Another RB who is DONE.
I know I was just joking about his maturity level.
Schmitty. I didn't care for him at first, but over the year I was at the DCC I grew to really like the guy. Smart. He's in my top 10 as far as reads go.
Schmitty and MSCHMIDT are not the same person.
So whats up Cowpuke fans??? Not so tough now are you ??? BAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA soon to be 1-4. LMAO. Great Season girls. Tell Laz we said Hi. Also tell him he's a gay bitch for not showing back up on the ESPN board.
So whats up Cowpuke fans??? Not so tough now are you ??? BAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA soon to be 1-4. LMAO. Great Season girls. Tell Laz we said Hi. Also tell him he's a gay bitch for not showing back up on the ESPN board.
So whats up Cowpuke fans??? Not so tough now are you ??? BAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA soon to be 1-4. LMAO. Great Season girls. Tell Laz we said Hi. Also tell him he's a gay bitch for not showing back up on the ESPN board.
Attention Redskin fans:
While we welcome all of you here, please respect the fact that this is a Dallas Cowboy board. Laz hasn't dodged any of you as Middie mentioned. You guys are free to go at eachother, let's keep it mature. I don't want to hear about anyones sexual preferences.
Have at it.
They get me banned from over on ESPN, then they go and call me out and accuse me of hiding, and now they come over here stalking.!!!
Not so much as a chuckle at those guys right about now.
I would be ecstatic if I were a Redskin fan...but I'm not.