You guys should take your time. I'm on a bye week, ya know?
My heart isn't in this like it should be.
I'll keep plugging away at it as long as I can.
Alright looks like we are scheduled for this evening.
GG Hammer. 30-10. He does have a good defense. Caused some turnovers. I played sloppy.
GG Ever. I predict you'll win this league. Tough opponent.
Thanks, i guess i play better sober. I played a few games this weekend on one of my drunken nights and couldn’t win anything. Cowboys Rule is a good player too but i think your defense is better. He has a good offense tho.
Just waiting on the Lions and Texans to play their games.
RTH and SP.
Sorry. Getting done the work week tomorrow. I'll get the game in Monday night or Tuesday AM.