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I mean, it seems like the other 8 officers called to the scene weren't doing what this cop was doing...

I said the cop should have never drawn his gun. It was a no win situation for law enforcement. What is your answer to a situation where dozens of teens do not comply with 8 officers?
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I said the cop should have never drawn his gun. It was a no win situation for law enforcement. What is your answer to a situation where dozens of teens do not comply with 8 officers?
It wasn't just drawing his gun. His response to the situation was completely different from the other officers on scene... From running around like a moron chasing the kis, to grabbing them by arms and heads to force them to the ground, to throwing the girl on the ground, to wretching her arm behind her back to make her get on her face, to pinning her down with his knees, to pulling the gun on the other two kids.... all of that was completely opposite of what the other officers were doing.

And if you look at the first officer that you hear in the video when he gets the flashlight back, he was calmly discussing the matter with the teens and he was difusing the situation. What he did was textbook. What Casebolt did only aggravated the situation... nothing he did was difusing the situation.
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By the way... the McKinney PD chief of police said today that Casebolt's actions were "indefensible."


High Plains Drifter
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It wasn't just drawing his gun. His response to the situation was completely different from the other officers on scene... From running around like a moron chasing the kids, to grabbing them by arms and heads to force them to the ground, to throwing the girl on the ground, to wrenching her arm behind her back to make her get on her face, to pinning her down with his knees, to pulling the gun on the other two kids.... all of that was completely opposite of what the other officers were doing.

And if you look at the first officer that you hear in the video when he gets the flashlight back, he was calmly discussing the matter with the teens and he was diffusing the situation. What he did was textbook. What Casebolt did only aggravated the situation... nothing he did was diffusing the situation.
I'm right here with this. Additionally, he gave the Grievance Industrial Complex yet still more ammunition.

Cops are human and as subject to human foibles as all of us. He screwed up. It just is what it is. Nobody was hurt or killed and this dude just needs to Man-Up and take a desk job after 10 years of the streets wearing him down.


Pro Bowler
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I hate when black chicks clap their hands while they're yelling.

It's like no one wants to hear what you're trying to say; clapping isn't going to change that.

Thats true for anyone

buncha dayum racists up in here yo


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It wasn't just drawing his gun. His response to the situation was completely different from the other officers on scene... From running around like a moron chasing the kis, to grabbing them by arms and heads to force them to the ground, to throwing the girl on the ground, to wretching her arm behind her back to make her get on her face, to pinning her down with his knees, to pulling the gun on the other two kids.... all of that was completely opposite of what the other officers were doing.

Some reports have the number of kids at over 100. What you see is a pack mentality from some of the young people and complete non-compliance. You don't know what the officer's demeanor was upon arriving. I've heard that the kids were asked to leave and they obviously didn't. I'm not defending that officer at the point he decides to draw his weapon. He lost it and that's over the top. But arresting a non-compliant person after failing to follow legal instructions is not going to be pretty and that's my issue with the whole thing.

I'm right here with this. Additionally, he gave the Grievance Industrial Complex yet still more ammunition.

Cops are human and as subject to human foibles as all of us. He screwed up. It just is what it is. Nobody was hurt or killed and this dude just needs to Man-Up and take a desk job after 10 years of the streets wearing him down.

Yes he did and I believe the cop resigned. But a situation where there are over 100 kids who won't leave when asked and 8 cops is bound to end badly. We're getting to the point where cops are will not aggressively police and people will become more and more confrontational with law enforcement officers.
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Some reports have the number of kids at over 100. What you see is a pack mentality from some of the young people and complete non-compliance. You don't know what the officer's demeanor was upon arriving. I've heard that the kids were asked to leave and they obviously didn't. I'm not defending that officer at the point he decides to draw his weapon. He lost it and that's over the top. But arresting a non-compliant person after failing to follow legal instructions is not going to be pretty and that's my issue with the whole thing.
The number of kids there has very little to do with how he chose to treat this one girl. So she was mouthing off walking away? So what? Oh your so insulted that she would dare talk back to you that you think it justifies throwing her to the ground, and then when she's on the ground, to basically pick her back up and throw her back down? Bullshit.

You can see all you need to see vis a vis this girl in this video. You can see her in the middle of the video crossing the street and walking back while the cop is running around... she's not causing any problems there. He re-engages the group of girls and escalates the situation. Then he tells her to get the fuck out, and she starts walking away. She mouths off and he goes after her. It's complete and total escalation from the cop. His actions aren't justified just because it's an intense situation. Cops are supposed to be trained to be better than this in these specific situations.

Which is why his boss... who probably has the most incentive to defend him... said his actions are indefensible.

Yes he did and I believe the cop resigned. But a situation where there are over 100 kids who won't leave when asked and 8 cops is bound to end badly. We're getting to the point where cops are will not aggressively police and people will become more and more confrontational with law enforcement officers.
Bound to end badly huh? Well it certainly didn't end badly for the kids who came in to contact with the other cops on the scene. So... no it's not really bound to end badly.


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The number of kids there has very little to do with how he chose to treat this one girl. So she was mouthing off walking away? So what? Oh your so insulted that she would dare talk back to you that you think it justifies throwing her to the ground, and then when she's on the ground, to basically pick her back up and throw her back down? Bullshit.

No one other than who was there knows what happened prior to the video in the this thread. The number of people at any scene and their conduct has everyting to do with it. The police were called to the scene after fights broke out and the "kids" were assaulting folks who lived in that community. People in that community, both black and white, are speaking up and defending the police and these folks have been threatened. The folks that escalated this incident are the young thugs that don't know how to act in public but we excuse their behavior bcause it's the politically correct thing to do because they're black.

Video Emerges of Violence at ‘Innocent Pool Party’ in McKinney, Texas

One resident, Benet Embry, a black man, posted on Facebook about the events leading up to the police call. “Look, I LIVE in this community and this ENTIRE incident is NOT racial at all,” Embry wrote. “A few THUGS spoiled a COMMUNITY event by fighting, jumping over fences into a PRIVATE pool, harassing and damaging property. Not EVERYTHING is about RACE. WE have other issues that NEED our attention other flights of made up make believe causes.”

In another post he is critical of media coverage of the incident. “I’ve never seen such irresponsible reporting and miss management of media resources in my life,” he said.

Another McKinney resident, Bryan Gestner, posted on Facebook, “This was a Twitter party that turned into a mob event. Jumping pool fence. Assaulting 2 security guards, attacking a mother with three little girls. The video doesn’t show everything.” He continued saying the kids were drinking and “smoking weed” and they would not listen to any of the adults around the pool.

“This isn’t about race,” he continued. “This is about outside kids invading our neighborhood and had no respect for authority or the residents here. I have a target on my back now and I have been threatened by these punks that they are gonna shoot up my house when all I did was try to control the mob and actually tended to the girl and the boy that had a bloody lip.”

“Yall don’t know the whole story,” Gestner continued. “I commend the officer for handling this situation.”

Gestner wrapped up his post alleging that these same kids came back into the neighborhood Saturday night. They were “kicking in people’s front door, stole a truck and crashed it into many vehicles. They vandalized dozens of cars and were stealing things.”

You can see all you need to see vis a vis this girl in this video.

Bull. You don't know what happened before the video started. Here's the video of one of the incidents that led to calling the police. You can hear some of the adults egging the girl on that's fighting one of the residents of the community. Yeah, a real peaceful party attended by fine upstanding community youth. Also, it's hard to tell because the video is short but I wonder if the girl in the video is the same one that was being arrested by the officer?


Which is why his boss... who probably has the most incentive to defend him... said his actions are indefensible.

His boss is a political appointee. He also has an incentive not to support the officers under difficult circumstances.

Bound to end badly huh? Well it certainly didn't end badly for the kids who came in to contact with the other cops on the scene. So... no it's not really bound to end badly.

It certainly did end badly. The reason that some of these kids weren't arrested is because of the media circus that was created and pimping the police vs black/racist angle.


High Plains Drifter
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I'm having a hard time understanding what you're arguing Dodger. One cop out of the number there, screwed up, pretty sure everyone agrees.

It happens, we accept it and deal with it, and move on.
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No one other than who was there knows what happened prior to the video in the this thread.
Agreed. So I judge Casebolt based on what's in the video... and you bend over backwards to try to defend him with stuff that occurred outside the video.

The number of people at any scene and their conduct has everyting to do with it. The police were called to the scene after fights broke out and the "kids" were assaulting folks who lived in that community. People in that community, both black and white, are speaking up and defending the police and these folks have been threatened.
There are black and white people who were at the scene who are speaking out against the officer as well. But even if I were to take every pro-cop account out there as factual and true, nothing I have heard from any of them justifies his reaction. And pretty much every cop I've heard speak about this has said the same thing.

Threats that have occurred after the fact really have nothing to do with it either. The officer's actions aren't justified in that moment because of what happens afterwards.

The folks that escalated this incident are the young thugs that don't know how to act in public but we excuse their behavior bcause it's the politically correct thing to do because they're black.
How do you know who escalated it? Were you there? No, you're just cherry-picking the accounts you want to support your conclusions. There are varying accounts from people of all races... How you divined exactly what happened with all the noise out there about this is beyond me... Nah, not really, this sentence tells me all I need to know about how you "know" exactly what happened.

Bull. You don't know what happened before the video started. Here's the video of one of the incidents that led to calling the police. You can hear some of the adults egging the girl on that's fighting one of the residents of the community. Yeah, a real peaceful party attended by fine upstanding community youth. Also, it's hard to tell because the video is short but I wonder if the girl in the video is the same one that was being arrested by the officer?
It's not the same girl... solid pink bikini bottoms and no tight braids. The girl who was assaulted had on yellow or neon green bottoms.

See, this is the problem. You assume that the girl started that fight. That video starts after it has already begun. There were witness accounts that the older woman hit one of the girls in the face to start it. But who started it doesn't even matter to me. You then assume that the girl was the same girl... look at the videos. If you even try to look at the fight video, you realize evry quickly it's not the same girl. I suspect you're going to claim that it doesn't matter if it's not the same girl... the scene justified the cop's actions. Bullshit. One girl getting in a fight doesn't justify whatever actions this cop takes to the rest of the girls there, short of pulling his firearm.

Plus, there's no evidence the cop saw that fight... And even if he heard about it, that's not WHY he took the girl down and assaulted her. If that were the case, in the long video, he would have done that right away. That's not what he did. He wasn't interested in doing anything to that specific girl until she talked back to him.

It's abundantly clear he just got his pride hurt and lashed out. That is exactly what you do not want cops doing... and to the other officers' credit, they acted properly. This cop didn't.

His boss is a political appointee. He also has an incentive not to support the officers under difficult circumstances.
Has anyone with the PD come out in support of Casebolt?

It certainly did end badly. The reason that some of these kids weren't arrested is because of the media circus that was created and pimping the police vs black/racist angle.
It only ended badly for the kids who had the unfortunate luck to have to deal with this renegade Starsky & Hutch wannabe. Just cause it DID end badly for those kids, doesn't mean it HAD to end badly for them. If it HAD to end badly for the kids because of this situation, then it would have happened to all of them.

The kids weren't arrested on the scene. That's before any of the "media circus" began, so that couldn't have been the reason.


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Agreed. So I judge Casebolt based on what's in the video... and you bend over backwards to try to defend him with stuff that occurred outside the video.

I'm not defending Casebolt and I stated earlier he should not have drawn his weapon. But I will defend the situation those officers were placed in and the race mongers want to come out of the woodwork. These fine young people did not comply with the police directing them to disperse/leave/go home. Either the police allow them to carry on without fear of legal action or the police act by making arrests. I prefer the latter.

There are black and white people who were at the scene who are speaking out against the officer as well. But even if I were to take every pro-cop account out there as factual and true, nothing I have heard from any of them justifies his reaction. And pretty much every cop I've heard speak about this has said the same thing.

Threats that have occurred after the fact really have nothing to do with it either. The officer's actions aren't justified in that moment because of what happens afterwards.

Who are these white people you speak of? The 15 year old who shot the video? Folks that live in that community and called the police are supporting the police. These citizens are both black and white.

See, this is the problem. You assume that the girl started that fight. That video starts after it has already begun. There were witness accounts that the older woman hit one of the girls in the face to start it. But who started it doesn't even matter to me. You then assume that the girl was the same girl... look at the videos. If you even try to look at the fight video, you realize evry quickly it's not the same girl. I suspect you're going to claim that it doesn't matter if it's not the same girl... the scene justified the cop's actions. Bullshit. One girl getting in a fight doesn't justify whatever actions this cop takes to the rest of the girls there, short of pulling his firearm.

I didn't assume anything. I simply asked a question. I played the video to give folks an idea of some of what happened that facilitated the local residents calling the police. Idiot adults egging the teen on in the fight with a lady who lives in the neighborhood instead of diffusing the situation. And short of pulling his firearm, I have no issue with an officer making someone compliant if they won't be.

Plus, there's no evidence the cop saw that fight... And even if he heard about it, that's not WHY he took the girl down and assaulted her. If that were the case, in the long video, he would have done that right away. That's not what he did. He wasn't interested in doing anything to that specific girl until she talked back to him.

What are you talking about? None of the cops had to see the fight. They were called by the local residents and if the kids would have left, nothing more would have come of it. I'll say it again....I have no issue with the police "making" someone compliant who doesn't want to follow simple legal instructions. At some point, any officer will stop asking these people to leave and take action. Quite frankly, that's what any normal person would expect the police to do.

Has anyone with the PD come out in support of Casebolt?

Why? So they commit career suicide and be called a racist? That's crazy. It's become a race issue and the folks that have come out to support the police are the folks that were affected the most and that's the people that live in that community, both black and white.


Super Moderator
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I'm having a hard time understanding what you're arguing Dodger. One cop out of the number there, screwed up, pretty sure everyone agrees.

It happens, we accept it and deal with it, and move on.

I have no issue accepting that the cop made a mistake mainly when he pulled his weapon. Sorry, I just don't see all this police brutality that some race mongers are screaming about. Act like responsible citizens and you'll get treated like responsible citizens.


High Plains Drifter
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Sorry, I just don't see all this police brutality that some race mongers are screaming about. Act like responsible citizens and you'll get treated like responsible citizens.
I don't believe it's any worse than it's been, it's just that it is being caught more with the proliferation of cameras and spread more widely and easily with use of social media.

I saw a stat recently from FBI crime statistics, there averages over a million police/civilian contacts nationwide, every week. Only a extremely tiny percentage of those result in violence of any kind either from the civilian or the officers.

The point isn't that it's rare, I definitely feel ya. The point is today's cops need to be mindful of the millions of cameras out there and assume their every action is being recorded, and act accordingly. If they can't wrap their mind around that they need a desk job or something.


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The point isn't that it's rare, I definitely feel ya. The point is today's cops need to be mindful of the millions of cameras out there and assume their every action is being recorded, and act accordingly. If they can't wrap their mind around that they need a desk job or something.

Without a doubt. But, on the flip side, folks need to understand it can be a dirty business. Placing someone under arrest, especially if that person doesn't want to be arrested, is not going to be pretty. If the accounts are accurate, the police asked folks to disperse and they didn't. They wanted to escalate the situation and challenge law and order. At some point, the police are going to act. The visual of the police arresting a minor is not pretty but it's not "brutal." The fact that the young lady is a teenager makes little difference. She could have left and she chose to stay. There will usually be consequences in that scenario.
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I guess they are lucky that they weren't in McKinney ....

Texas police shut down girls' lemonade stand, demand permit

Thursday, June 11, 2015 05:41AM
OVERTON, TX (KTRK) -- Police in Texas shut down a lemonade stand run by two little girls. They said it was illegal.

Andria and Zoey Green told ABC affiliate KLTV they were trying to raise about $100 for a Father's Day present. They wanted to take him to Splash Kingdom.

They had been selling lemonade and kettle corn for an hour - and made about $25 - when officers showed up and told them they need a $150 permit to sell their lemonade.

Texas House Bill 970, or the Texas Baker's Bill, does not allow the sale of food that needs time or temperature control to prevent it from spoiling. Since lemonade needs to be refrigerated to prevent bacteria growth, police said they needed an inspection from the health department and a permit to sell it.

"It is a lemonade stand, but they also have a permit that they are required to get," Overton Police Chief Clyde Carter said.

"I think that's ridiculous. I think they're 7 and 8, and they're just trying to make money for their own cause," said Sandi Evans, the girls' mother.

Ridiculous or not, Overton police said it's the law and they'll keep enforcing it.

"We have to follow by the state health guidelines," said Carter. "They have to have a permit if they're going to do the lemonade stands."

The sisters plan to try again this weekend. Instead of selling their lemonade, they'll give it away for free and accept donations.
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Splash Kingdom already gave them free tickets.

But still, it's ridiculous.

My sister was like 10 years old when the Oklahoma City bombing happened, and she got the idea to start going door-to-door asking for donations. Some suspicious neighbor called the cops and they came and grilled her making sure she was sending the money to OKC. 20 years ago I thought that was crazy... now I don't think it's so crazy. So many scammers are going door-to-door now, I hate even opening my front door to anyone I don't know.

But a lemonade stand is a little different. It's like a time-honored thing for kids to do.


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I guess they are lucky that they weren't in McKinney ....

Texas police shut down girls' lemonade stand, demand permit

Thursday, June 11, 2015 05:41AM
OVERTON, TX (KTRK) -- Police in Texas shut down a lemonade stand run by two little girls. They said it was illegal.

Andria and Zoey Green told ABC affiliate KLTV they were trying to raise about $100 for a Father's Day present. They wanted to take him to Splash Kingdom.

They had been selling lemonade and kettle corn for an hour - and made about $25 - when officers showed up and told them they need a $150 permit to sell their lemonade.

Texas House Bill 970, or the Texas Baker's Bill, does not allow the sale of food that needs time or temperature control to prevent it from spoiling. Since lemonade needs to be refrigerated to prevent bacteria growth, police said they needed an inspection from the health department and a permit to sell it.

"It is a lemonade stand, but they also have a permit that they are required to get," Overton Police Chief Clyde Carter said.

"I think that's ridiculous. I think they're 7 and 8, and they're just trying to make money for their own cause," said Sandi Evans, the girls' mother.

Ridiculous or not, Overton police said it's the law and they'll keep enforcing it.

"We have to follow by the state health guidelines," said Carter. "They have to have a permit if they're going to do the lemonade stands."

The sisters plan to try again this weekend. Instead of selling their lemonade, they'll give it away for free and accept donations.

This is the kind of shit that people should be outraged about.
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