
Pro Bowler
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No need to go back anywhere. There are Christian terrorists all over the world at present. You don't know about them because they aren't as fun to focus on as muslims, apparently.


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No need to go back anywhere. There are Christian terrorists all over the world at present. You don't know about them because they aren't as fun to focus on as muslims, apparently.

Guessing the numbers arnt really comparable Bob


Pro Bowler
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No need to go back anywhere. There are Christian terrorists all over the world at present. You don't know about them because they aren't as fun to focus on as muslims, apparently.

You probably don't hear about them because they aren't blowing themselves up.


Pro Bowler
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Guessing the numbers arnt really comparable Bob

You have no idea, though.

How recently have we seen conflict in Northern Ireland? How recently have we seen abortion clinics blown up and doctors threatened? That's just a few things in western nations. Go to Guyana as a homosexual and see what happens. Not only do you have Kony and Co. acting as a Christian radical group, you have pastors visiting their from America and whipping them up into such a fervor that they propose the death penalty for gays. There are Christian terrorist groups in India who vow to eradicate Hindus.

And that's just current shit. We don't have to go back very far to see even worse.

The fact that you aren't paying attention to it because the media would rather focus on insane Muslims doesn't mean it isn't happening. We've marginalized Christianity in the west to the point where if someone tries to start a fringe group they are laughed at, but there are plenty of more zealous nations where they take that shit seriously.


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Radical Muslims are a far greater threat to the world than radical Christians.


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Radical Muslims are a far greater threat to the world than radical Christians.

I don't see the need to make that distinction. They're all a threat. Degree of threat doesn't really make me feel better about one group than the other and I think it's pathetic that Christians look down their noses at Islam. Not only is it pathetic, but it shows a complete ignorance of their own history and current state of their religion. Yeah, Islam sucks ass. Countries that have theocracies suck ass. That isn't stopping the Christian right from trying to turn this country into a theocracy though. It's just plain cluelessness at this point.


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All religions suck, but Islam is by far the worst.

How bad Christianity is makes no difference at all. I don't see why you brought it up.


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You have no idea, though.

How recently have we seen conflict in Northern Ireland? How recently have we seen abortion clinics blown up and doctors threatened? That's just a few things in western nations. Go to Guyana as a homosexual and see what happens. Not only do you have Kony and Co. acting as a Christian radical group, you have pastors visiting their from America and whipping them up into such a fervor that they propose the death penalty for gays. There are Christian terrorist groups in India who vow to eradicate Hindus.

And that's just current shit. We don't have to go back very far to see even worse.

The fact that you aren't paying attention to it because the media would rather focus on insane Muslims doesn't mean it isn't happening. We've marginalized Christianity in the west to the point where if someone tries to start a fringe group they are laughed at, but there are plenty of more zealous nations where they take that shit seriously.

The difference between terrorists organizations are between the fringe groups and those sanctioned by their governments. To say the Western world has marginalized Christianity in the context of comparing it to fringe groups in predominantly Hindu and Muslim countries is worthy of being mocked.

Despite all best efforts to re-write history, Western Civilization is based on Judeo - Christian ideology and the religious and non-religious have flourished greatly without acting like trogladytes. In the nations where no one flourishes, due to caste systems and government sanctioning of all out racism and persecution of the population is the fruit borne of less than civilized behaviours.

No Western government has sanctioned blasphemy laws, hanging gays from cranes and burning down Mosques with people praying inside. The same won't be said for Islamic nations. The 'Arab Spring' has gone a very long way in making sure it's daily way of life for their Christian populations.

I get that the hope to just get rid of Christianity all together is very strong, but let's not lie and exaggerate to get to where we want to be. It's very easy for an atheist to sit in the warm civilized confines of Judeo-Christian Western civilization and talk a big game, it's entirely another to go into the places that consist of a population looking to kill you for 'blasphemy'. When we see some Atheist missions to these places and the balls to tell a Muslim he's illogical for believing in God, I may start to be convinced that you people are firmly convinced of your stance. Until then it's all daddy shoes and big talk, hiding behind the real Father.


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You have no idea, though.

How recently have we seen conflict in Northern Ireland? How recently have we seen abortion clinics blown up and doctors threatened? That's just a few things in western nations. Go to Guyana as a homosexual and see what happens. Not only do you have Kony and Co. acting as a Christian radical group, you have pastors visiting their from America and whipping them up into such a fervor that they propose the death penalty for gays. There are Christian terrorist groups in India who vow to eradicate Hindus.

And that's just current shit. We don't have to go back very far to see even worse.

The fact that you aren't paying attention to it because the media would rather focus on insane Muslims doesn't mean it isn't happening. We've marginalized Christianity in the west to the point where if someone tries to start a fringe group they are laughed at, but there are plenty of more zealous nations where they take that shit seriously.
If you think the conflict in Ireland is based on religion, you are wrong. Ireland wants to govern their
entire country and I don't blame them.


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SP, are you really stupid enough to question that this country was built on a Judeo-Christian foundation? On second thought, yes you are. The atheist would be executed if this was an Islamic nation. I am sure that you buy into the notion that many of our founding fathers were atheist. This falsehood is being spread by the liberal media and even taught in colleges by liberal teachers. What they don't tell you is that these lies were started within the last few decades. These very founding fathers voted to fund Bibles for all school children. My fathers family was some of the first settlers at Jamestown. From the start, this has been a Christian nation. There was never a doubt about that at Jamestown or the settlements that came after. Only in recent decades have this country drifted toward the secular society that you want. These last few decades have also started the decline in this country. It is your right to be an atheist in this country, but there is no doubt that this is a Christian country.
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