The idea that the players have been getting screwed over by the greedy ungrateful owners is a joke IMO. And the whining about an "owners power play just to make the players look bad" is an even bigger joke. The owners had been saying for a week that they were going to vote on this CBA yesterday, it wast some shocking revelation.
And as Michael Lombardi pointed out numerous times, the owners voted on what their negotiators and the players union negotiators put together.
Thats fine. I completely disagree and I stand behind the players 110%. I pay alot of money each year for my season tickets and nfl sunday ticket....I am willing to pay the incredible prices because I love the game and the players who play it.
So without getting into specifics because I really so no point in fans even arguing this honestly, I will just say I hope the players stand their ground and get what they were after and find a common ground.
The reality is in the end us fans just keep getting the screws to us.
Ticket prices, TV prices, not direct tv access for everyone, parking prices, PSl'S, creating a class system inside the new stadiums, food and drink prices, program prices, Took away saturday games in december and stuck them on thursday night on the network again everyone does not get, taking a home game away from a season ticket holding group every year by sending a game to london, Screwing up turkey day with that third game, full price for preseason games.....I could go on and on.
Its unfortunate but in the end all of us always get the screws put to us. And the players and the owners stand there and say the fans wanted it...