I'm not one to bitch about the refs and how we're treated unfairly, but I'd like to see the stats on uncalled holding penalties around the league.
We get held all the damn time and a lot of them are right in the refs face and yet we get nothing.
I understand that calls get missed --- interesting as to how they are more missed with the Cowboys, but when they are right in front of you (refs)... that is a level of incompetence that cannot be brushed aside as mere incompetence.
People perform better when they know there are true consequences (see The Dallas Cowboys).
Ware and Church were both held. No call. Three plays later we get called for pass interference.
I'm not worried. I know nothing will get done about it.
I'll openly admit I think the refs have a bias against us.
I don't like making excuses for many things, but I will make an excuse there.
If Jerry wasn't so worried about selling merchanise and booking shows then maybe he could do something about it. He's a powerful man and these guys have other jobs. I'm talking about getting them fired from them. I'm dead serious. If not that, pull some strings to make their lives miserable. They have a business? Open one up and make their life hell. If they want to screw us over then fuck them.
Ware and Church were both held. No call. Three plays later we get called for pass interference.
I'm not worried. I know nothing will get done about it.
To be honest, this was far from being the worse no-call holding against Ware. The most blatant one I've seen was when two years back Trent Williams of the Redskins literally shoe-stringed tackled Ware right in front of TWO REFS and no call. Ware was livid, and I remember Gruden even commenting on that play as to how it is unbelievable as to how two refs can be in that vicinity and not "see" that. The cameras showed that both were looking at the tackle.