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Based on the preview of what they're going to do with the Champions, I think it's gonna suck... It looked like they have it as Champs vs. the rest of the crew, which there are 4 champ guys vs. what 6 - 7 noobs? Like are the Champions going to be competing to win this thing, or are they just roadblocks to separate the good from the bad of the other guys? I was pretty pumped to see these guys knock some blocks off, but this looks like it could be a buzzkill.
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Yeah idk how it'll all go. Hopefully the champs will be integrated into the house and theyre all competing for a win. I mean, it has to be that way, right? How can you crown a new champion if by chance the noobs can't get by Darrell or CT in an elimination. And truthfully I don't think ANY of the noob women can compete with Laurel or Cara Maria.
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Yeah, Jenna is hot and all, but she has like zero self-esteem. I like Zach, but he ghosted her and as soon as she sees him again, she goes all school-girl again. She has to get it together, she's getting all thrown off.

Don't want to spoil anything but it was a good elimination this week.


Pro Bowler
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she has like zero self-esteem

Its a shame, she's gorgeous and doesn't seem to even realize it

her last boyfriend was a little twerp that cheated on her all the time and I was always thinking wtf are you putting up with this bullshit from this yahoo?
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Jenna has an amazing ass and looks great dressed up, but she strikes me as very needy and high maintenance.

I finally got caught up on the season. Can't believe the vets are letting bananas manipulate them. It's ridiculous. I knew Darrel would win that elimation. For as big and as imposing as Zach is, he has no heart and actually sucks as a competitor.

I don't know how this season will keep going. You basically have only two more champion eliminations available and there's like still 10 challengers. Also, loved how the champions elimination was a contact competition. Challenger eliminations have been kind of lame. Tuk tuk bang bang? Really?


Pro Bowler
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Jenna has an amazing ass and looks great dressed up, but she strikes me as very needy and high maintenance

Its stunning to watch, its like she has no idea how fucking gorgeous she is. I remember thinking why the fuck is she putting up with her twirp of an ex-boyfriend (the little Italian idiot), yet she hung in there putting up with his nonsense for some strange reason.

She needs to be with an old fucker like me who will treat her right and appreciate her.
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Jesus Christ this episode with the to be continued bull shit.

Good news is, looks like Bananas might be going home. He looks too gassed, even if he ties it up I doubt he beats Darrel in another round. It was so funny after the challenge and TJ said the winner came down to one foot. CT was smiling, Darrel looked like he didn;t give a fuck, and Bananas looked genuinely scared. All up to the elimination, in his talks and all camera time, he looked and sounded scared. He's a master manipulator and he can work well in a group, but in an individual physical competition, he's not that good. I hope to hell he's sent the fuck home.

Unfortunately, I don't see any way Cara Maria beats the 6' tall Laurel in that game. She's too long and it'll be easy for her to defend that little goal. Cara is like a foot shorter. Sucks how Camilla won that challenge too. I can't stand her. And her dancing after talking all that shit was not sexy. I don't find Camilla attractive at all.

I'm guessing after this champions elimination, there's gonna be another game twist. Maybe all the competitors go against each other? Something. Clearly you can't have another Champion elimination where there's only one male and one female champion against 3-4 challengers on the same team. Idk what they'll do.

Also, last thought here, but seriously MTV do away with TJ asking the corny sentimental questions before each elimination. I don't give a fuck who back home inspires these people. Seriously.
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