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The Squealers aren't even going to take the field for the anthem. They're staying in the locker room.

And in England, the players kneeled for the anthem and stood for Britain's national anthem. Unreal.....


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The more I see what's happening, the more I'm convinced the NFL is completely out of touch and not operating like a true business would. First, they're a monopoly backed by the courts. If they employees of a small business acted this way (with the consent of their employer), they'd be completely out of business the next day. But the way the NFL is set up, they generate TV revenues and revenues from their stadium deals so I'm not sure how much this hurts them financially. Heck, season ticket holders are stuck with the product and these owners know it.

The NFL has completely lost touch with their rabid fan base. This has been happening for some time, as they would rather attract big business to their stadiums using expensive seat licenses than the working man who might want to take his family to a ball game. They've almost priced these folks right out of their market. To top it off, the new stadiums are financed, in part, by the same tax payers who are getting priced out of the game.

Lastly, I was kind of surprised how much play these protest were getting by the stations broadcasting the games. And then I thought, why wouldn't they? It's to their benefit to highlight these protests, as it will only help them when the next TV contract comes up for renegotiation. How much more money can the NFL ask for when viewership is down across the board?


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I certainly hope the Cowboys as an organization don’t pull any shit like the Steelers did today.

Hell I don’t even want a single fucking cowboy player protest

It'll be interesting. I'd bet a lot of players were protesting as a sign of solidarity after the POTUS made his comments yesterday. But I get this feeling that we may see some protesting by our team tomorrow night. But I hope not. That would be disappointing.


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Why would they kneel for the British anthem?

I'm not saying they should. But if they disrespect the anthem of their country while respecting the anthem of the colonial power they (ie: their country/USA) fought against for freedom and just wreaks of irony to me.
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I'm not saying they should. But if they disrespect the anthem of their country while respecting the anthem of the colonial power they (ie: their country/USA) fought against for freedom and just wreaks of irony to me.
That was 250 years ago dude. That's like saying I should take a knee during the Norwegian national anthem because the Vikings raped and pillaged whole swathes of England 1200 years ago.


Super Moderator
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That was 250 years ago dude. That's like saying I should take a knee during the Norwegian national anthem because the Vikings raped and pillaged whole swathes of England 1200 years ago.

A lot of things happened a long time ago. I don't believe folks are being oppressed in your country or mine which is part of the basis for these protests. But your missing my point entirely. It plays wrong to show respect for the flag and anthem of another country while disrespecting yours.


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Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted
Mike Cernovich ??‏Verified account @Cernovich 52s53 seconds ago
NFL players have right to kneel.

Kneeling is politically beneficial to Trump and MAGA.

Thus Trump baits people to kneel.

Simple really.
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A lot of things happened a long time ago. I don't believe folks are being oppressed in your country or mine which is part of the basis for these protests. But your missing my point entirely. It plays wrong to show respect for the flag and anthem of another country while disrespecting yours.
They don't have any beef with Britain. I bet none of them would even know the name of our Prime Minister. So they have no reason to disrespect our anthem (unless you are seriously counting the war of independence). But, rightly or wrongly, they feel there are issues going on in their OWN country that need highlighting. Personally, I think these protests are pretty futile. If someone like Kaepernick feels that strongly that there are issues that need addressing, then maybe he should quit football and enter the political arena.


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So what's next, the ushers at my local theater get to give a speech before, during and/or after the movie? Or, the waitress at my meal makes a political statement before she'll take my order?

No one would put up with this shit so why the hell do I have to endure this political horse shit when all I want to do is watch a football game?

grow a spine NFL and do what you do best, provide entertainment. You're not a political entity nor are you a justice system, absolve yourself of both asap if you'd like to stave off your inevitable demise.


Pro Bowler
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It'll be interesting. I'd bet a lot of players were protesting as a sign of solidarity after the POTUS made his comments yesterday. But I get this feeling that we may see some protesting by our team tomorrow night. But I hope not. That would be disappointing.

I’m not so sure we will be seeing any Cowboys protest after Jerry’s statement to the press today.

He pretty much said that it’s not ok for his players to protest without coming out and saying it outright. Pretty slick on his part I must say.

Kind of like when a parent says I wouldn’t be mad, I’d just be disappointed in you. Which is way more impactful and effective then telling you “not” to do something

I’ll try to find his comments a post them here.
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Credit to Jerry. I honestly feel the guy believes what he's saying but, as a business man of America's Team, he also knows how detrimental this BS is to his brand. Too bad the other owners don't see it.
Well, the Cowboys practically bankroll the rest of the NFL. It's easier for the other owners to support the protests because nobody watches their teams anyway.


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Jerry has this right. Smart business wise also as his team separates itself from the rest


Pro Bowler
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so the Cowboys have a ‘shitlist’? Who is responsible for creating the list?

I'd love to see it and know who made the list and why

Jerry’s Shitlist

Roger Goodell
Any player who kneels during the National Anthem
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