problem with the far right and I say this being a conservative. We can not attack every single "suspect" or "questionable" action of the Obama administration or it waters down the message and looks like the right is simply out to get Obama. Benghazi and the IRS investigations are serious in nature and legitimate inquiries into the conduct of this administration. The AP situation should in no way be mentioned with those scandals. Classified information was released to the AP and the person who leaked that information must be found and dealt with. Period. There may also be a situation where the release was made by a senior official for political reasons to prop up this administration and highlight their successes in the war on terrorism, especially after the attacks in Benghazi. We need to know.


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It has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment or freedom of the speech/press. This is an investigation and the government doesn't have to divulge the existence of that investigation to the AP. And do you really think the press would divulge who their source is? Just wouldn't happen.

Here's the problem with the far right and I say this being a conservative. We can not attack every single "suspect" or "questionable" action of the Obama administration or it waters down the message and looks like the right is simply out to get Obama. Benghazi and the IRS investigations are serious in nature and legitimate inquiries into the conduct of this administration. The AP situation should in no way be mentioned with those scandals. Classified information was released to the AP and the person who leaked that information must be found and dealt with. Period. There may also be a situation where the release was made by a senior official for political reasons to prop up this administration and highlight their successes in the war on terrorism, especially after the attacks in Benghazi. We need to know.

You know how Jerruh loses benefit of the doubt when it comes to draft, football decisions etc etc because of his track record over the years?

Same applies to anything associated with Obama and Holder. If they are involved, its likely something corrupt. Its what they are. Its how they have behaved for their entire political careers.


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You know how Jerruh loses benefit of the doubt when it comes to draft, football decisions etc etc because of his track record over the years?

Same applies to anything associated with Obama and Holder. If they are involved, its likely something corrupt. Its what they are. Its how they have behaved for their entire political careers.

No doubt David. But the Republicans know this AP situation is not a scandal (yet) but they're taking the shotgun approach and that's the problem. The AP situation is easily explainable by Holder and the administration and will only make the far right look stupid and take away the focus from the IRS and Benghazi scandals.

Bottom line is someone released classified information, no different than the soldier who released classified documents to Wikileaks and he's sitting in prison, as well he should. The fact that this information was leaked to the AP as opposed to Wikileaks makes no difference.


In the Rotation
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It has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment or freedom of the speech/press. This is an investigation and the government doesn't have to divulge the existence of that investigation to the AP. And do you really think the press would divulge who their source is? Just wouldn't happen.

Here's the problem with the far right and I say this being a conservative. We can not attack every single "suspect" or "questionable" action of the Obama administration or it waters down the message and looks like the right is simply out to get Obama. Benghazi and the IRS investigations are serious in nature and legitimate inquiries into the conduct of this administration. The AP situation should in no way be mentioned with those scandals. Classified information was released to the AP and the person who leaked that information must be found and dealt with. Period. There may also be a situation where the release was made by a senior official for political reasons to prop up this administration and highlight their successes in the war on terrorism, especially after the attacks in Benghazi. We need to know.

the judge i mention disagrees. i'll take his legal opinion first. :)

i will agree it was done to bush (attacking every single move) and i hated it. but those who attacked at every opportunity now defend twice as hard as shit they attacked before. i'm not here to play one side vs. the other, but base "right vs. wrong" and from the last 10 days or so for obama, the dudes just OUT THERE and doing some very bad things.

targeting conservatives.
dismissing due process as he chooses
apologizing for the USA being the USA to mexico saying we're the root of their problems.
taking ads in Pakistan apologizing for something else

now while trying to see your point, do you see these moves as being wrong? not because obama did it but because they're wrong.
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Super Moderator
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the judge i mention disagrees. i'll take his legal opinion first. :)

i will agree it was done to bush (attacking every single move) and i hated it. but those who attacked at every opportunity now defend twice as hard as shit they attacked before. i'm not here to play one side vs. the other, but base "right vs. wrong" and from the last 10 days or so for obama, the dudes just OUT THERE and doing some very bad things.

targeting conservatives.
dismissing due process as he chooses
apologizing for the USA being the USA to mexico saying we're the root of their problems.
taking ads in Pakistan apologizing for something else

now while trying to see your point, do you see these moves as being wrong? not because obama did it but because they're wrong.

The Judge is a national talk show personality for a conservative medium. And I have no love for this administration and I mean none. I think the way they handled Obama Care, Benghazi, the IRS, etc. is despicable. They have not been held accountable at all from their base or the national media that excuse their every move or refuse to report them. But I don't want to water down an argument with a situation that is in no way illegal or improper, from what i can see. The AP situation is a non-story except for the fact that a government employee was leaking classified information that have put lives/sources, as well as our credibility with our intelligence partners at risk. That's the issue we should all be pissed about.


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I am surprised this thread has gone so long. This one is far lower on my list of current scandals.

1. IRS deliberately targeting conservatives, Jews, and people that believe in legal immigration in order to effect the election outcome.

2. Fast and Furious gun running to narco-terrorists while blaming US gun dealers.

3. Bengahzi - Stand Down! Let the ambassador die.

4. AP phone tracking.


In the Rotation
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well obama doesn't seem alone in this one:

Republicans and much of the political press seem united in outrage over the recent revelations that the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative “tea party” groups for additional tax status scrutiny during the 2012 election cycle, in what many are calling a deliberate act of political harassment. It is pleasing to see broad condemnation of what can only be interpreted as governmental abuse of power, but in order to move forward with better policy, partisans on both sides need to realize: This instance of IRS harassment is nothing new.

The indispensable libertarian journalist James Bovard pointed out in the Wall Street Journal this morning that since its inception, the IRS has often used its enormous power and information-gathering skills for explicitly political ends.

Bovard explained how President Franklin D. Roosevelt, often revered as a hero by political progressives, used the tax collecting agency to pester those who opposed his enormous expansion of the federal government under the New Deal. During his three-and-a-half terms as president, the Roosevelt IRS took swings at anti-New Deal publishers like William Randolph Hearst and political rivals like prominent Republican Andrew Mellon and radical populist Huey Long.


Practice Squad
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well early on obama wanted to take fox news off the air for not being "real" news.

how he gets to decide that is still beyond my comprehension.

He's sort of right. It's like the WWF of wrestling, more popular than real wrestling. The irony here is overwhelming. My guess is you think that's real, well, sort of. But do you really think Fox News is a good source for news? I'll give it up for some who have the courage to say Al Jazeera is better than mainstream sources and that's sad.


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He's sort of right. It's like the WWF of wrestling, more popular than real wrestling. The irony here is overwhelming. My guess is you think that's real, well, sort of. But do you really think Fox News is a good source for news? I'll give it up for some who have the courage to say Al Jazeera is better than mainstream sources and that's sad.

The only difference between Fox News and MSNBC or CNN is their rooting interest. There is no difference in how they distribute the news. They all suck. People who faithfully watch one network while bashing another are no better than the network they're bashing. Blindly biased.


Practice Squad
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The only difference between Fox News and MSNBC or CNN is their rooting interest. There is no difference in how they distribute the news. They all suck. People who faithfully watch one network while bashing another are no better than the network they're bashing. Blindly biased.

Yeah, that's what I was saying. They all suck. Even Al Jazeera is better than Fucks News, MSNBC, CNN, et cetera.


In the Rotation
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He's sort of right. It's like the WWF of wrestling, more popular than real wrestling. The irony here is overwhelming. My guess is you think that's real, well, sort of. But do you really think Fox News is a good source for news? I'll give it up for some who have the courage to say Al Jazeera is better than mainstream sources and that's sad.

i think they slant one way, CNN slants the other. BBCA is a good source of news for me. kinda the outside looking in.
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In the Rotation
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i think they slant one way, CNN slants the other. BBCA is a good source of news for me. kinda the outside looking in.

CNN is pop news but they are not run by a GOP presidential media consultant. If you want the mindlessly Dem bias then go for MSNBC.

Personally I think watching news is a waste of time in general.


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CNN is pop news but they are not run by a GOP presidential media consultant. If you want the mindlessly Dem bias then go for MSNBC.

CBS, NBC and ABC are almost as biased as MSNBC is. MSNBC probably employs more retards though.

Personally I think watching news is a waste of time in general.

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